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Everything posted by Faith-manor

  1. Carol is spot on! The coach has a lot of liability in this and the school would be on the hook financially because it is for school sponsored team so our district would not allow it. If the School district did not approve it ahead of the event, the coach would be fired immediately. Unfortunately, despite the illegality, many of our high school seniors drink alcohol. 1:00 am and driving is a bad, bad mix here for teens. Over the years we have had a lot of terrible car accidents with teens driving that time of night. This would be not only a very hard NO, but the fact that the coach planned this would cause me to pull my kid out of the sport. That kind of total lack of judgment makes me think this adult should not be in charge of minors. Trust your gut, SKL. It is nagging you for a reason!
  2. Ya, no joke. Wars have been fought over coffee! 😁
  3. I am so sorry, Heart! I hope you can get some sleep tonight, and that ds comes through okay.
  4. I just can't comprehend. Morals have gone entirely out the window. People like are sociopaths and should.be treated as such!
  5. Absolutely agreed! This is just horrific!
  6. This would be an apocalypse here! I just ordered two cans, and since we do like it thinned some with ground cacao beans to make a dark chocolate flavor, I am grinding up a couple of bags of beans, mixing it 3 parts coffee, 1 part cacao, and putting it in sealed containers in the freezer to keep it fresh.
  7. One thing that occurs to me is that they vaccinated rapidly and very early so waning immunity in the face of delta could possibly account for it. They may need to do boosters.
  8. It is a cultural norm in dominion/recontructionist religious groups here for girls. They marry straight out of high school so they can beginning having babies immediately and do not seek to pursue higher education or job training. But the boys are expected to wait much longer, receive trades training, work in the family business, even go to college for certain approved vocations and only at a limited number of approved conservative Christian colleges. So they marry in their late 20's, early 30's and have some money with which to establish a home. Locally, there had been a bit of a flap because a 33 year old guy courted a 15 year old girl who was married off to him when she turned 17 and her parents graduated her. She is now 26, had 6 children, and is pregnant with her 7th. Her body never gets a break, and though so young, she looks utterly worn out and way older than she actually is. This is celebrated as normal in their community of quiverfuls. Out breed the non Christians and in order to do that, take maximum advantage of starting out young but within the bounds of the law.
  9. Sadly, very sadly, agreeing. There will be many children and their care givers sacrificed to the political gods this year.
  10. 😢 It is very clear to me that this country decided for the sake of status quo and political posturing to throw children under the bus.
  11. Hey now woman, don't mess with them about the Viagra! That's sacred. 😂
  12. Two scents I would not buy, roast beef, and rhubarb pie. Let's just say I would find Dh's attention exhausting! 😁
  13. I am not sure if that is the exact group. However, if you Google education Amish and sex abuse Amish, you find a frightening number of investigative news articles, many out of Lancaster, PA, Lehman/Millersburg area of Ohio, Wisconsin, and Minnesota too. It is more widespread in Amish life than many think it is. I don't think they are set apart because when they have weddings, vans from Ohio come pouring in. Apparently, they are quite willing to pay for an "English" to rent a van and charge per seat for transport. For what it is worth, when dh had a brief stint of employment in northern Indiana, we lived near Goshen college, north of Shipshewana. The Amish community there allowed radios in buggies, trolling motors on fishing boats, and few other fun things in order to try to keep their young people in the community. We saw some things that made us go 🤔. They did not appear to be as strict, but when dealing first hand we saw the effects of poor education, and that was back in 1989. I knew a bunch of the faculty at the college and they made no secret of what they thought about Amish education, and were already quite open about the rampant animal and child abuse. They have a way they are when everyone is looking, just like a lot of humans, and a way they are behind closed doors. I don't think they are any different from any other cult. Isolation, lack of accountability, extreme religion above rationality, and standard human nature means corruption. Same old same old. I don't like the gallows humor around the accidents. I am sick to freaking death of children suffering and dying for the folly of their parents' cult beliefs. It is actually illegal in my township for anyone to ride a horse on public roads because of the danger. But damn it! They go out in those their carriages with whole families, after dark, no lights, and often times running stop signs because on unlighted roads and no headlights, they lose sight of the signs themselves. The buggy is no match for the pick up trucks everyone drives around here, and a whole lot of the time, the driver of the vehicle is NOT at fault in the accident, but can get very hurt or killed as well because hitting a horse makes hitting a deer seem like nothing! But I do get why some people engage in that humor because the anger, tension, and frustration is real, and sometimes people vent steam that way. Just not my cup o tea.
  14. Oh my. The Haitian people just cannot catch a break! This is awful. Going to go see if Docs Without Borders is sending personnel. They are my go to NGO for donating. But I will definitely look up M.A.T.H.
  15. If he isn't going to homeschool permanently and just trying to make the best of it for this season of covid, CLE math and English might do and would be easy to implement if he is willing to ignore the Anabaptist emphasis, and then Khan Academy videos for a variety of topics and supplementation, Magic School Bus, PBS, literature, and just reading aloud if willing, like handing him Story of the World Volume one without the activity book, and just encourage nephew to read, read, read. PS is going to be a bit of a crapshoot because last year was epically awful, and this year is not off to an auspicious beginning, so basic math and LA with lots of interesting videos and good books might just suffice for now.
  16. Nailed it Bill!!!!!😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
  17. It is harder here. The written test and fees, and the driver has to either take driver's education which has a book class that meets for many, many hours, or wait until after the age of 18, and take the written exam then get a driving permit, drive for a minimum of 30 days with another licensed driver, and then take the road exam which is $85 and easy to fail the first time. You have to provide your own vehicle, which is examined by the instructor and can be rejected if they think it is unsafe or just not in good enough working order for a variety of reasons, and proof of insurance which is NOT cheap in Michigan which is a no fault state and the highest cost of auto insurance in all 50 states. The barriers to getting that insurance are not small, and if 18 and over, requires a lot to documents of citizenship to obtain, birth certificate plus state ID or passport which they do not possess, plus proof of state residence which is not just any mail, but limited to doctor or hospital bills to that residence, utility bill, and bank statements, or high school diploma, and a social security number which the local Amish parents do not get for their children. The Amish here birth at home so most of the young adults do not have birth certificates. It pretty much knocks them out of the work force among secular employers and makes them undocumented which means very low wages, poor pay, no protections, and still trying to get jobs against people who know how to drive amongst many other things they do not know. COL in terms of rent is low. But auto insurance, renters insurance, and transportation costs are very high. So when they leave the community/run away, they don't have resources, and they also do not have the community of other undocumented workers to help them get going. They have no documents and no means to obtain them because they might be citizens, but no registered birth, and no parents willing to go on record because they have shunned their kid. Social services refuses to help them. They have enough on their hands without trying to figure out how to help Amish deconverters. They have no natural contacts with other renters who might take them on as roommates, and no credit rating. Here, there is literally not one thing for rent anymore that isn't a lease with credit checks, proof of bank account balances, etc. It would probably be easier for them to go to college and live in dorms except they aren't eligible for aid because they don't exist on paper in any country, couldn't pass an entrance exam, and still have to figure out how navigate a crazy complex system with zero exposure. There is a reason the young men don't leave. They can't. It is abuse, plain and simple. And eerily similar to the sovereign citizen movement that tries to keep their kids from being documented and without resources so they cannot leave.
  18. Well the only other thing I can think of won't work for your eye, at least I wouldn't got this route, but might work for your hands. Plunge them in vodka and soak for a little bit. Apparently a good proof alcohol performs well.
  19. How about coffee? If shampoo smelled like Latte, I would buy it? If hand lotion smelled like a good cacao bean, I would probably smell my hands all day long!
  20. Zucchini, on a limited basis which is mixed with other veggies, herbed up a bunch, and roasted, is it for me. I simply do not like squash. My husband loves it and thinks it is a texture thing for me.
  21. No, the issue here is that farming is largely now huge corporate, high tech style farming. Family farms are pretty well gone. Everything is high tech. Automatic systems that have to be programmed, computers in barns, dairy operations milk massive herds, automated and run by techie people. Immigrants only do seasonal work that is low paid, picking fruit, hoeing. Amish and Old Order Mennonites are very poorly educated, and especially the Amish, only just functionally literate in English. Without more education, which no corporate farm is willing to provide, there isn't a basis for training them for the technology. They also have almost no background in heavy machinery, and haven't driven cars, can't remain Amish and study for and get a driver's license, so no one is willing to take the risk of training them to drive machines and vehicles on these farms. Dairy herds are managed by firemen, assistant foremen, and a crew of knowledgeable people, usually former 4H and FFA students with extensive experience as well as college classes, associates degree in agriculture, and he's in agriculture. There is some work for those who are poorly educated or very backward socially in a high tech environment, but again too low paid for anyone to survive on at least trying to live year round in a place where a heating bill can be upwards of $500 a month not to mention electric, the required internet for shift schedule posting, cell phone, and transportation. So we do some Amish young men working off their family farms hoeing, fruit harvest, weeding gardens for folks, etc. But agriculture has come a long way, and frankly, immigrant workers here have some relevant experience in corporate farm culture, and regardless of whether or not they have legal licenses, can drive heavy machinery, and often have quite a bit of experience with mechanical/small/large engine repair which useful. That is something the local Amish do not have. Again, we are also talking about a community that is extremely insular so what young men are exposed to is so limited, that fitting in and working well in a high tech secular environment is a huge barrier. Combined with the lack of numeracy and literacy that would make it possible for them to be quickly trained to enter data into computers, program milking equipment, use computerized machinery, make nutritional supplement calculations (they have almost no knowledge of the metric system, but the immigrants tend to be well versed in both Imperial and Metrics), they are not considered a good bet for employment, and the worry is that even if one took the risk, the environment would overwhelm the job candidate, and he would run back home to mama and papa which has happened on many an occasion. Waste of time and training dollars foe the farm operation. The local farming operations are too many generations of applicable knowledge and technology from the strict Amish and Mennonite farms to make young men, and combined with poor education, it is more than the farm owners/companies are willing to bear. The family farm is going extinct. Some are hobby farms, the kids raising animals for 4H and keeping horses, parents working off farm in jobs with benefits. But, the huge, bureaucratic farm is the norm now, thousands of acres, massive herds, or just huge cash crop farms with very, very, very few personnel, mostly seasonal. These places have blanket hiring requirements for anything that pays over $9.00 an hour, high school diploma (most do not accept the GED) is the starting point, driver's license, and proof of transportation next.
  22. I feel your pain. We bought a multi generational, handicap accessible absolutely wonderful retirement house, we just have to convince the mothers to go. If they don't, they will end up in nursing homes alone. We cannot stay here, cannot realistically continue to take care of three homes and yards, and physically assist/care for them. We reached the breaking point which is why we are trying to find reliable lawn care people and a handyman, and making them pay for it. My mom is beginning to.show signs of embracing the idea of leaving her, not very good I might add totally yuck house, and go, but Mark's mom has dug her heels in. She may end up dying alone in that house unless she does get diagnosed with a dementia bad enough for his power of attorney to overrule her.
  23. Boy am I taking notes!!! The new place has a deck that is 10x90 so I have space to burn, and no idea how to handle Bama weather!
  24. Hmmm. Maybe you could get one of those huge, Rubbermaid, water proof outdoor storage unit thingies, drill a hole for the cords and then think of a way to seal around the cords, caulk or insulation or something, then just open the doors and voila "entertainment center". But I have no idea if that would work.
  25. Wait! To me "make baguette" means buy a baguette, cut it open, spread butter but in oven and toast. People make these things from a recipe? Oy vey!!!! (Faith faints dead away) 😱
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