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Everything posted by Faith-manor

  1. Here is a thought. If another child became seriously ill or died from being exposed to this child, is there room for a civil suit? Genetic sequencing in New Zealand has allowed them to trace outbreaks to the carrier and pinpoint exposure. So many people do not give a damn about human life, but they do cate about the wallets. Maybe if there was room to sue for damages, they would think twice about sending covid positive kids to school.
  2. These human life forms who are clearly uncivilized are the reason the US is going to hell in a handbasket.
  3. QFT! I can handle watching kids romp around and play winter sports but only if I have caffeine. Being in caffeinated is my Kryptonite!!!! ☕ Of course this 🍸has been known to help as well. 😂
  4. Can I ask which commandment? In the O.T., virginity at marriage was required of females, but not males, and male infidelity was sanctioned so long as it was not with another man's wife. Apart from Paul saying something about marrying for the sake of passion while not expounding really on the topic and how god's view might have changed since the O.T., I am not sure what commandment you are referring to. That said, there are a host of actual commandments Christians do not adhere to so I am not sure why what is being referenced. It is confusing. In the Song of Soloman, there is no indication that the sexually active couple was engaged much less married.
  5. They will have a benefit from it not just for mitigating covid spread. Last year, for the first time in decades, our county elementary schools did not have to close down for influenza spreading like wildfire among students and staff, nor the annual, 1/4 of the class has strep or tonsillitis mess. Several teacher friends said they loved not being sick all winter with the usual round robin of viruses and bacteria. Pneumonia among non-covid folks was at a record low. I had decided that even if the pandemic waned and abated, I was still going to wear my mask in public places this winter. I enjoyed not having respiratory gunk and sore throats last winter. It was a nice change from the usual Michigan winter yucks.
  6. Probably staffing. Our dear friend who is a doctor in Chicago says nurses are quitting, lots of them. They have had enough. Our niece in law, an EKG and lab tech just quit the medical profession. She has absolutely loved human medicine, but being spit on by anti-vaxers and anti-maskers in the parking lot of her clinic and a death threat for volunteering at a vaccine clinic pushed her over the edge. She is taking a break and using some savings so she can decompress, and then is considering veterinary school instead of working her way to finish her BSRN. I am so glad we left 4H, retired from the rocket team after the 2019/20 season ended. I think this country is headed to a world of hurting it never imagined because of these kinds of people and the evil they follow. We are going to lose HCW's, teachers, retail workers, childcare workers, and volunteers in droves. My sister says they are having a lot of trouble in France because Q Anon has a big following there, especially in Paris, lots of similar crazy. Ugh!
  7. Our 4H liability insurance would not cover us driving a vehicle alone with a minor. All parents had to sign off on transportation. So at the beginning of each season of rocket team, we had each parent sign a transportation permission slip that covered the season with beginning and ending dates. We could not transport a minor until those were filed with the extension office. Each vehicle had two adults no exceptions. Most schools in our area also have a no students driving other unrelated students to and from a school authorized activity. So students cannot carpool to school in order to prevent violation of the law on minors driving as well as not having students in charge of other students in vehicles. Saves a lot of grief. Hazing and initiation are forbidden. Coaches and teachers can have a simple, welcome party with or activities at the school if it is pre-approved by the administration and has the proper number of school sanctioned chaperones. Violations are quite unwise. I am not sure what this coach is thinking, common sense out the door.
  8. Yes, he is rabidly against any precautions. He also has had a booster shot, something not available to the rest of the public yet, and though asymptomatic, has been given regeneron antibody treatment, something also rationed among the general public and very costly. Dh's brother couldn't get regeneron just a couple of months ago when he had, and he spent many, many hours in the ER. So the p.o.s. governor gets the primo, sucks to be serfs, Lord of the Land treatment while not even in danger, while others die who can't get it because no hospital beds. I would like to volunteer him for a one way trip to Mars.
  9. I agree. Michigan will be largely outdoor fun until after Labor Day, and then bam. We did really well last summers and then numbers began climbing in September, went bananas in October, and partial shut down in November. Now there won't be any kind of reining it in because the governor was stripped of emergency powers because our p.o.s. state legislature does not give a frick. They are a bunch of sociopaths!
  10. Well, I guess I am just going to come out and say it. His staff appears to be walking brain stems. Higher function is just not happening. It is like an episode of Walking Dead!
  11. I have words. Unfortunately, none of them are fit for typing here. 😠
  12. Awwwww, that is very special! Good on you for loving that boy so much!
  13. Yup! In my wildest dreams, I could not come up with this sh$t! As for Duchey, I kind of thought, maybe DeathSantis was the rock bottom low. But, never underestimate the players in a game of limbo!
  14. Agreed. It isn't the sex, it is all the other stuff that occurred, the fighting, many times betrayal, lack of trust, abuse, etc. that causes the animosity.
  15. So yes, the local purity groups think of sex as p.i.v., and everything else as naughty if done heterosexuality but not "as bad". So the idea is don't do the other stuff because it could lead to the big bad thing, but if doesn't lead to the bad thing, then you did some naughty but still a virgin so we will have a fit and punish you, but then all is good. Sigh. I just can't wrap my head around how they think! As for homosexuality, they don't really seem to give virginity itself much thought because they consider that to be the ultimate bad. And to be honest, when I have talked with purity ball people in the past, they seem to be profoundly naive. They can't see that there is something seriously creepy about having " weddings to daddy" and pledging virginity to daddy, and being so crazy about virginity, particularly female virginity. They seem under educated about biology and health, unaware of an awful lot of issues surrounding sexuality. So I kind of think that they maybe do not know very much about anything besides the above. This applies to the purity ball/ultra extreme like the Duggar and similar folks. There are a ton of these folks in my part of the region.
  16. I know that what I was pointing out is that it is an incorrect assumption that being unmarried or being a young adult or teen automatically means A. There is no privacy B. That it is not fun or sexy unless there is perfect privacy. C. That vulnerability is required in order to relax. Only in modern times has sex even had the aura of privacy, and by modern, I mean mid-20th century to now. Prior to that, unless wealthy, many families lived in tiny houses with no privacy of any kind, parents could be hears if not seen as well. It was "normal". One room log cabins, tents, sod houses, dormitory style housing with beds every few feet, etc. So in addition to privacy not having always been a thing, there are a lot of folks who don't give much worry to being " caught" because being caught implies they would feel guilty/embarassed about engaging in sex which isn't necessarily the case for a lot of people. For you, you need it. Fine. But it isn't abnormal for others to not be quite so concerned. And a lot of teens and young adults do have privacy.
  17. In Michigan, 16 and 17 year olds cannot drive after 10 pm unless going to or from a job, cannot have more than one other passenger under 21 in the car unless accompanied by a parent or guardian, and has to be level 2 licensed and not level 1. So this would be against the law here unless the girls driving were 18 or older.
  18. Hmmmm....I think some people are not particularly tense about it. I personally was relaxed without feeling vulnerable or worried about risk, and we didn't have sex where there was an issue of being "caught". Not everyone has sex in the conditions you describe. Dh and I were on our own before we were even dating, is by the time we dated, had privacy. He had an apartment and private bedroom, I had no roommates in my dorm room, he had a car, and if we wanted to really be away from others, he would get a hotel room or a campsite. It wasn't tense sex. I think people just have different experiences. I would not have been keen on it if we did not have privacy. As for teens, I know a ton of them that are on their own most of the time after school, and an awful lot during the evening and on weekends, parents not around. I would imagine I'd they are sexually active, they don't really fear being walked in on.
  19. This. Guns, unsecured, all over the place in my area. Scary, scary, scary
  20. Well, I guess if you define sex as only piv. I have a feeling a lot of young adults and teens engage in other, well, methods.(Trying not to be graphic given we don't want to alert the interest of the wrong kicks of websites and people.)
  21. We were pretty convinced that prior to adulthood, it was less than ideal though not the end of the universe. Our kids had a ton of pursuits, 4H, rocketry, dual enrollment, chess club, hiking, skiing, and kayaking so they actually just were too busy to date, and that was nice. It wasn't an issue. Once adults, we just never figured it was not appropriate for us to have a say. We were super open about sex from preteens forward, talked a lot about STI's, unwanted pregnancy, relationships, etc. They seemed to get the message about taking care. Religious fundamentalism abounded here, but we were the odd family out. My parents were freaks about it because my brother got his high school girlfriend pregnant senior year. Ya, he didn't make a good.choice. but potentially the entire lack of parental guidance had a big claim to blame. My mother NEVER talked about any of it as we approached puberty. (I got my period when I was 11 and had to ask the school nurse about it, and the sum total of what my brother got was, "Do you know why we are taking our boy dog to see the girl dog?" from my father. To which he replied, "Duh!" And so my dad left it at that. Sigh. We were way more concerned about drugs, alcoholism, driving with a bunch of other teens, etc. Safety.
  22. Thank you for posting this! My mother in law, and one of my sons had JnJ because that was all that was available at the time they thought to be vaxed. Maybe I can breathe a little today.
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