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Everything posted by bibiche

  1. Now, now! You can’t tell us you bought two new DA roses and not say which!
  2. That sounds about like my gardening style. I’ve been intrigued by Ispahan for some time. It’s very fragrant, no, if it’s the one I’m thinking of. And if it does well with a no-spray regime it sounds like my kind of rose. Thanks.
  3. I would say either go with a belted style or have a tailor take it in.
  4. Terabith, did you steal your neighbor’s cat?
  5. Me too! I’m glad you said it because I was too shy to do so. It’s lovely and has such pleasing proportions. I’m quite envious. I’d walk around that house naked any day. 😉
  6. During the day, mostly, though I’ve probably given a delivery man a shock once or twice. At night, when the rooms are illuminated, I have to draw the blinds. I draw the blinds anyway, because I dislike the idea of being seen by someone I can’t see back.
  7. We started using a grease pencil with initial or name to get a handle on this. Also had some talks about loving one’s Mother Earth and conserving resources.
  8. I’m very sorry for your loss. I’m glad your MIL’s passing was peaceful and that your daughter had the opportunity to say goodbye. 💗
  9. I would let them decide and if they’re on the fence encourage them to go.
  10. https://www.rubiomonocoatusa.com/pages/food-contact-compliance?_pos=1&_sid=0be290163&_ss=r I’ve never heard of treating with coconut oil. Tung oil, yes.
  11. Yeah, but the thing is none of these people are changing their minds. Why continue to coddle them? I happen to agree with Bill - coddling doesn’t help, so why not tell it straight? It’s frustrating when you’ve seen people get sick and die through no fault of their own when a bunch of selfish people can’t be bothered to get vaxed or even wear a mask to try to stop the spread of disease.
  12. I know three people who were morbidly obese and lost weight down to their desired BMI simply by walking every day. They all invested in treadmills and walked between 30 and 60 minutes per day. Do you have room for a treadmill? It doesn’t have to be a crazy expensive one if you’re only using it for walking.
  13. Yup, I wouldn’t stop wearing masks either. Certainly your kids would be safer if the other kids wore masks, but their own masks offer protection too.
  14. Congratulations !!! What great news. I wish you much happiness in your new home.
  15. For the bookmarks, you don’t want them thick or they’ll deform the book. I doubt you need another layer of interfacing. Are you using a particular tutorial for the pumpkin? There are tons of them out there. If you’re not happy with this one, maybe try another.
  16. What great news! Congratulations, Katie and family!!
  17. I don’t think it can hurt, but you should still try not to get too invested. I was talking to a neighbor who sold his house and he told me that he got a letter from a really nice couple but he also got a no contingencies offer for $200k over asking. He liked the couple, but went with the better offer. It’s tough out there! Don’t daydream about a house until it’s yours. 🤞
  18. My nephew received this subscription and really enjoyed it. I don’t know if you can customize it, but I imagine you can. He likes it because he gets to try foods from countries that he might not otherwise have access to. https://yummybazaar.com/products/shoguntempcb34240d
  19. You want broad spectrum rather than full spectrum. The latter will show up on a drug test. The broad spectrum gummies definitely taste like you’re chewing weed though. The tinctures, while flavored, do not have the weedy flavor. And while broad spectrum shouldn’t ping positive, there’s always a remote possibility that it could. There are nationwide stores that should be reputable and that have websites that should explain how it all works and have lab reports. The largest chain is called Your CBD Store. ETA here’s a little primer: https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/cbd-isolate-vs-full-spectrum-cbd#full-spectrum-cbd-benefits
  20. At the risk of being detrimental and ugly…. Sigh. Oh never mind.
  21. Yeah, that would certainly have me withdrawing my child and asking for a refund. Not what you signed up for and clearly not a good fit for your student.
  22. Many therapists think that this age group is the one most negatively impacted by the pandemic. Maybe he needs something to change his ideas, get outside of himself. Can you pack him off to Outward Bound or something similar? It ain’t Haiti, but it might to the trick.
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