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Everything posted by nov05mama

  1. :iagree: Or list it on PaperBackSwap or something like that...Or like a PP mentioned, offer it for free but ask for shipping if it needs to be mailed.
  2. Interesting...I think the deciding factor for us will remain the price point...The skip-counting is a bit odd, but I doubt DS would be that miffed by it...we may even just skip Chapter 2 if need be...
  3. DS saw the commercial for it again this year and decided he wanted to enter...here's a slideshow of his entry :P
  4. Yah, I agree with the PP's...we've never used the teachers guides for the books...they are pretty self explanatory. Like a PP mentioned, there's the occasional picture I have to help him figure out, but otherwise it's open and go from the student book.
  5. Thanks SO much everyone!! This is extremely helpful!!
  6. If you used (or currently use) SOTW (any volume), do you: A) follow a specific schedule and change the order around (for example, like with History Odyssey) OR B) do you just open-and-go and do each chapter in order?
  7. :lurk5: We will be starting SOTW 1 in July, so I am definitely interested in responses!
  8. Tonight's episode was SOOOOOOOO good...I really REALLY love this show :D
  9. I am SO ready for it to be out already...DS will be starting Singapore 3A/3B soon and I am hoping it will work right along side it.
  10. :iagree: We are just finishing up 1st Grade and I am still struggling with finding that balance.
  11. For now, they are boxed away with the materials from last year...I am thinking that I will keep a year's worth of 'work' just for recording/accountability purposes and then toss it when I am ready to file the next year. I will keep our attendance records and a few favorites from each year, but otherwise I will toss it...if I can bring myself to do so ;)
  12. This one?? http://runofthemillfamily.blogspot.com/p/story-of-world-resources-for-volume-one.html The first link under the "featured" links... ETA: There's also this link on the same list above...it's the Sonlight books organized by SOTW chapters... http://homescool-ed.blogspot.com/2007/04/sonlight-books-arranged-by-well-trained.html
  13. Well, I shouldn't say *NEVER* get to, b/c we do get to them a good bit, BUT, I really wish we got to them REGULARLY... Expedition Earth REAL Science Odyssey World's Greatest Artists Even though I have them scheduled alongside everything else, they still seem to get 'missed' more often than I would like. My fear is that the same thing will happen with SOTW when we start it in July :(
  14. This year I had everything planned out in a regular lesson plan book by subject, and while it was organized by "day of the week", we typically just did them in order even if we missed a day (so occasionally we were doing Monday work on a Tuesday, etc). Each week, I would enter our completed work into HST+ so I had a more "permanent" record of everything and it was much more organized...backwards method, but organized :lol: For our 2nd grade year (starting in July), I am already planning everything out in HST+ and am already loving it...My only fear is getting behind by a day or two and messing things up...I am hoping it works out well though b/c it will be SO much easier to log in at the end of the week and just click the DONE box on each day than actually enter everything in all the time ;)
  15. :iagree: This is the same for my 6 year old. He typically is "required" to do about 15-30 minutes (but honestly, he does it happily, so it's not much of a 'requirement'...). He's also allowed to read in bed even after 'bedtime', but I don't ever count that time into the mix b/c I am not sure how long he ends up reading...half the time I find him asleep with a book in his face :lol:
  16. Ditto!! I can't wait for it to come out! I got the email and voted today as well...and I opted for the 2 book option...less is more IMO!
  17. :iagree: DS has been using WWW and GWG (both Level 1) and we are both still enjoying them. I like the overall organization of it and the flow. The short lessons are great and the gradual lesson progression helps with overall retention. So far, at least for DS, the gradual lessons haven't bothered him. I know, with math, he will get annoyed if we are on certain topics for too long, but so far, there hasn't been any complaint about WWW or GWG. He loves doing them each day!
  18. :iagree: This exactly!! DS is loving GWG and WWW b/c they are so quick and easy. I love the gradual progression and review...it's JUST the right amount.
  19. I haven't really given it a shot yet. I started with the IQRA one and we did OK with it for a while, but I am still a bit underwhelmed with it too...and I am not sure that the Iqbal one is going to be any "better". I am thinking about just trying Unit Studies and pulling from each book when I do them...DS and I do much better with Unit Studies for History it seems...so we will see ;) Thank you for the additional link...I will have to check them out!
  20. I use Goodreads for DS...similar to LibraryThing. It works perfectly and it's super easy! I have different categories as well!
  21. Ditto. Planning to do so again soon :) I have been meaning to read it straight through, but up until now, I've mostly just read certain sections, not cover to cover. I ended up voting "no" since I haven't "read it" read it, but I suppose it would be a yes in this instance, so the poll is off by one ;)
  22. I have had to do the same for my DS. He would finish an entire LoF book in one day if I allowed it. As it is, I try to limit it to 1-2 chapters a week, just so we spread it out a little. We are in Butterflies at the moment and will likely get through at least Cats before the school year is over, if not Dogs as well.
  23. :iagree: I am the same way with Grimm...I like it as well, but it's a bit graphic...and I too, love Criminal Minds, Bones & even CSI, lol!
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