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Everything posted by Once

  1. Yes, he looks like he had an appointment with Anne Geddes. :001_wub: Congratulations to all of you!!!
  2. Well you have company with that one cause I do the same thing. Maybe it's their style. I also confuse Astrid with Mom to Ally...I think because Astrid use to be Molly's Mom. There's alway the obvious - Mamagistra and Magistra. You know I have a confession to make. I though all of you guys knew each other and had park days and such. I had images of you having family vacations together! I am amazed that some you wonderful people are as confused as I am. I do not feel like such an outsider now. :blushing:
  3. A few bags of chips and cheezies for the kids. Maybe some hand wipes for after the donkey. Oh, this is fun. I just love planning parties! :D
  4. Paper plates napkins disposable cups utensils ? Flowers or decorations pooper scooper for the donkey ;) You can do this!
  5. Api I'm hearing you. I'm having one of those days too and trying hard not to let it get to me. In fact I just layed into a good friend that I know votes diffferently than I would (if I could). Gotta go apologize for it now. Although I am a Christian, many of your pet peeves bug me as well. So, feel better. We are not a uniform group and we do not all feel the same about things. Although some of these memories will remain for a long time, I am sure we will get back to some sort of normal when the elections pass. Take heart. This too will pass. :001_smile:
  6. I have never been a member of any church I have attended, driven slower than the speed limit, or posted my mind on a single political thread on this board. ;) And if you knew me in real life you would know what a significant statement this is. :svengo:
  7. :iagree: The consequences need to be right away not later in the day after they are finished school. :grouphug: to you. I have been there and it is never fun....but gentle teaching of expectations will get you where you want to be.
  8. What candy is to a child. What a lake is to a fisherman. What fresh air is to a coalminer. :001_smile:
  9. Heart of Dakota has two a smidge older than a first grader but still very doable. One is an event overview (Beyond Little Hearts for His Glory) and the other is biographical (Bigger Hearts for His Glory). Both are very affordable. I am doing the Beyond with my first grader and he is loving it.
  10. :crying: It was unbelieveable! I'm afraid I would be running the other way. Thanks for posting this!
  11. The Mennyms series has been a hit around here. Dd has read them all several times. I have not read them myself but the reviews on Amazon seem positive.
  12. That is quite rude. If I had been thinking fast enough I would have said it was sold until the clock was a more decent hour, then sold it to the first person who waited until it was appropriate to call. Just to reward them...of course everyone would be none the wiser. But, that is just me feeling spiteful today. Maybe *I* need to go back to bed. :leaving:
  13. Well, there you go. I learned something new today. :)
  14. I do two. It is funny since dh and I were just "discussing" this. He swore that they only required one now but I could not believe it. Why reinvent the wheel? I must be getting old.....
  15. Lamb patties and mashed potatoes. I'm short of veggies today so it will be frozen corn. We had a late snack so I'm going slow.
  16. :iagree: To the OP, I think you did the right thing. Although, I know it was not easy...I had a similar situation several months ago. It was very painful but neccessary. I am the "poor" one in my family but only unhappy when others use their money and possessions as a weapon against me. I am sorry for your loss and sorry that this situation has to be dealt with on top of everything else. :grouphug:
  17. Here I was rolling my eyes thinking....mmm....investment advice over the internet....nope. :lol: FedUp made me LOL! Thanks!
  18. Praying for all of you. Hoping it all goes well! :grouphug:
  19. We have had Korean students that often do not capitalize "I" in English or proper nouns. So, I am thinking that they do not have a similar concept in Korean. Very interesting question.
  20. I have to admit, I would be more likely to jump in with my younger kids if it continued through. I once heard great advice from a seasoned hs mom that said jumping from curr to curr was a big stress on a child and was to be avoided if possible. I am inclined to skip around looking for the perfect curr and once I find it I. want. to. stay. put! But I am considering it for ds later this year. :001_rolleyes: I will never learn.
  21. I try to make extras to have for leftovers. When we have a lot, I package up three of four meals for him and freeze them. I do not freeze things with potatoes and mushrooms. Then all he needs to do is go through the freezer for something he wants to eat that day (they are all on one shelf, mostly). It stays cold and is ready to microwave by his late lunchtime. If he has a favorite meal, I would make up a large quantity and it can sit there in the freezer to be used when you are out of all other options. Then he chooses a piece of fruit and pours a drink in a reuseable bottle and is gone. He has given up cookies but he use to take the whole bag and portion it out at work. His other favorite is an individual portion of yogurt for breakfast. I do not have luck with lunch meat and sandwiches. Dh does not think well in the morning so he never actually made them. It is a great way to save money so don't give up! It is worth it once you get in the groove.
  22. mmmm....I shoulda voted no. I messaged the mods about something totally unrelated to an offensive thread. Gee maybe I should go to bed.:001_huh:
  23. :lol::lol: Are you sure this won't be deleted?! :D
  24. No you are not, but I feel that way sometimes too. Either that or nobody knows anything about modern day Greece. :001_huh:
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