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Everything posted by pehp

  1. Strangely enough the thought occurred to me on the way to church a few days ago. (I haven't been back to this thread since I posted it--because our week was packed.) I already know several members and we are pretty well-known in our county, so it's not outside the realm of possibility. I probably would not even consider it until my children are older, though--maybe in 5-10 years. For now I am planning to start attending meetings to get a feel for what's happening. I read the local paper with interest each week and talk to teachers/parents, but I'd like to get a little more involved.
  2. Thank you! On the way to church the other day I decided to start attending the school board's meetings, just to learn more.
  3. This is what I haven't seen, at least not personally. The teachers, parents, and administrators that I know are almost all dissatisfied with the plight of the public schools. But I do appreciate the long view! You are right that seeing what a good education is will enable them to see what's lacking, and perhaps over time this will lead to a larger societal change.
  4. You are right, it's not your job. I have changed the title of the post from "we" to "I" to be sure that anyone who is not interested doesn't feel obligated to respond to the "we" I initially included.
  5. This question is weighing heavily on my mind these days. I initially decided to homeschool our children because it just sounded like fun--not being chained to a school schedule....not being told what to learn and when....it was a good fit for my independent streak. And we continue to homeschool because it seems to be working out so well. I truly enjoy the lifestyle we've developed. But I'm a supporter of public schools. I believe that all children are entitled to a quality education, as well as to an environment where they can develop social skills, problem-solving skills, creativity, etc. I come from a long line of public school teachers (my mother...my great-grandmother...aunts and uncles...my husband's uncle was superintendent of a local school system....etc) and believe in the nobility of the teaching profession, which seems to me is becoming less about teaching and more about test-prepping. It's disappointing to witness my teacher relatives' frustrations (with the political control of schools that seems to be growing harsher) and also the frustrations of my friends who have children in public schools. I care deeply about this, especially as we get more and more entrenched in an educational experiment that is so rewarding and rich. The reality of schools is falling too short of the ideal. I want to somehow support the teachers and students and do what I can to support educational reform, but I'm not in the trenches. I don't attend PTA meetings, of course, and don't have my finger on the pulse of what's happening, except to hear secondhand what's going on via friends/relatives. I don't plan to send my children to school anytime soon. I vote in every election. How can someone who cares deeply about education, but has opted out of the public school system, help mend what is broken? (Other than voting?) Here are two things that are unhelpful: 1) arguing or debating or starting some sort of crossfire debate over politics; and 2) cynicism. Does anyone else have ideas about this, or experience?
  6. I think it just depends on context, right? I have told my children that there are good secrets and bad secrets. A good secret is keeping someone's birthday present a secret so we can surprise them. A bad secret--well, we can all imagine those. My children know the difference and we discuss that frequently as a family. But what I'm not sure I'm clear on is what is meant by 'secrets' outside of those two definitions. I mean, I have a TON of "secrets" in that I don't tell my husband and children every last thing on my mind or every thing I feel or think about, and our family life is the better for it. I'm not keeping anything a secret--I mean, I don't have a drug addiction, an affair, a gambling problem...nothing like that. But my secret thoughts about minor aggravations, the annoying thing my father-in-law said to me, etc....these things stay in my private realm until I am ready to release them to someone else. And my children and spouse are definitely allowed that--I respect their interior lives. I once coaxed a 'secret' out of my son because he said he had one and all of my bells and alarms and whistles were going off and I was mentally freaking out (he's about--5--at the time?). Finally his secret was revealed: he thinks it's fun to pee outside. After that I decided to leave their interior lives alone until they're ready to reveal them to me. ;) but they are very clear on what constitutes a 'bad' or dangerous/harmful secret and that those should never, ever stay in the dark. And I also want them to know that they can tell me anything and I won't mock them or ostracize them, so I try to foster a family environment of respect for our individual differences as well.
  7. I am devoted to my Christmas cards. We send out about 100 each year, but the # is so high in part due to the fact that everyone in our (small) church gets one. I avoid facebook and don't post pictures of my children on my blog, so most people are not overrun with photos of my family. Plus I LOVE getting Christmas cards so much. I hope we never stop the tradition! I don't write a 'family update' letter though. Sometimes they feel obnoxious, even when they don't mean to come across that way. I'd rather write a little personal note.
  8. I am obsessed. I can already tell a huge difference in my life. It just feels more streamlined. I even empty my handbag every day. I never thought I would type those words. Picking up seems easier. I don't walk in circles picking up here and there. (And I was already reasonably tidy-ish, and well organized.) I've done clothes,coats, shoes, textiles, books (THAT took 4 solid days), business-y papers, all dishes and kitchen stuff, personal care items (makeup, skincare etc), candles, puzzles/games, hats/gloves, cleaning supplies, medicines/first aid type stuff, and probably something else I'm forgetting. I haven't yet done movies/CDs, toys, gift wrapping items, and my sewing/craft items...or my seasonal stuff. But it's coming! And soon! She is a genius.
  9. Welllllll, I don't get this from the Bible, but I don't buy them. I consider it a tax, basically, which primarily impacts people with lower incomes. I don't see it as a positive help to society overall, so I won't support it.
  10. Son, age 8, doesn't know. But he does want to live in a tiny tumbleweed house, have a ponytail, have 5 kids and drive a pickup truck. So I think he aspires to be a hippie. Daughter, age 4, is insistent that she wants to be a mommy. Her executive skills are so amazing that I foresee her running a household and then running for office.
  11. I air mine out with an open window in the room for an hour or two and then make the bed. It's my happy medium. The sheets are so much fresher this way! And I cannot tolerate unmade beds....pet peeve. Cheryl Mendelson recommends this approach in Home Comforts and I find that it works well for me!
  12. In one way I did. I decided to attend law school simply because it seemed like the logical next step in the progression of my life, and I knew my parents approved of it. I am torn on whether that was a good choice. I didn't graduate with any debt, and may one day go back to the practice of law, but certainly do not miss it a bit. I am not sure it was 'dogma' that led me to it, but I was raised by a father who firmly believed women should work for a living and specifically believed that due to my intelligence I should either attend medical or law school (I toyed with both). He pushed and encouraged me a lot when I was young. My mother was more flexible on this point (mostly b/c I think she sometimes wished she could stay home, but never articulated it, although she encouraged me to attend law or medical school as well), and fulfilling that parental expectation was important to me when I was in my early 20s. My dad now accepts my role, because he sees what joy I derive from it and he appreciates the way we are raising our children. I'm grateful for that.
  13. Our church does this every year. My husband started it and seems to run it every year. ours is a spaghetti supper--for one plate of spaghetti + salad + bread + a drink, it's $6 and then you can purchase a dessert (about $1)...... Ours is from 5-6:30. People can come anytime during that time frame, but we don't have huge numbers--maybe 100 people total? Maybe more. Oh! We also allow people to carryout, which is helpful--lots of people pick up and go, or they can stay and dine, then we have a silent auction and another fundraiser after dinner. Have fun!!
  14. Somehow "mens' opinions on leggings" fails to actually qualify as "news" to me. Huh.
  15. I got rid of about 50% a few years ago before a major house renovation. Now I'm on a second pass, and this time I have two words for you: Marie Kondo. I'm a believer. This time (which will either be next week or the week after): all the books in the house will go in the schoolroom and I'll just start attacking pile-by-pile, using the "does it spark joy" criteria. I'm interested to see how it goes (will report back if there are relevant findings). I didn't regret it the first time--I loved the energy that came from less stuff, even if it's less books (and I'm an affirmed bibliophile!).
  16. Mine are in page protectors in a binder. I love this!!! (the cards are in the 4x6 type of page protector thingie, and printed recipes are in a full page.)
  17. My husband is exactly like this! I appreciate the trust and freedom. He has given input, once on a math curriculum (he's an engineer). That's it! Otherwise I have free reign. I admit that I kinda love it. If he micromanaged our days/schooling I would be insane. And I feel confident enough to make choices w/out his input most of the time. My husband's contribution to our homeschooling rests mostly in keeping a good support system for me, so that I can be healthy and sane. I appreciate this SO MUCH!!!
  18. Not in my neck of the Southern woods. But I will say that most people are probably aware of overstaying their welcome. Maybe that's it?? I tend to mentally think about how long I SHOULD stay somewhere, and work from that. It's not as scientific as that, but I do keep it in mind. So in other words, I won't stay at my grandfather's house for more than an hour when my children are in tow (that's when they get tired of visiting) but if it's just me I'll stay about 2 hours. I will stay about 2 hours at a friend's house, unless it's my bestie, in which case we will drink tea all day long and order out for dinner!!! I never leave abruptly, though! That Carolina Chocolate Drops song is true: "takin' half an hour to say goodbye."
  19. I think I do it successfully, but the success comes in making the philosophy my own and not sticking to book lists and other people's schedules! And since we are living in 2015, I utilize all the lovely aspects of modern life that help me teach my children. Understanding the principles is quite liberating because then you have the confidence to pick and choose what works best for your family! One issue I have with AO's booklists (there are several issues) is that they do sometimes feel archaic. If my child is disengaged from the material, it's not really a LIVING book for us. Sometimes that's b/c a book is being implemented too early. Sometimes that's because a book is simply not lighting the fire for my child. My child doesn't have to love the book, but crying when we pull it out (that happened once) means I have veered sharply off the CM path, IMO. It's a very happy and gentle way for us to move throughout my children's childhood. It's also fascinating to see them grow and engage with the material...folksongs, the natural world, excellent biographies, picture studies. I tend to take homeschooling one year at a time, never discounting that at some point my children may go to "real" school. But so far this approach has been so successful that I see no reason for school. We are learning so much. I am learning so much. And also remember that CM is just a philosophy. There are lots of ways to educate a child successfully. I'm not a legalist with religion, food or homeschooling.....at some point it may be in a child's best interests to take a different path. It's all about respecting the child as a person, and that always trumps the ideology.
  20. We read a couple days a week, and do not typically discuss (I may explain something that looks confusing). We also like to memorize. I don't like to deconstruct poetry too much. I like for it to work its magic on its own terms. Once my son is older--middle school?--we will start to explore poetry more, in terms of analysis. But not yet! And not too much, even then!
  21. I had a bad miscarriage a couple of years ago in the hospital. (Also had an emergency D&C after my first son due to major bleeding....very, very weak then.) I am sorry for your friend's loss. And the horrible care she received is outrageous! For me: acupuncture, massage, REST, and nutritious foods.
  22. I am hopelessly devoted to Garnet Hill's cashmere and cashmere-blend socks. Perfection! ETA: okay, that's for ME. If you're talking about children, I'm at a loss. I buy my kids' socks at Gymboree.
  23. Do you look at screens before bed? This keeps me up. The only way I have reformed my night owlish ways (I get up at 6) has been to...get up at 6. And get up at 6 again. And again. And no caffeine past about 10 am. I never have trouble falling asleep though (well, rarely), and usually a screen of some sort is to blame.
  24. Okay, here's our basic outline: 6-7:15: I am up, exercising 7:15-8: my time to write and drink coffee, eat breakfast 8ish: children are up (I do not wake them up--they get up on their own). 8-9ish, they have breakfast, get dressed, do chores (they have assigned chores each morning). I'm showering, helping them, putting in laundry, making sure the kitchen is ready for the day, making beds, etc. Ideally at 9 we start school but it's always later, like 9:30-10. Typically around 9:30. The key for me is that I cannot be distracted. I have to avoid the computer/phone and even the newspaper or books. I have to have my game face on!! It has a trickle-down effect and we're all more focused as a result.
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