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Everything posted by indigomama

  1. Can you just wait until your 20 week scan? They would be able to see soft markers for Down Syndrome. Did they already do the blood work? Did that have any suspicions? As I was explained it, they don't just use the US, but the US in conjunction with the blood test to give you a rating.
  2. I second Dr Sears book, in fact any of his books. We rarely go to the Dr. because I have found most of my questions and concerns answered in Dr Sears' books. Also, have your DD (I assume that's who you're asking for) ask her Ped. Our Ped has an alternative schedule already set up for those of us who delay. :001_wub: our Ped.
  3. In Oregon, the three months previous insurance issue doesn't count for pregnant women or children. I'm pretty sure that's the same most places. Call again and speak to a supervisor.
  4. This homeschool mom has some great notebooking pages for MOH, at least vol 1. http://www.hslaunch.com/mypage/profile/585. In case other people see these postings. Daisy, I like your pages for vol 2, thanks again for sharing:001_smile:
  5. Thank you! He loves to listen to the stories and often wants to move on to the next one, which is way I try and have extra books, to help expand on the lesson. I think he'll like having longer lessons. Her way of writing is clear and engaging. I had read a few times on here that vol 2 was different so I was just checking in to see what the differences were, thanks.
  6. Thank you! That's a big help. I know the back of MOH has some additional sources listed, but not a whole lot. I like to have lots of extras. Which is why I had my son get his own library card, because I keep maxing mine out:) BTW: Hotter than Heck,CA must mean you're somewhere in the valley huh? I was born and raised on the coast, but my mom recently moved to Bakersfield and she calls me all the time to tell me the weather differences.
  7. Thank you both for responding. If you guys think it's similar, I think we will be fine then. I know I already said it, but our whole family has loved going Mystery of History this year!
  8. I tried to do a search but it wasn't working. We used Mystery of History 1 this year for my first grader and we all loved it! I have heard that MOH 2 was a little more intense and was looking for advice. If my DS did fine with year one should we go on to year 2? If not, what should we use instead? Thanks!
  9. Wow! Our Goodwill is outrageous!!! They sell their books at 40-50% off cover price. And like someone else mentioned, they look it up if they think it;s worth more and price accordingly.
  10. My migraines started at 8 years old. I was seen by a ped neurologist and given a CAT scan. No brain tumors and not seizures, for me. I was given medication. They stopped in frequency after a year, and I only got them sporadically. I do get them very bad during pregnancy though. ETA: Mine would go away after I threw up. Also, ibuprofen with some caffeine, even half a can of coke, would help tone it down from a migraine to a headache.
  11. When I brother was about 14, he had started hanging out with the wrong crowd. One night a boy came to the door and asked my brother to go for a walk, to this day I don't know why my brother went as he didn't know the kid. About 30 minutes later my brother came back and banged on the door. I yelled for him to open it himself ( in know nice sister), he just kept banging. So, I went to the door, he had collapsed on the porch. He was covered in blood and crying, he said they had jumped him. I ran down the street, not sure what I thought I was going to do, but they were gone. I ran back and couldn't find my mom, so I called for an ambulance. I rode to the hospital with him, he said the kid had walked him down the street by a construction site where to other boys were hiding. The jumped him, with bricks, and steel toed boots. He had a broken nose, broken ribs, several stitches and staples put into his head. He kept crying "I didn't fight back, I just tried to cover up but they wouldn't, stop, they just wouldn't stop". We all had nightmares for months and at 14 and 16 slept with my mom. When the kids were picked up by the police, they told the cops my brother had said the one kid was "stupid"! They put the kids and my brother in anger management classes together! My brother refused to go and he got in trouble. My brother may have been, and can still be an arse, but he's never been violent and I still get upset, remembering his face covered in blood and his crying. I didn't know people could be so cruel.
  12. No you can not go outside in just your "bumcrack and penus". (He didn't want a diaper and pants on, he's two. (He had asked last week, if he could go outside in just his toes, meaning barefoot)
  13. Every church I've ever been to we've called our pastors by their first names only. I suppose you'd address her the way you do any other pastor in your congregation.
  14. Sorry to hijack, but DH met with the program director at the local state school to discuss his entering the Special Educators Masters/ Teacher certificate program yesterday. He is very interested in being a Special Education Teacher but was told they won't admit anyone into the program until they've spent time in a SPED classroom because it's often not what people think. Did you find this true, could you possibly PM me about teaching SPED. Thanks!
  15. You mean someone else had a mother that could be that embarrassing?:D
  16. I feel so much better! It doesn't happen to only me:lol:. I have not been able to figure out those tiny holes in the belly area for years, and any time I asked people they looked at me like I was crazy.
  17. As a teen, I would have said never take your mother bra shopping. She holds up this bra from across the department and yells " Hey, T, this one says 'almost A', it might be small enough for you!" Right as a cute guy walks by:blushing:
  18. Thanks for the replies, I don't want her to feel weird or anything. She's great at getting my kids to feel relaxed and enjoy the pictures and I hope to continue having her document our ever growing brood. Her session fee includes a disc with a certain number of edited photos, and we take them to a local shop to be printed.
  19. We meet a very nice photographer last year who had a special going where if you paid in advance for three photo sessions, you'd get the fourth free. So, we paid her for three sessions. Then she explained that she only does outdoor shoots. Kind of a bummer when you live in the PNW. So, we are just now having our second shoot because it's been raining for, well forever. My question is should I tip her? I feel a little weird going to a photo shoot she has to drive to and not paying her, but my DH says we did already pay and she will take that into account. What do you think?
  20. I think it's definitely a personal decision. I wanted to be done, done, done by 30 and I will be:001_smile:. I know a woman who started at 33 or 34 and had 8. She was a very active involved mama and she loved it.
  21. A week is a long time for a bee sting to still be causing problems, hope your toe heals soon! That sounds painful. Yeah, hours later and still really painful especially when I walk. Flip flops in the rain are pretty difficult but it hurts too bad to get a shoe on yet. Taped it though, but I told DH he'd never make it as a nurse:tongue_smilie:.
  22. Thanks everyone, I kind of figured, DRs couldn't do much for a toe. I've stubbed my toe before but this hurts 10 times worse. Ugh, just what I needed, today.
  23. So, I was rushing to help DH, and I kicked the couch and I seriously think I broke my baby toe! I really don't want to sit in the ER for hours tonight. How do I know if it's broken, What can I do? It's swollen and thobbing!!!!!!
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