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Everything posted by indigomama

  1. My cousin is morbidly obese and so are her children. She is not in any way an unfit mother. I would say they aren't the healthiest eaters but they don't eat total *carp* either. She does tend to overfeed them, but they aren't force fed. My cousins issues are largely genetic, our family going back at least three generations have several morbidly obese people in it. Also, my cousin is intelligent enough to know how she should feed her family. I couldn't imagine her losing her boys over their weight. And as previous people posted, I know plenty of thin people with thin kids who feed their family way worse than my cousin. This issue can't be judged simply by their weight.
  2. We used MOH vol1 this year for my 1st grader and he loved it! We read the lesson, did a notebook page, did the map work and timeline. We will be doing vol 2 for 2nd grade.
  3. OK, I must be really dense or it's past my bedtime, but how do I join?:confused:
  4. My oldest is only seven, but our Ped has never mentioned that we would not be in the exams when our children are older. He always says, he trusts our opinions and evaluations of our children as they are our children. He will discuss anything from circumcision-vaccines, give his advice and then not question us again when we make our decisions. He's even moved our oldest to a every two year well child exam as he has always been completely healthy and told us just to call when/if we have questions or concerns. After reading some of these threads I feel very blessed by our Ped. As a teenager, I saw a new Ped, she asked my mom to leave, I told my mom to say. She said we needed to discuss personal things, I said there was nothing that I couldn't discuss with my mother present and that she was staying. I was actually becoming scared of the DR. My mom, did stay and I was completely honest, yes I was a total good girl, even though, I knew the Dr thought I was lying:tongue_smilie:.
  5. DD came very fast and had some major bruising. At 48 hours old her level was 13. We were readmitted to the hospital for 24 hours of lights. When we left her level was 22. The Dr told us the numbers would go up but that she was older so it wasn't as big of a deal. We had it checked every 48 hours for a week and had to keep her in as much indirect sunlight as possible. I've never heard of breastmilk causing it though. In fact our PEd told me to nurse her as often as possible as it would flush out her system faster. Sorry, I'm not much help but your numbers don't sound too high given the age of your little one.
  6. I went in for an appt. with my midwife and after I was already in the exam room she got called to a delivery and they asked me to wait?!!!!! Uh no.
  7. :iagree: I use an empty pocket, Fuzzi Bunz. But I'm going to look into the iPlay.
  8. The part about funerals that I find in poor taste is when they open up the mic to anyone who wants to "share". I have been at some funerals that have lasted hours because of this. And most of the people who get up and talk seem to do it for themselves and not about the deceased. I told DH there is no way I am having an open mic at my funeral.
  9. There are a lot of geographical names out there now. I know 2 Savannahs, a London, a Boston, a Cheyenne, and a Brooklyn! I'm partial to old fashioned names as well:001_smile:. And I love the nickname Gigi! I suppose it would be a fast way of signing something:001_smile: After living in the PNW I couldn't wish the name rain on anyone:lol:, although I used to really like the name Reina. And middle name advice is welcome. I actually wanted Georgia Sparrow but DH likes Georgia Faith better, if we decide for sure on Georgia. Well, I had liked the name Roxanne, but DH vetoed it, based on the fact that he didn't want anyone singing that song to his daughter:lol:. Thanks!!
  10. I understand this, however the funny part is I don't like the name George (for a boy) at all, I don't know why I think differently about Georgia. I think ahead too. Lately so many friends have used names that sound cute on a kid but they aren't names that grow up well. I also completely understand names being ruined by association, which is where my friend is coming from. I hoping that if we keep our final choice a secret and spring it on everyone once they see the adorable little baby, everyone will like it.
  11. Oh, gosh ladies, reading all the replies makes me wish she were here already so we could name her Georgia Faith:001_wub:. We're not telling any people IRL what our final decision is, and while I will name her what we want, it's still nice to know others like the name. Thanks everyone for responding, can't wait till DH gets home so I can tell him about the positive responses:)
  12. I don't like the nicknames much either. My other hesitation was the fact that it was a state name, not that we live in Georgia or anywhere near. But it sounds so pretty to me and girly and not totally common. DH likes it but he loves the name Emma, and while I like it, it seems sort of overdone lately. Picking names is so hard for us.
  13. What do you think of the name Georgia? We are considering it for DD due in Sept. but we are both hesitating a little. The one friend I asked said it was the name of her grumpy GMIL, great:glare: Possible middle name Faith. Thanks:001_smile:
  14. Since she's not able to come to visit you guys due to health and not finances, could she put in part of the money for the trip? Perhaps what it would have cost her to come out for a visit?
  15. Ugh-what a hassle. Did you take pictures when you left? Did you do a walk-thru? We own now, but when we rented we always took dated pictures prior to moving in and after cleaning for move-out. We also, always did a walk-thru with the landlord at the time of move out before handing over the keys. Could you call another cleaning service and get an estimate of what they would have charged for any reasonable amount of time you think they might have needed someone? Sorry I don't have any other advice.
  16. I watched the first episode of the new Sherlock Holmes, from masterpiece theater, last night. Little dark but interesting.
  17. With DS #1 we started it and will finish it in 1st grade. With DS#2 we will start in Kinder and go at his pace.
  18. This week Michaels had all watercolors and pastel sets buy one get one for a penny. And their Green and Windpower sketch books buy one get one for a penny. I picked up some sketch books, my boys go through them like crazy and some Derwent watercolors. Just an FYI!
  19. Congratulations! We had a girl after three boys and we just found out our little girl is getting a sister this fall. It has been so fun having a girl and she is only one! The best part is watching her big brothers love on her:grouphug:
  20. Thanks guys, I kind of understand, it still seems a little underhanded. Thankfully, we don't often carry a balance. I'm trying to be extra diligent with that.
  21. This is me exactly. I kind of feel like a piranha, quick indigomama is commenting, run!
  22. What about Russian tea/Mexican Wedding cookies. They are simple and with the powdered sugar on them I always thought they were delicate and pretty looking.
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