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Everything posted by indigomama

  1. If I remember correctly, Katya is adopted from Ukraine. I know it's been a while you've adopted and I am sure you give her plenty of good attention, but it might be a lifetime of her seeking "extra" attention, to make up for the time when attention was scarce. I lived in Ukraine, and regularly visited one particular orphanage and while it was nicer than some, the kids did not get much personal contact or attention. They did not learn appropriate ways of interacting with people. I think the best way to work through this is prevention and redirection. Continue to make sure her "cup" is overflowing with positive attention. And when annoying things come up redirect. She's making weird noises, have her read a book out loud to you, or practice her memory work, or chew gum. She's hanging on you, too in your face, take her hand and go for a small walk. Send her on a small task and praise her for getting your slippers for you. Keep her busy and engaged in something besides the annoying problems.
  2. We have not had pet insurance before, but we are hopefully adopting a large breed dog in the future and we were told it would be wise to get pet insurance. We are still researching, but I came across this http://www.petinsurancereview.com/dog.asp. In case it's helpful to anyone.
  3. I had made my own thread, but we too are waiting hear back from a rescue group after a very detailed application. They like to do house inspections but since we live out of state, they can't. I'm so nervous. It's very weird to feel like we wouldn't "qualify" to adopt a dog. Although, I'm really hoping it happens. I am so excited, I made my husband stop the car in the church parking lot this weekend because I saw a car with the same breed we wanted leaning out the window. The poor owner, had no idea what kind of crazy mad woman had descended upon him wanting to pet his dog:D
  4. Ahh, great story, thank you. The breed we want is not small either. Glad to hear how well it went for your DD's family! Yes, your rescue and ours sound similar. We can't do an actual home visit, because we're out of state, a few hours away, but from what I understand, it's a very thorough check. The dog we get will be housebroken. And all of the ones we've seen listed, know basic commands and most crate trained. That's why,even with young kids I think it will work better than a puppy. We will however, still take some obedience classes, to bond and improve our dogs manners. I think the key will be if the dog has positive prior kid experience. Thanks for sharing, it sounds like a wonderful companion!
  5. I completely understand a shelter being nervous about sending dogs to a home with kids. The rescue we are trying to go through (they have not yet approved our application) did say that they will send dogs to homes with children. And their application was quite extensive, plus I added another page with more detail about our family so that there would be no surprises. It seems the rescues are a little more thorough then county shelters. We really want to add a dog to our lives, but we don't want to make things worse for the dog or us:001_smile: Thanks for the stories, love to hear more.
  6. Our family was really hoping to get a particular breed of dog, but we wanted an older more mature (read mellower) dog so we applied to adopt from a rescue group. But with all the recent threads on difficult rescues and little kids, I was wondering if we should not do it? Should we wait until we're ready for a puppy? Meaning is it always safer when having children to get a puppy from a reputable breeder than to get an adult dog? (ETA:we are not applying to adopt a puppy, we only want an older dog-we know puppy hood is not for us right now) Do rescues ever work in a home with small kids? If so, please share stories. Thanks! ETA: The rescue group we contacted, is breed specific, been around for 30 years and has a good reputation of matching dogs to families, that's why we picked them.
  7. For Dinners: We frequently have beans and rice in various forms. Soup or stews. Roast chicken every Sunday. Winter squash is cheap right now and filling. Snacks: clementines popcorn,popcorn,popcorn apples with peanut butter carrots and hummus nuts occasionally chips and salsa Breakfast: eggs and oatmeal/cream of wheat pancakes on Saturdays
  8. That is so amazing. Hopefully, she will be seen as ''protected" now.
  9. 2 8oz of cream cheese 1c cheddar cheese (shredded) 1T chopped onion 2T Worcestershire sauce 2T lemon juice Mix, chill, shape into a ball and roll in chopped walnuts Divine!
  10. Costco. We got a twin there for $120 just the mattress but it's nice and comfortable. My mom even complimented on it:001_smile:, she's tough to please.
  11. Cherry macaroons, but it's just a plop the kiss on top kind. http://www.tgcmagazine.com/recipes/html/103.shtml
  12. I think you sound very kind. But I'm with you, I like Christmas with just our immediate family. Since you've already agreed to have your guests this year, enjoy their company but have DH let them know that in the future you don't feel like hosting.
  13. I had really low levels of Vit D after my last baby, I should start taking some Vit again-thanks for the reminder! Do you have a recomendation for a good Vit B complex? The fish oil makes me burp(sorry TMI) alot, not pleasant. But little one needs to gain weight so maybe I'll try again. I'm afraid I'm a little dependent on sugar right now, to get me through the day, I need to cut wayyyy back. Sleep!! Yes, I know I need more, it's just been really hard lately with so many little ones. I'll look into this, thanks! I've never had thyroid problems before, but I think I'll try to get in after Christmas to just have it checked, thanks. These were all some great suggestions. Thank you!
  14. My little one is 3mo and I am having some hormone issues. This has happened with 3 of my others, and I know I will get through it but I was wondering if anyone could recommend natural ways to balance hormones. *I will not take medication(antidepressants or antianxiety)-it's not an option for a variety of reasons My hair is falling out, my moods are all over the place and I'm self-medicating with food-not good for the waist line or my self-esteem. So, are there foods to eat or avoid, creams, herbs, tea? Oh, and I am breastfeeding. Thanks!
  15. Four, he's seven now and he's never had a problem. We have a triple bunk now, and he's on the top, with a rail, five year old on the middle bunk, 3 yo on the bottom.
  16. I have difficulty with my "r"s. The word "roar" is particularly difficult and so many kids book have it in there. My kids are still confused on what exactly a lion says:tongue_smilie:
  17. :iagree: Have you read what happens to these children once they reach age 5 or 6?! Have you seen it? I lived in a Eastern European country and the orphanages and institutions I went to were considered good, and they were far from what a child in foster care in the states would ever be exposed to. No human being deserves that. Can every family adopt, should every family adopt special needs, no. But it doesn't mean that no one should. Maybe they have a great resource of family and friends that are going to be very involved in their lives and help. Also, as mentioned above RR is not an agency. The families have to get their home studies done by an adoption agency in their area, and in some countries they complete the process independently. Ukraine for example does not allow agencies but Russia does. The family also has to get the approval from the country they are adopting from. It's not like no one knows how many kids they have or their ages.
  18. Thanks everyone- I try and get the kids and I out for a walk everyday, a little harder when the rains come but I've been consistent lately. I will try and figure out a way to do some strength training (although the gym is just not an option right now). No past injury or problems. I am overweight after the baby, well after five babies in seven years:001_smile:, but the knee pain just started a few days ago. I am going to cut the gluten back out and be stricter, I thought about getting some blood work first. I looked up RA (rheumatoid arthritis, right?) and FMS (fibromyalgia?) but I don't think it's those things. It's just weird and I feel too young to start going downhill, you know.
  19. So, I have never had knee problems before, but the last few days my knees have been very sore, especially when standing and walking. I have not had any injuries and am only 30, so I hope I'm not wearing out yet:tongue_smilie: Possibilities:I'm 2 months postpartum, during pregnancy had severe pelvic bone issues but went to chiro at 1 week pp and that has gone away. Other possibility: Went off gluten for 2+weeks, then had a hamburger bun and bread. Thinking of calling the doctor, what says the hive?
  20. I was excited to watch after the reviews here, but quite shocked by some (IMO) very unnecessary scenes. We won't watch anymore and I would not let young teens watch.
  21. I swore I never would......my 7 week old is Emma:tongue_smilie:. In the long run, who cares, if you and your DH like it.
  22. After growing up in CA, the weather in OR is enough for me. I would never survive ND:tongue_smilie: Plus DH is in school, so we really can't move.
  23. It asks for him to list the names and addresses, but we still were wondering if we should just include the letters. :confused: He's been putting in several applications but the current application is a fill in online app with additional questions to answer and mail in.
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