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Everything posted by indigomama

  1. OK while this made me laugh out loud, I'm not sure I could ever say this to my FIL.
  2. Oh and thank everyone for the congratulations. We are excited!
  3. Yes, you're right. it's better to ignore than get angry, but sometimes it's hard:001_smile:. Perhaps our in-laws should get together, they can give each other their own medicine! I usually set up pretty tight boundaries when we're visiting. Especially with our kids, my FIL and BIL think it's hilarious to teach then potty jokes:banghead: Then I have to teach my children not to repeat Grandpa's or uncle's jokes. And they wonder why I won't let my boys stay with them for the summer!
  4. Well, apparently DH got really mad, he's not home, and did post something pretty snappy back. Then he just got a message from FIL about how rude, he (DH) is to talk like that on FB about his father! Ugh!! I honestly don't think they realize how rude their "humor" is!
  5. Thanks for the replies. We live in another state currently so most of the comments are over the phone/skype/facebook. And even in person, if I tried the stare and what comment they probably wouldn't get it:glare: The other big problem is because no one else calls them on their rude behavior they think it's ok or that it doesn't bother others, but I've been told it does. Today, for example my DH, without my permission (because I didn't want negative comments) posted: 4+1=5. People were offering congratulations, then BIL put "I hope not!":confused: I told him right then he owed me an apology. He said he can't. Then FIL posted, I thought your brother was the crazy one. Not congratulations, nothing. We told them over the phone a week ago, and his comment was " Don't you know what causes that?" I know he won't change, or even admit he's being inappropriate, but I've just had enough! Thanks for listening to me rant:001_smile:
  6. What do you do when you don't find someone's sense of humor funny? My in-laws, FIL in particular always makes comments, that he clearly thinks is funny but I don't. Most of the time I even find it hurtful. The latest has been a string of snarky remarks regarding my pregnancy. I tell my DH, who most of the times tells the in-laws that we don't find the comments funny. They tell us, to relax. It's just a joke. We've been married nearly 10 years, I know it's how they are and I can't change it, but I'm really getting tired of it. I'm also highly hormonal:glare:. So, would you just ignore it, keep telling them its hurtful when they say something new, or what?
  7. :iagree::iagree:This is what we use as well. We use it almost all winter for our kids as it really helps their eczema. I think having the moisture in the room combats the skin drying effect of the heater. It was recommended to us from the Ped when our DS had a really bad cold.
  8. We just painted Antique White and it looks really nice, kind of an almond color. I also really like Navajo White.
  9. It depends on how high the HCG levels were. When I MC at 7-8 weeks, it took a full week to go away.
  10. :iagree:Maybe it's by county because I've never heard of Geography as a requirement and I graduated in 1999 from a school in San Luis Obispo County.
  11. We use a Beco. I can get the kiddos on safely by myself. You can get good deals on used ones.
  12. Ok- I'm definitely not the most experienced cook either, but I grew up where everyone used cast iron and so do I. I was taught never to use soap. After washing in water, I dry it completely on low heat on the stove top and then I lightly wipe it out with a little oil. It will get "seasoned" as you use it and by the light oiling you give it after cleaning. Hope that helps:001_smile:
  13. I was prescribed Tamiflu while pregnant with DD. I took it once and was so sick I decided I'd rather have the flu! The flu only lasted for a few days. We're all fine now, a little over a year later. Hope you all feel better soon.
  14. Ohhhhh, I was just telling Dh and my mom today that while I hate that stores jump the gun with the holidays, I love it when the Cadbury eggs come in.:drool5::drool5::001_wub::001_wub:
  15. I've been seriously considering having one after this baby. I wanted DH to get a vasc but he doesn't have insurance, I do. I have never heard anything about post tubal health problems. Now I'm a little nervous:confused:. Does anyone know how much it would cost if we paid for Dh to get a vasectomy?
  16. DH was very worried about this when we had DD (woh is only 11months!). A friend told him not to worry, repeat after me "Son, I just want you to know, I've got a gun and I'm not afraid to go back to prison." He's never been in btw:) But DH now has the line memorized.:001_smile:
  17. I've been wanting to post something very similar. This has been the worst winter for our family. We have had several flus, colds, stomach bugs and everything in between since Sept! I am getting so tired of it. Mi kids get a multi vit, calcium and vit D vitamin (chewies from Costco) every day. We also have green smoothies most mornings and nothing seems to be working. :banghead: Friends are suggesting we put quarantine on our door and stay inside. The Dr who I normally love tells me to make sure we wash hands, duh! We can't do yogurt as two have dairy intolerances and I don't want to give it yet to my DD. :bigear: for more suggestions.
  18. Thank you for asking this. I am rarely sick with my pregnancies but this one has about put me over the edge. I will check out the B6 idea, as I've tried most of the rest. Oh, and not to hijack but what does everyone do for extreme exhaustion?
  19. Are these the blue dye tests? If so I would not trust them at all! I took one once that was clearly positive, within the time too! My DH saw it and was so excited! It turned out to be a false positive, which I found out afterward was very common. Otherwise, try the $ store tests, very reliable for me and affordable:001_smile:
  20. Best of luck. If you do make it to Thursday, not all inductions are the horrible things everyone says they are. I had three inductions for various reasons all all went wonderful. Best wishes!
  21. My boys are still little but they can out eat some adults. Our main staple: beans and rice. Just vary the flavorings ie mexican, asian, etc.
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