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Everything posted by indigomama

  1. Don't bother going to the DR, ours won't give anything for it. There is a homeopathic drop, I'll have to go look up the name, but I found in the local grocery store and it helps clear it up really fast. Otherwise, be careful it is very contagious. So, we make sure and use the washcloth only on the LO with pinkeye and have them wash hands a lot. ETA: It's called Similasan’s Pink Eye Relief.
  2. :grouphug: I'm so sorry. Was your test a blue due test? Those are notorious for giving false positives. I got a very bright positive on one several years ago and we were all happy only to find out it was negative. I think they should be pulled from the market. Hope everything gets worked out with your kidneys. What a roller coaster for you.
  3. Thanks everyone! There have been some great suggestions for place value, all of which I'm making note of so we can practice over the summer. What about adding and subtracting 0-100. I'm wondering if flashcards of addition problems 0-9 would help. Maybe if he knew smaller combos by memory that would help with the larger numbers?
  4. I don't thinks it's a case of forgetting, I don't think he's fully understanding the concept in the first place. We both like MM and I would not like to change programs completely if I don't have to, I was hoping I could find ways to address the specific problem areas over the summer so we could move into MM2 next fall.
  5. Thank you! Those look great, I will put those on my list of things to order.
  6. I haven't looked ahead, but I will thanks. I'm just afraid to move forward without his being totally comfortable doing this years stuff, YKWIM.
  7. DS is in 1st grade this year, and doing well. However, we are having problems with math. We are using MM, and while we really like it, he is struggling with remembering place values for ones and tens and with adding and subtracting within 0-100. Everything else he does fine with, telling time, shapes, measuring,etc. We'll read the intro about how to do the problem, do several together and he'll do fine, but when I ask him to do a few problems on his own, he can't. Are there any suggestions for some other ways to teach place values and adding/subtracting double digit numbers. I would like to work on this over the summer before we move on in MM? TIA:001_smile:
  8. OP, I would find it distracting as well. Would I say or do anything about, no. We used to attend a church where every Wednesday service there was a lady knitting. I was highly distracted because I could hear hear her needles click. Click, click, click, it nearly drove me nuts.
  9. You can also try Ancestry.com for a free trial period. I did, and got some helpful information. Be careful though, I found some distant relatives who had conflicting data on their family trees. Plus I got two nasty messages from other searchers who didn't like the information I had on my tree:confused::confused:. But many of my ancestors aren't on there. For instance, I cannot find any information at all on my paternal grandfather's side. They just don't exist:tongue_smilie: I don't mean to jump to conclusions but the family I have the hardest time tracing are not caucasian. My NA family and Mexican family apparently did not leave records.
  10. This is very tough and I totally understand! For us, I have to wrangle all four kids by myself because my DH is the worship leader. I have even on occasion had escapees go up to daddy to sing with him:blushing:! What has worked (most the time) is to practice, practice,practice before we get to church. We go over how we sit, when it's okay for them to stand ( I let my DC stand whenever they want during the actual singing because I often stand myself during worship) and that when someone is praying or reading scripture we are to be silent. Then every Sunday on the drive to church, I review our rules. Even with the littlest ones. And most of the time this works. If they are a little loud or a little restless, I'm ok with that, like someone else said most people have or had kids and they understand. If I have to leave the service for some reason, they do not get to go to the nursery or take a walk, they are not rewarded for bad behavior, they are told what they did was not ok and we stand in the hall. Kind of a tangent but when DH and I were dating and first married his sister was 18mon-2yrs if she got fussy at a restaurant FIL would take her outside for a walk, it set up years of his leaving the family to take her outside because she would raise terror until he did, it bothered me to no end. Hope you find something that works, you've been given lots of great advice:)
  11. The judge was quoted as saying that the little boy was “socially unadaptable due to his medical needs.†I don't think her decision was based on concern for his well being. Unfortunately many people in Eastern Europe and Russia do not believe people with disabilities deserve every opportunity that non-disabled get. These children will be sent to mental institutions once they turn five. Having seen one before, it is NO place for anyone, let alone a defenseless child. I have been praying that she change her mind, this boy deserves a family to love and care for him.
  12. Two of our DC have intolerances to dairy and for a while soy as well so we use Rice Milk. It works well for cooking and baking. This week I thought I'd reintroduce butter in my baking, BAD idea. They now have horrible eczema all over their little bodies, I feel so guilty:blushing::crying: They drink Rice Milk (could not tolerate goat's milk) and we use Earth Balance butter substitute. They do make rice yogurt, although it is outrageously expensive. I have gotten them some when it's marked down right before expiration, so check the health food section of your grocery store. Our Ped says there are two main thoughts with food sensitiveness: avoid completely until age 5 and slowly try to reintroduce or to find the smallest amounts they can tolerate and build up slowly from their. Unfortunately my DC (4yo and 2yo) can't seem to tolerate any amounts. DS6 can have dairy but we only allow it if theirs a substitute food for his brothers or if he's not around his brothers while eating. He's always been very gracious about it. As for getting them to eat without cheese, I second a pp's comment about dips. My kids eat so much better if they can dip, they especially like hummus and salsa.
  13. OK, so slightly off topic but we were living in Eastern Europe and we eating at a restaurant with some friends when one of the guys (raised in a VERY conservative home) asked " why is there a support pole in the middle of the floor?" I about died laughing. :lol::lol:
  14. If you had said she and not he, I would have thought you were talking of our dog. She's a little over two and we too are waiting for her to mature into a "good dog". I tell my DH all the time, "I think we got the dumbest golden ever!" Now that being said, she is excellent with the children. They can do whatever they want and she's never growled, nipped, nothing. But I miss my Australian Shepard mutt. That was a perfect dog!
  15. So sorry:grouphug:. My friends 11yo had this last week. She was very sick, lethargic, sleepy for a whole week. They too went to the ER and were told to provide tylenol/ibuprofen. She said she was nervous about how much DD slept, but she just let her. If she's that sick, chances are she'll sleep all day and all night. I would let her call the shots. My friend also offered soup, broth,etc. but her DD did not eat the first few days. For me liquids of some sort, whether water, juice, Gatorade would be non-negotiable. The last thing you want id to go back to the ER for dehydration. So, maybe ask DD what she feels like drinking and make sure she is, otherwise let her sleep. How this passes quickly and no one else gets it!
  16. Why not let people, especially your church know that you are looking for odd jobs to do and fundraising for your trip. I've done this as a teen and washed windows, helped pack a moving van, cleaned a house after someone moved. People then "donated" money. Most donated more than if they had just paid someone to do the job. They got chores done and we raised funds for the trip. It worked really well.
  17. It sounds a lot like my MIL. She is almost always reading or doing laundry when we come over, and we only see them once a year! This Thanksgiving, my in-laws hosted the dinner for a lot of family, including my mom. The next day, my mom said "wow, she must be feeling good, she said hi to me when we came in"! My DH says she's shy, and uncomfortable, but she's not like that with everyone. I just give her, her space.
  18. Sorry, the only Harleys I know are dogs. For some reason it's a very popular name for my friends to give their pets. So, now it's the first thing that comes to mind, second is the motorcycle.
  19. My DS hit 105 once and I was told there was no cause for concern if medicine brought it down. I think he was 2 or 3. However, I would call your DS's Dr just to see what they said, that would also save you an unnecessary trip and possibly exposure to worse stuff in the ER.
  20. My labors have gone exactly in half each time and so has my pushing time. In fact the last one I swear I didn't push, she just came out! Course that was probably why she was sooo badly bruised.
  21. 13 weeks here, wishing it was more like 30:tongue_smilie:!
  22. Friends and family on the central coast of California are being asked to prepare for evacuation. Non- essential employees of the power plant there are told not to go into work. Kind of scary.
  23. Ever since I read the Three Musketeers (in jr high) I have wanted to name a son Dartagnan. DH said absolutely not, then he said (very sarcastically) fine boy #5, we already have 3 :D. For a girl: Hadassah Roxanne Maggie Mae (he said quite picker h**ker names, I don't even listen to Rod Stewart)
  24. We are using and love, Mystery of History. I think it does a great job presenting what is going on in Biblical history and what is happening elsewhere in the world at the same time. Some of the topics, like The Phoenicians have given me greater insight into the world and influences on the Hebrews during the old testament. I am thinking of adding in Biblioplan next year.
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