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Everything posted by Sandwalker

  1. My adult son is an athlete, and believes in the minimalist shoe for running. When conditions are possible, he runs barefoot. He's the only kid in our extended family (the boys are all athletes) who hasn't needed knee surgery before hitting 25 years old.
  2. Is there a different church close enough that you could attend? Your spirituality can help you through. The fact that friends fled isn't that surprising, though so sad. People don't like to be uncomfortable, so they run away. Is there a way you could take over the med administration? She could easily be lying/mistaken about takng them regularly. In addition, the hormones/amounts/other meds given to transgender young people are very understudied, imo. Hormones in our bodies affect everything--sleep, appetite, anger reflex, tendencies to self-harm. It is difficult to get dosages right for a young transgender. Best of luck to all of you, and (sorry) but maybe put locks on the bedroom doors of your and your suffering child's sublings.
  3. I'm so sorry things have been so hard for your family recently. I'm not a big fan of schools, and since the kids want to be homeschooled, it might be hard on them to go back now, with the recent turmoil in their lives. Mine are older, so I have no specific curricula recommendations. Mine did well with HWOT for handwriting. They hated Saxon math, so we switched that up. I'd say this year do some basics: math, some spelling program, something fun in science. For history, reading biographies is great. You can compare a map of how the area was back then to how it is now. And have them read lots of good books. Lots and lots. (((Hugs))) to you all.
  4. Your mother having cardiac issues ups your risk factor, too. Women don't tend to have the same symptoms as men with heart problems. We tend to feel a bit of indigestion, maybe some upper back pain, extra sweating. The things that concern me are the stair climbing issue, and the fact that your pulse takes suuuuuch a long time to return to normal after exercise. You said it was something like 111 after an hour post- exercise? Add your mom's heart history and the fact that you've had chest pains in the past, and I don't like it at all. Many women ignore these types of symptoms, and are more likely to suffer sudden cardiac death than men. Waiting years until your son is a doctor does not sound like a fabulous idea. K, I'll hush now. Sincerely, RN who formerly worked in Cardiac ICU and whose mother coded on the ER table at 54 yo after dancing at a wedding. Luckily my cousin had taken her to the hospital, for she was shocked back to life and lived another 32 years with a 3/4 heart.
  5. My mom did this for us in the 1960s. They always cleared up, no antibiotics needed.
  6. Others are depending upon you? Then you need to take care of yourself, or you may not be able to help them in the future. It becomes selfish on your part to not go to the doctor and take the tests needed. Reading stuff online is no substitute for medical care. Ok, is this post mean enough to get you to go get checked out to prove me wrong? Then it's done its job. Your symptoms are not normal.
  7. I would get a cardiac issue ruled out right off the bat. Your symptoms sound as if they could be heart-related. Do you retain fluid, puffy feet or face? Push down on a fingernail with one from tbe other hand, let go, and see how long it takes for the normal color to reappear. The faster, the better. (Not a doctor, just a nurse with a mom who had heart problems.)
  8. Both teens' insurance rates are likely going to go through the roof.
  9. I would change doctors. He sounds ill-informed.
  10. I know that mothers have hard days; some children are loud, can't sit quietly, have tantrums, etc. If its a grocery store, I can steer my cart to another section if it bothers me. In a restaurant, I can move tables if it's really bad (haven't had to do that). The real issue to me is our children's place in society seems to be either at a school desk or sitting quietly someplace. My kids are grown, but I can remember tag teaming with dh when we had active toddlers in a restaurant. I remember carrying a giant purse even after the kids were out of diapers so I could bring crayons and paper and other distractions. I don't really see kids playing outside anymore. I think most of them need some good large muscle exercise and "loud time" outside every day,and the grocery store trip wouldn't be so overstimulating.
  11. Have you had the 7th grader's vision checked? I used to panic in church coming back to the pew that I wouldn't be able to find our seats. It turned out I had gone majorly nearsighted. I was younger, probably 9ish, and when I got glasses, my dad had tears in his eyes when I said 'OOOH the leaves are all separate on the trees, even on the top!'
  12. When in doubt, throw it out. Or give it to the cat. Especially fish, which rot quickly and are very poorly regulated (in the US). You don't want a food borne disease.
  13. The odds are waaaay in your favor that everything is fine. [emoji173]
  14. I know mostly hospital-based pharmacists, as that's where I work. I'm sure you probably know far more pharmacists than I. The ones working for the pharmaceutical companies must make excellent money, certainly.
  15. We use reusable containers for most freezer things. I have all sizes of tupperware (not the brand name). We wash and save glass jars for grain and bean storage. And of course reusable bags for groceries. And we don't eat fish or other sea creatures.
  16. Best of luck on your life changes. I just have to say that this site has some of the best advice and support that I've ever encountered. Amazing people here.
  17. https://mobile.nytimes.com/blogs/well/2014/01/22/whats-in-your-fish-oil-supplements/?referer=
  18. All the pharmacists I know hate their jobs. She should major in what she loves. Life is short, and money isn't everything.
  19. I'm so sorry, Anne. https://palgroup.org/ Naranon.org http://www.learn2cope.org/ https://www.therecoveryvillage.com/family-friend-portal/tips-help-cope/#gref I hope she does find someone to talk to. So sad.
  20. I think the party sounds fun, but I was brought up in a loud family :D. About the food pushing, I'm vegan, so I feel your frustration on that. It's easy for me to turn down food, as I'm used to it, been vegan a long time now. What is harder is that if people know I'm vegan, the instant the food appears, it seems that everyone has to tell me: how they want to/tried to/should/never would/can't because bacon/think it's stupid/won't because vegans are jerks/only eat fish/don't eat veal/do I know about the dog eating festival in China/but protein/vegan vegan vegan. Ugh. If it's at a sit down table, I can't drift away without being rude, so I just say that I don't like to talk about my veganism during meals. I say this several times if necessary. I laugh at their jokes, even when they are mocking my ethics. I never say GROSS! when someone laughs and waves a burger under my nose, thinking the smell will somehow be tempting. I just say No Thank You and try to change the subject. Sorry for the long rant, wasn't my intent. Point being, just let food pushers offer, and smile and decline as many times as you need to. Or you can decline invitations entirely, which I don't do because I love a party!
  21. I'm 59, so my 60's will be easier? (I hope?)
  22. Because he reasons with logic and facts, and the text was unclear. He can't use his strong logical skills to unravel it.
  23. Does the school have decent-length recesses where the children get to run around? If not, I'd be more likely to make sure he got plenty of large muscle fun exercise after school than teach more after such a long school day. I pulled my (now adult) gifted dd out of ps kindergarten for similar reasons. Sitting there listening to stuff she already knew with a bunch of kids--well of course she'd rather talk to them and play than listen to "s as in snake" when she was reading chapter books.
  24. You are not aware of the rape and slaughter of nuns over the years?
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