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Everything posted by Thea

  1. I'm making potato and ham soup and split pea with the leftovers. So far. :)
  2. He was a great teacher---- :D Ugh. I despised Wicked. That was last year. Like poetry. I never thought about it like that, but you're right. I loved The Book Thief...
  3. Welllll...we are using Quest for Royals and Revolutions this year along with The Great Courses World History. WP is light. Very light. The history is disjointed and is JUST reading. No questions, no meaty assignments. There is some decent mapping, but the 'extra' assignments are pretty juvenile. I really do not think it is high school worthy, although we are using it for 10th. I have a few other History texts laying around and I supplement with those. I chose not to use their LA because it is not complete works and I plan on using SL for British Literature. We are using the Literature portion of SL's Core 200 this year which I feel is more than adequate for my average student. I wouldn't recommend this WP course for HS.
  4. Careful--that book is mentioned on that other thread a couple of times along with A Time Traveler's Wife (which I also enjoyed). :)
  5. Did you read The Graveyard Book by Neil Gaiman? He's seriously twisted--like Stephen King for young readers...... that said I read Coraline and am now reading M is for Magic (short stories). I'll have to check yours out.
  6. Oh, that's tough...Just three? The Book Thief Water for Elephants The Historian
  7. Aw Man--Mr. Lamb was my high school Honors English teacher. Of his three novels, I liked "The Hour I First Believed" the best.
  8. Wicked and On Chesnil Beach by Ian McEwan. I never finished Atonement either. Blech. Love Water for Elephants though....
  9. Oh my I certainly hope not!!!! Skinny jeans and wide hips are scarrrryyyy. My oldest doesn't really pay attention to fashion, but my youngest is really into to skirts w/leggings. Me? I'll stick with boot/wide leg, thankyouverymuch. :001_smile:
  10. You're welcome.

  11. I am aware of cases of dc who are in the foster care system and have breastfed well beyond the ages mentioned here. A mother breastfeeding her 13 yo ds or an adoptive Mom attempted to lactate and breastfeed her newly adopted 10 yo. Perhaps lionfamily is aware of cases such as these? And, ftr, I am NOT equating the above with what is being said in this thread.
  12. Peter and the Star Catchers did it for my then 11 yo. Because of Winn Dixie was the book that hooked my oldest dd at about the same age. I'm still looking for 'the one' that will trigger a love of reading for my 10 yo.
  13. I am also glad to hear this! We are just starting out with IEW (4th and 6th grade). Kudos to you and your daughter!
  14. Carrots and hummus. Ok,ok, in my dreams! Oreos and a glass of milk. ;)
  15. I've noticed a couple of 'post count' comments. I tend to be a lurker, so I *know* the board more than the board knows me, if that makes any sense.
  16. Now THAT is an awesome gift! You'll have to come back after Christmas and let us know how he responded!
  17. I will give grades when they ask me to up until 8th grade. After 8th, I grade everything to prepare them for high school.
  18. Yeah, I read that book. It's costing me a lot of money since I can no longer in good conscious eat the same way.
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