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Everything posted by Thea

  1. Currently Just my ds. He plays (and loves, loves, loves) soccer. Everyone has tried tball, soccer and basketball but the girls weren't interested in continuing to play. My ds wrestled for a couple of years and my oldest dd was a competitive synchronized swimmer for two years. All three of my dc dance though (tap and jazz).
  2. I like Canon. I have the Rebel xs, which is comparable to the Nikon. I don't think you can go wrong either way--here is a link.
  3. I only objected to these until I had a kid who was a runner. :001_huh:
  4. I purchased the schedule which included online access and tests and answer key for the '06 Biology book from Kolbe academy. I then used Castle Heights for the lab component, although I know someone who used this lab and felt that it correlated nicely.
  5. I think you must live by me. Sick and tired of the rain.....sigh.
  6. She's beautiful!! My youngest hates having her picture taken. All three of my dc tap--our recital is the first weekend of June.
  7. We've not been geocaching but love letterboxing, which is similar. It's great fun!
  8. TV: The Office Movie: It's Complicated. I laughed so hard my tummy hurt.
  9. My dh served on subs for 8 years. He is very opposed having females serve w/males on submarines. Just to clarify--he does not have any issues with women in the military, doing the same jobs as men --as long as they can meet the standards.
  10. Probably. The mall is a bit of a drive for me, so I would probably stay and shop.
  11. WSS. My ds loved this book--so much that he begged to keep it when I sold my SL Sci 3. My dd? Not so much.
  12. I'm the other. I inadvertently stole loaf of bread. I was holding it after unloading my cart--dh and I were talking with the cashier, she finishes, dh pays, pushes the cart----we get to the car, I put the bread in the car, load the groceries...we get home and them- BAM--it dawns on me. I never paid for the loaf of bread I was holding. I did not go back to the store as we lived quite a ways away. I still felt bad about it so the next time that store overcharged me for something, I didn't say anything.
  13. I read the book. I don't know if everything is true or not, but, what does she have to gain by exaggerating or lying? The Trouble with Islam is another good book as is Reading Lolita in Tehran and Things I've been Silent About. Oh, and Stoning Soraya M.
  14. I loved this book. This one and Water for Elephants were tied for my two favorite reads that year... I cannot get into Little Women. I know--many love it, but I just. don't. If it hasn't hooked you within the first 50 pages, I say move on to the next one.
  15. I've used Horizons with all three of my dc. My oldest to 4th--my ds to 5th and my dd is finishing up the 2nd book of 5 and will continue on with 6. If you just want to try the program out, I would only get the 1st workbook of whatever year you decide on. The TM is helpful and I used is during the early grades. After 4th, the directions are printed directly in the workbooks and my dc are pretty independent with them. IF you do use the TM, you will see that Horizons will have daily drills for math facts. For multiplication they use skip counting and this approach worked really well with my dc...they didn't have any issues with their multiplication tables.
  16. Well, I live in a town named after a local Native American Tribe--there is a totem pool welcoming you to town and the high school mascot is an Indian Warrior. There hasn't been any flak, that I'm aware of. A good friend of mine is married to a Native American (who is very active in his tribe)-her son plays on this football team and they are not offended at all.
  17. The current theory (well, from about 5 years ago ) is that sometime around puberty the part of the brain that regulates sexual desire stops developing. In a normal individual, attraction continues to develop and we are attracted to individuals of similar development. This part of the pedophile's brain is --stunted, for lack of a better term. That would also help to explain the recidivism rate and the continued failing of rehabilitation attempts. There are theories as to the why this happens, but of course they are just that-theories, although there seems to be a recurring theme of some sort of sexual trauma between 10 and 13. That's pretty much all I recall. I just remember that it was a tough, tough seminar to sit through.....
  18. Not much. We have soda when we have pizza (1x a month or so) or when we go out to eat. There isn't soda in the house on a daily basis.
  19. I find the SL IG completely worth the $$. I had to buy Core 200's this year to obtain the schedule/notes/questions/writing assignments for the literature. SL's high school IG's are more $$$ ($85) than the lower cores, but IMO, they are completely worth every penny. We will use SL for literature next year (just not sure about history) and I have no problem springing for the IG.
  20. I used Core 100 for 9th grade. You'll find varying opinions on whether or not 100 is worthy of a high school credit. I think it is fine for 9th grade, but would be hesitant to use in the later years. I think you would need to beef up Core 7 quite a bit to make it hs worthy.... SL does not have a high school world history core, so this year (10th) we abandoned SL for history (used 200's literature for English, however) and went with WP Royals and some Teaching Company courses. I won't use WP again. Too disjointed, the books choices were mediocre, the schedule doesn't include ANY notes or questions..... Anyway, I'm not sure what we are doing for next year. I may use Core 400. I just don't know. I wish SL would direct more of their resources towards high school.
  21. I'm using GSA's Earth's Landforms and Surface features with my 10 yo. Once you get used to the copying, it's not difficult. I use mine here at home without any problem. She really enjoys the hands on aspect and the lapbook you create is pretty cool. The information is pretty basic, but you could easily add to the program. Here are a couple of pics.
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