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Everything posted by Thea

  1. This would be my suggestion as well.
  2. I've been--It's awesome--a total adrenaline rush. :) Have fun!
  3. REM--It's the End of the World and the theme to Mario for the kids.
  4. I am currently reading Tales of a Korean Grandmother (just finished The Master Puppeteer) and Commodore Perry in the Land of the Shogun.
  5. So exciting! I pre ordered your dh's book as well when you first mentioned it. Dh will be receiving it for Christmas!
  6. I worked with child welfare in my county for 7.5 years. I saw every case of abuse and neglect, read every file and knew the circumstances of each case. I realize that this is anecdotal, however, the overwhelming majority of these cases came to the attention of child welfare through reports of concerned neighbors and families. Now, yes, there were teacher reports as well in some cases, however, I don't recall a case where the ONLY report child welfare received from the school. My point is that it is a mistake to discount the concern of immediate family and neighbors in favor of the school system.
  7. Uh, yeah. We are here. It is hard, hard, hard. Give me a screaming, not toilet trained three year old ANY day. My oldest is only 16.5 and her some of her recent choices scare the snot out of me. :hug:
  8. I see this thread got de railed a bit, but I wanted to put in a plug for the science series (Holt) that Saxon has put together. My ds is using Physical Science and I'm appreciating the schedule and teacher's helps that Saxon has provided. HTH. Saxon Homeschool Science
  9. $175-- through the public school. This was 1/2 the cost of the course--the school picks up the remainder.
  10. Yeah..welcome to the PNW. :) We've been here since '92 and watched housing go up and up and up and incomes stagnate. It does boggle the mind.
  11. Wally Lamb was my high school honors English teacher--right before 'She's Come Undone' was published. I think 'The Hour I first Believed' is his best. It stayed with me as well. LOVE Water for Elephants. Great book. I'm reading The Book Thief for the 2nd time as it is September's choice for my book club. Wonderful book.
  12. The Handmaid's Tale The Book Thief Brave New World
  13. Holy Guacamole! Two grown women in my book club had a difficult time with that book. Whatever happened to Tuck Everlasting?
  14. I just placed an order and the next day they sent me an email notifying me that an item was backordered and would hold up the shipment of the rest of the order. The last time that happened, I didn't get an email and had to call.
  15. I have the book here and will post again with more specifics later--I'm heading out the door to pick up the dc from their respective camps. I agree.
  16. It's all the same book. You use one book for both years.
  17. We used Rainbow--there is very little that would be objectionable --easily skipped over, IMO. Maybe 3 or 4 chapters in the Biology section that you would want to read through carefully.
  18. Two of my dc have been diagnosed with pediatric migraines. My ds' are optical and not accompanied by pain. He hasn't had one for almost 6 mos. My dd has 'typical' migraines which are usually preceded by an aura. She was prescribed Maxalt and has had great success with it. We try to treat the migraine with ibuprofen and tylenol w/some caffeine and quiet first, but if that doesn't work within an hour, she takes a Maxalt.
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