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Everything posted by Thea

  1. I agree with you. The ending was a bit of a let down--still a good book, but I thought the Book Thief was better. Like poetry.
  2. WSS. This is one of my favorite books--ever. A truly wonderful book.
  3. 15 is the age for a permit here. At 15, you can drive with another adult over 21 who has had their licensee for 3 years. In order to get a 'real' license, you have to have 100 hours of driving or 50 hours with an approved driver's ed course and then be 16 and have had your permit for 6 months. We then have a graduated license with passenger limits and a curfew. Having said all that my 15 yo does have her permit and is currently taking driver's ed at the local high school. She will not be getting her license until we believe she is ready. She can drive on her permit with us until she's 18, if that's what it takes. We opted to have her obtain her permit so that she can practice with us. A lot. I'm not comfortable turning her loose on the streets just because she turns 16. We do not add her to our insurance until she obtains her license, so there is no added expense.
  4. I think this is KEY. America values individuality highly based upon, IMO, the rugged individualism that was prevalent here in the early to mid 19th century. In addition, American's geography tends to exacerbate this trait. Huge country with two oceans and only two different countries as her border. FWIW, I don't think this trait is better, just different.
  5. Starting at Level 4, Horizons Math has the instructions in the student workbooks.
  6. Nope. Not done by lunch here. 10, 12 and 15.5 yos.
  7. I have a decent grasp on the sciences, but, honestly, my dd hasn't needed me all that much. She used Apologia Physical Science last year and tells me that she likes Prentice Hall better. She is an average student and the tests are HARD. There is a lot of material to cover and the exam that she took today was 6 pages with a mix of matching/multiple choice/essay type questions.
  8. I am using Kolbe's Science for high school. Kolbe is a Catholic school, but utilizes secular science books as their spine. The religious instruction uses other resources which you don't have to purchase. They have a schedule (honors and cp) available and tests/answer keys as well. I've been VERY happy with the Biology text and materials that my 10th grader is using.
  9. My friend's ds is on the MIDDLE school wresting team and the coaches took the team to a novelty pastry shop where the main attraction was donuts and pastries shaped like private parts. Nice. What the HECK are these people thinking???????!??!??!??!?!??!
  10. I still go. The book club I'm a part of is as much a 'get out of the house once a month and chat and eat with friends' club as it is about discussing the book. :) Every month there is at least one (out of 8) that didn't read the book. No big deal.
  11. Was it The Humpties (about 1/2 way down the page)?
  12. We are using Castle Heights and I would say that it's pretty good. There is a heavy emphasis on dissection, much to my dd's chagrin. :) I can't compare it to anything else since this is all we've used. She is using Prentice Hall Biology which came with a lab DVD, but I wanted her to experience hands on labs.
  13. Ha. Maybe I should have read the responses first. (the term I've heard used is 'hothouse', not redshirt.)
  14. Thank goodness you were right there! My ds went blue choking on a chicken nugget when he was 3. I stayed calm enough to help him and when that nugget went flying across the room both he and I started bawling. It was a very sobering experience. I'm so glad yours ended well.
  15. Yes, that is rude. Once when my mother was watching my dc so that dh and I could go away for a weekend for our anniversary she invited a friend over to my house, fed her with my money meant to feed her and the dc, gave said friend the leftovers AND gave her a tour of MY house, including my bedroom. Yes, very rude indeed.
  16. The science that Kolbe Academy sells uses secular spines. The religious aspect of their science programs lie in the supplemental materials which you can choose not to purchase. We are using their Biology this year and I love having a schedule. I did supplement labs with Castle Heights Labs, but overall I've been very pleased with this course. btw, Kolbe is a Catholic school.
  17. Yowsers! Notice how every one he met on the trail was young and male? ;) No way....that trail looked like it was ready to tumble in many spots.
  18. Here is the recipe I just used today. I doubled everything, added more ham and garlic and did not simmer my ham bone overnight. I used chicken stock for the water and simmered it for 1.5 hours with the ham bone, and .5 hour after I took the ham bone out. It was delicious!!
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