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Everything posted by TravelingChris

  1. How sad. I will pray for her friends and family and dogs.
  2. Thanks for posting this. I wanted to read it earlier but a link on another site wasn't working. The article clearly reminds me to keep admonishing my children that disagreement with others is okay, villification is not.
  3. The two whom I homeschool are normally in their rooms by 10 pm and 11pm respectively. The older one gets medication at 7 am and is up usually around 8or 8:30. She starts almost right away and she has CC class she has to be driven to twice a week at slightly before nine. The younger one is grumpy. If she had her way, she would sleep to eleven but I normally force her up by 9am. Next week, she has to start getting up earlier because co-op classes start and we will have to leave the house by 8:15 this week and normally 8:25.
  4. Hits Calvert 6 - this is mostly a hit. She likes doing it for the most part, she likes the checklist in the manual, she is vey interested in the science and geopgraphy. Lightning Lit Early American Literature The Roadmap to The Last great Hope American History Honors Psychology at CC Misses K12 Spanish 2 - we dropped this within the week. Dd was very frustrated with how to figure out how to use the program. It was unclear. We switched to BJU Spanish 2 on DVD and while she had a question about the students calling in, e liked that she received the Spanish 1 vocabulary list so she could see what she was supposed to know.
  5. My 11 3/4 yo daughter was always above average in height by a bit. From birth she ranged from 55% to 65% in height. In the last year, she has fallen to 36%. Basically she has almost stopped growing taller. She is very short right now 4'10". She has not stopped her development and her body looks like the right size for her age but she is incredibly short. Both my dh and I are in the 80% of height. My other older children are ds slightly taller than average, and dd 15, about average. The doctor listened to my concerns in June and ordered thyroid tests, celiac blood test, vitamin d tests, and a few others. All came back normal. She has not started her monthlies yet. Any thoughts or experiences?
  6. We are probably going to be doing this soon. Right now, as my board name implies, I live in the Space Coast in Florida. We are probably be transferred to the Pentagon hence cold weather. I have some cold weather gear like a nice winter coat but will still need a warm jacket. My daughters last lived in cold weather three years ago so they will both need lots. My youngest may be able to use a bit of her older sister's clothes but not that many.
  7. I get most of my local news from the newspaper, I get my regional news from a special cable news channel and local tv news, I get my national news from a conservative salon site which links to articles in many other media, Fox News on tv or the web, and yahoo.
  8. What do you put down for the required list of books or how you teach a subject? What do I do when a course I am designing is in transition? My younger is easy- she is doing Calvert School 6 with calvert School Math 7 and Life of Fred. We also do La Clase Divertida if we find the DVD. My older is harder- this semester she is doing Life of Fred geometry, The Road to The Last Great Hope American History, BJU Chemistry, BJU Spanish 2, Hewitt Lightning Lit American Literature. Her last class next semester will be an elective we will decide after we move to VA and figure out what classes and activities they can do.
  9. Thank you for the information. I don't know how soon this will be. It will be easier than Florida. Thanks again.
  10. It looks like we are going to be stationed at the Pentagon so we will probably move to Virginia. I am confused by the requirements- what is a fourth stanza on a standardized test? What do they need to score? Does anyone do evalutions? I don't think I will be taking the religious objection but I do have a BA. Who can be an evaluator? Am I going to get hassled since we will be moving mid-year? TIA
  11. [quote name=Marie in Oh; is that you'll never hear the story from his lips. Vey common of POW's and really of War Veterens in general. My dad was a WWII vet and never once told me a story. He was Navy and his ship was struck by bombs and he spent 48 hours in the waters near Indonesia. But never once did he tell me any of it. I like that kind of humility that I see in McCain and I saw in my Dad. They honestly don't feel like heros' date=' but they are. That is it exactly. My father was in action in WWII. He was in a tough battle in Monte Cassino where the enemy was holding the monastery and the Allies were trying to gain that position. My father had a grenade thrown on his back (for which he had a deep scar all the rest of his life) and went on to lead the charge up even with the horrible injury. (He survived because of the pack he was wearing). He never talked about it and I only knew what my mom told me and later, what I read in a book of WWII history. In the years that I knew him, he was a very peaceful man and it was hard to imagine him leading a charge.
  12. No tv is not the root of all evil. Just like some books won't grace our house, neithr will some shows. BUt I don't see why we should throw out everything. I am using a lot of videos plus map work for my older daughter's geography. She will also have DVD Spanish, DVD Chemistry, and internet history. My younger has DVD Spanish and internet computer class. My youngest likes to watch science and technology shows on tv. My older daughter likes to watch Shakespeare and classic movies on tv. But things are educational.
  13. I never heard of this. My older daughter wears black t-shirts, black two piece dresses, etc, She is a golden blonde with long wavy hair and she looks great in black. She doesn't resemble a goth at all since she wears no eye make-up, no chains, no tattoos, no pins, etc. She either looks practical or classy. It is sort of funny because for a girl who cares nothing for her looks usually, she ends up looking terrific.
  14. Do you mean plain milk or whole milk only? I drink 2% all the time. I drink normally three cups a day. My whole family drinks milk except my husband who is lactose intolerant. My unusual problem is that I am Vit. d deficient even though I do drink all this milk, often have a scoop of ice cream for dessert after dinner, and live in Florida. I am now having to supplement with D pills.
  15. All I know is that if my minister would say that the war is unjustified or immoral, we would resign our membership immediately. I strongly doubt my minister would do that since we have a high population of retired military and a number of active military in the congregation and his own son is in the service. I did decide against a church once because of their anti-war stance but that was in 1991.
  16. I love cats. I have two cats and on dg. My current cats are Yorick, a 16 year old Siamese who is the sweetest cat. He doesn't mind being picked up, he likes dogs and cats, he is very good-natured. We have had him since he was 9 weeks old. He is dying from heart failure and has become very thin and bony but he is still very afectionate in a gentle way. My other cat is a stray we found at 11 weeks. He is a large medium haired male. He likes me the best and likes to jump on me and purr in the afternoons. Both of my cats saved my then house from burning down since they alerted us to a furance fire. The safety stop had failed and the furnace had started burning the closet it was in. The cats meowed loudly and strangely and alerted us. We usually also have a dog. Our dog now is a calm miniature poodle that barely barks. I like quiet animals. I also have a fish tank.
  17. We have been doing karate. That costs $35 a month for once a week class (1 hour) and ten dollar for each belt test. The uniform cost 30 and we got them optional protective gear that cost about 60. That was so the three participants can spar more safely.
  18. Our one daughter is learning to play the trumpet. The rental is about 24 a month. The lessons are 20 a week for hald an hour. The other one is in a church choir and the costs are minimal. Occasional special outfit like getting a Christmas-themed shirt (which she normally doesn't wear so I wouldn't normally get it). She wants to learn to play the violin so if we do that, I expect our costs to double.
  19. These are stupid gossip rumours. Down Syndrom babies are not incommon in 40 plus mothers. They are very rare in under twenty year olds.
  20. How much executive experience does Sen. McCain have? He actually has quite a bit. He was in charge of a Navy Squadron. Before that, he was in other responsible leadership postiions in the Navy. Executive experience can come from all kinds of places, not just the elected government.
  21. She is most likely a psychopath and doesn't have normal regards for humans. Even if she accidently killed her daughter, if she was psychologically normal, she would be very distraught. She would not be partying, and now sitting stonefaced.
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