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Everything posted by TravelingChris

  1. Well let's just say that I am not surprised by poor response from the er doctor. I had one with my own er doctor just this last week. At least he decided to consult with a higher up doctor who overruled him. He was thinking that my cellulitis was an allergic response when I was not itching and it didn't respond to an antihistamine nor a hydrocortisone cream. Thankfully the next doctor was concerned and started antibiotics intravenously right away and admitted me. In terms of epi-pens and allergists, when my youngest had her ananphalactic reaction to a wasp last summer, her pediatrician prescribed the epi-pen which came in a two pack of real medicine plus a practice epi-pen. We also made an appointment for the allergist then but since we lived in a county with low amounts of specialists for children, we had to wait two and a half months for that appointment.
  2. Unless it is an indoor park, my girls wear rash guards. Both they and I don't want sunburns. And don't tell me about using sunscreen. My youngest is extremely light and prone to burning. She would have to be re-sunscreened all over about every hour. I prefer just doing her head, hands, and lower legs.
  3. I tip my groomer here because she is an employee. I don't think you normally tip owners.
  4. I have both heat and cold issues since my underlying autoimmune issue has done a number on some of my autonomic functions namely the temperature regulation. I have a very narrow range of temperatures where I feel fine namely between 72-76 for indoor temperatures. Outside, I dress with more clothes or less.
  5. I have broken 9 bones and some were very obvious right from the start and others took a longer while but I have never had a stress fracture. I think those are usually in the lower legs or feet. There can be many things wrong other than a fracture and many of these can be helped. I would see a doctor.
  6. Hi all, I wrote to you all about my preorbital cellulitis earlier this week and had to go the ER on Tuesday night. I was hospitalized and had a number of IV antibiotics tried on me since I kept getting worse. I am now home on a very heavy duty antibiotic and hoping that I don't get side effects or get any worse so I have to return to the hospital. My dh is traveling next week (AD AF) and although I have an adult son at home, I would still appreciate prayers that I continue to heal and not have any more complications. Christina in Northern VA who is very happy that her husband chose a home near the hospital.
  7. I got 540 wpm but also only 73% comprehension. That actually was because I am rather poor at remembering numbers. The word only questions I had no problems with. Getting back to the original question- I am not a speed reader, I am a fast reader. I don't do any tricks, I just read much faster than ordinary. I also speak faster and think faster. One problem I have with many sermons or lectures is that the points are made too slowly. I end up doing other work in the meantime normally which is better than my dh who often dozes.
  8. We pay 160 per month for unlimited phone calls in US and Canada, HD cable with 2 DVR boxes, and high speed cable internet. Then we pay 75 for 2 cell phones with Verizon.
  9. I got it yesterday when we were at the vet clinic with our dog. My 12yo who had come asked "Mommy why do you have a red streak on your face?" When I got home, I saw I had redness on the side of my face and under my eye. Even though it wasn't itchy, I thought it might be an allergic reaction to something since I am quite allergic to many things. So I bought some hydrocortisone ointment and put it on. It didn't do anything so I went to the doctor's this morning. I am on an immunosuppresant so that is how I probably got it. I am now on an oral antibiotic, an eye drop antibiotic, they took blood tests and I have to monitor swelling, redness, and temperature. Fortunately I am able to be home since my dh is out of town today although he is coming back home tonight. I would appreciate prayers that the antibiotic work and that I don't get bad side effects from it. I am going back to the doctor on Thursday although if things get worse, I have to go there or to the hospital sooner.
  10. I need to do this now and I don't have a detailed list of what they will study. I have come down with periorbital cellulitis and can you tell I HATe the homeschooling laws of this state. It is none of their business. I know the oldest will do British Lit but it will be my design. I just copied an accepted one that someone else had on a site and changed names and subjects. I will include birthdates because I remember they sent it back with that request last year.
  11. I was going to be more strict about honors but I want my dd to compete with locals. That means we will be designating more classes honors. I was already counting her honors Psychology at the CC an honors class. SInce it was at CC, she got an extra 1 point towards her GPA. I also designated a class she took at a homeschool academy and she was at least a grade younger than the others and did the most work on time very well as an honors class. I do know that in this area, most kids going to competitive colleges have racked up lots of honors classes. I will be looking over the work she did before and certainly planning on making sure that this years work is all honors level in the subjects that she shines in. I wouldn't give child honors in subjects that they have problems with.
  12. My daughter had a seven month long headache. The thing that finally broke it was Lexapro. SHe was not depressed but some of the same chemicals (seritonin, others) that are involved in depression are also involved in migraines, particularly hormonal migraines. SHe has since developed PMDD and now takes an extra dose of Lexapro in the time before her period. NOt only did the medication help the PMDD, but even her hormonal migraines almost completely disappeared.
  13. I am trying to get my curriculum description in for VA. CAn any of you check and tell me if this is enough? Our curriculum for @@ and ** is based on interdisciplinary, love of learning lifestyle. Their course of study will involve a combination of formal instruction, independent study, unit studies, and project-based learning, using textbooks, computer-based correspondence coursework, the public library, multimedia materials, and various community and family resources. For 11th grade,@@ will be studying British Literature, Writing, Biology, Algebra 2, US Government, Economics, Spanish, and Field Geology. For 7th grade,** will be studying Literature, Grammar, Writing, Spelling, Vocabulary, Pre-Algebra, Life Science, Earth Science, Physical Science, World History, Geography, Spanish, and Physical Education. Among the textbooks that will be used are Lightning Literature, Rosetta Stone Spanish, Houghton Mifflin, BJU Press, and National Geographic.
  14. Right after Labor Day this year. Well I should rephrase that. TOday I am starting some new schoolwork with the younger. SHe will continue to do that. Both she and her older sister are still finishing parts of last year's work. They will continue doing that at a relaxed paces until after Labor Day. Then they will start 7th and 11th grades.
  15. With our first, he did almost all at home. He did do art in the community, one science credit through an intensive summer program, another half credit through another summer program, and music through church youth choir activities. My older daughter has done home school academy work, cc, online course, summer programs, and this next year will do co-op and cc. FOr us it is a matter of what our daughter wants and needs. She had social anxiety and wanted to start out having small classes of homeschoolers for discussion. Then she moved on to CC class which was an honors class and also small. Her goal is to be able to function well at college and not have her anxieties overwhelm her. SHe also found that she tends to work harder for outside teachers. She will do ALgebra 2, Biology, British Lit, and US history part 2 at home. SHe will do writing and US Govt/Econ at co-op but I will be teaching the GOvt/Econ class. The youngest we will have to see when she get older. She likes things very structured but will need high level of classes that are often not available at onsite co-ops. With her, we will probably depend more on online and local colleges for that area (science). She will definitely want discussion classes for literature. FOr us, it is a matter of what the child needs or prefers, what is available at the time in the place we are residing (note my screenname), and do we have the funds.
  16. WE are considering Wheaton since our daughter will be getting her father's GI benefits and that should pay everything. I saw on their website that they offer a very small amount of merit pay. Most very competetive schools don't offer hardly any if any at all merit pay.
  17. I may or may not depending on the family and the circumstances. Currently, none of my kids has been on a sleepover at a house for 4 years at least. I don't necessarily have a problem with it but my daughters haven't had the easiest time making friends as we keep moving. My older I don't foresee doing so anymore and that isn't much of a thing with older teens anyway. My younger may do that sometime. The last time we had sleepovers was when we lived in Belgium and our girls slept over once and their girls came over once.
  18. I don't think you would have any idea that a physics or chemistry book is written by a person who believes in God unless they choose to inform you about that. You obviously would choose to ignore many science writings. THere is a huge difference between belief in a young Earth and a belief that God ordained the universe. I am not sure how you would find that out unless you were doing Google searches on them and somehow found they attend church or something like that. I can completely understand a secular person not wishing to have a Christian text but to say that you don't want a secular science text simply because it was written by a Christian or Muslim or someone of some other faith who believes God created the world just smacks me of intolerance.
  19. I am not sure but we eat more beef and pork, I think. We eat chicken or turkey meals probably twice a week. About once a week we may eat vegetarian like mushroom pizza. I would like to be eating more fish but since it is expensive and two out of three children don't like it at all, we don't eat much. Once they leave, I plan to eat fish twice a week, chicken or turkey twice a week, and pork or beef three times a week.
  20. Actually I talked with dd12 and mentioned how one college has a dual engineering degree with another nearby college and she decided she does want to visit there. So I will probably have her go on the tour and then head out with dh to someplace else when we have the info session and interview.
  21. Both my almost 16 and 12 1/2 wear lipstick at times. They find it is better at lip protection and they both have big problems with chapping lips, dry lps, whatever. They had excema problems when they were younger. They wear close to their natural color except the older one wears brighter one if she is going to a special occasion like the theater. The younger one occasionally wears some light foundation just so her red face is not so noticeable. SHe has red hair and very light skin and gets flushed or sunburned very easily. NO mascara, eye shadow, blush or anything like that for them nor do they want it. I would allow the 16 yo if she wanted it and on special occassions but she doesn't. I don't see it as a mating ritual at all. I don't even think I was wearing any makeup when I started out with my future husband. Compared to other non homeschooled and even some homeschooled girls, they are backward on the dating scene. But they are normally social and not backward in being able to share regular events with acquaintances. So all the homeschoolers and non homeschoolers alike around here know about Rick Rolling and other internet tricks and fads. I have found the homeschoolers I associate with to have higher learning standards but not necessarily stricter viewing standards or computer standard than the school kids. My girls aren't getting into trouble with emailing their friends from other places (we keep moving) but I am very glad they aren't into boyfriend things either. SOme homeschoolers we knew in other places were happy to match up kids in their later teens (16 and up). I am into having them wait and find nice guys in college or later.
  22. As a Christian, it doesn't bother me that non-Christians are here. Sometimes we agree, sometimes we don't. Occasionally there is someone posting here who I question their motivation for posting. Two of those people I have put on my ignore list. Other threads I simply skip. No reason to get into fight.
  23. I completely agree with the motto to serve and protect. In my opinion and the opinions of the majority of people according to polls, screaming at police officers outside at night and refusing to stop but continuing to cause a commotion is the very act of disturbing the peace or disorderly conduct. That is why we have such laws on the books. The police officers in Cambridge were trying to protect Prof. Gates from a burglary that didn't happen to have happened. Actually what did happen is either vandalism or destruction of property but I assume that Prof. Gates will either have it repaired or be charged for the damage by Harvard.
  24. I started at either 7 or eight. My son started at about nine or ten but has them very infrequently. My older daughter started around 11. My youngest had her first recently at age 12.
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