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Everything posted by TravelingChris

  1. I have kept it. They kept papers fr a while but usually give me things for the folders about once a month or so.
  2. :grouphug: I don't have any adopted children and my own children don't have this. I can't begin to advise you but I can pray for you. I am sorry.
  3. We took ours to Florida to get her license. I think she has really enjoyed the freedom of being able to drive.
  4. I have been to one where there was no particular political flavor. Now I have never seen or heard from Democrat politicians about how they favor homeschooling but have heard from Republicans about that plus know of some who do homeschool. But in the local one I attended this summer, there was no political flavor. It probably has to do with the area. I am living right now in a mixed area politically and ethnically. I would look at who is leading the convention. The one I attended most recently was not led by the religious group although both religious and non religious vendors and groups were represented. The political spectrum was that several government agencies were there as well as representatives from the Heritage Foundation and some other advocacy groups. I am sure that if some liberal group started expressing an interest in homeschooling, they could get a booth too. It goes back to what I said. Freedom in school choice is a more popular idea on the conservative side of politics.
  5. If you are looking for a source that refutes evolution but not by young earth measures, I would look at Intelligence Design sites. One book that mya help you is Darwin's Black Box.
  6. MY dd has a double whammy. She is severely ADHD and also has PMDD. For her, the choice is between medication and success in life or no medication and total failure and I mean total. That is no choice for a parent who loves their child. She is a very successful student and can she her going very far with her medications.
  7. I hate to write in books and I don't do it because of resell value or anything like that. I just don't want to write in my books. I don't like highlighting, underlining, notations or anything. It is distracting to me and not helpful to me for anything. I tried to do it in high school and college but found that it really bugged me. NOw I do take notes and sometimes use sticky notes.
  8. WE have had mostly males. Yes, they do like to pee often. On the other hand, one of the females we had didn't want to eliminate. THat caused problems too. In fact, it was much more annoying like when we were travelling. There is never any problem getting the male dogs to eliminate when travelling.
  9. I dress mostly for myself and while I don't choose uncomfortable clothes, I don't wear particularly comfort clothes since those would be things like pajamas or nightgowns or other comfort clothing. I also dress for the occasion. So since I teach class to high schoolers in co-op, I want to look more professional so that is a skirt and shirt, for me. I also tend to dress up to go to regular doctor or dentist appointments (not when I had a rush trip to the ER with cellulitis). But what I mean that I dress for myself is that I choose colors I like. I hate to wear drap clothing and so unless it is gray, I don't. I do like wearing grey since it contrasts very nicely with my hair and face coloring and I also wear some contrasting jewelry or something else with color.
  10. You are completely not responsible for siblings who are adults. You don't know what she did since there is a large MEPS center in Chicago and that is where she would go for a physical. If she only gets seizures when she has a high fever, I don't think that qualifies as epilepsy. In any ways, she is an adult and responsible for her own actions,
  11. I am a Christian but I have a really big problem with what I see as legalism about dress. By the way, I don't wear low cut/skin tight/peel off jeans type clothing. For the most part, I think most Christians would see me as dressing modestly except some who think my head should be covered, or I shouldn't wear jeans. But then I get to my 16yo dd. If she puts on clothes that fit, she looks wonderful. I didn't have her body when I was younger and didn;t know many people who did. She basically has a model's body although she isn't as tall. The way some people talk, just because God made her that way, she really ought to be in oversized burka like clothing because some man may be stumbling. She is a very shy girl and there is no way I am adding to that and I hope no else does either by taling about clothing and stumbling. She doesn't wear revealing clothes. But it really irritates me that some fellow Christians would be condeming her for basically having a nice, slim but curvy body. Oh and she doesn't like to show cleavage at all.
  12. Is Interphase a real part of the process or is it not correct at all? If he is describing the process in a more detail, I would give full point. If there is no interphase in the process, I would give half a point since he did name everything else correctly.
  13. Most states have a year or two of PE/health in their high school schedule. Doing some PE/health is something most of us have our kids do. I , for one, don't require daily physical exercise because studies show that alternate days for things like running are better. My girls, who are not taking any PS right now, run 10 minutes four times a week and play soccer for 2 hours every week. Some weeks they also play some sports with youth group. That is actually more PE than what non athletic kids in 22th grade in my area do. I don't care what the states say since we have had 2 different states so far for both of my kids who were in high school. This one might get three.
  14. WE know someone who got into the AFA who mom was a very relaxed homeschooler. He had much higher SAT, was a very well rounded kid, and was interested in become a physicist, not a pilot. I think all those things helped.
  15. This is such an old thread that we have moved and I have a new name and new location. My name when I made my post was Christina in Space Coast and I was in Space Coast, FL. Since it is over a year old, I am now TransientChris and I now live in Northern VA. Why are threads over a year old being resurrected?
  16. My dd who was not at all that enthusiastic about visiting colleges still did look at the websites before she went. (SHe was entering 11th and these were tours and information sessions rather than interviews). She still was curious why someone would even visit a college that didn't have their major. I am absolutely sure that before she interviews with anyone, she will have known about the institution. WHen we did interviews, almost all of the kids did know a lot about the institution. I am really surprised by this and hope this isn't a general trend.
  17. Both my 11th grader and my seventh grader do work at night sometimes. For the 11th grader, it is most nights. For the seventh grader, it is on days we have other things going on like co-op day or soccer day or doctor visit day.
  18. Yes, they can. They offer them on military bases for soldiers so those are people who did graduate from high school.
  19. My dh also had a allergy to our one cat, not the other we had. He didn't know that this particular cat would be a problem. We don't have him sleep with us and it has gotten much better.
  20. I generally politely decline and say we have a church we are happy with. My one exception to this was when we lived in Belgium. We were living in a Belgian town and one day we had two elderly ladies come up to our house. It turns out they were JW. Well my French isn't good enough to have a theological conversation with them but it was good enough to extoll the virtue of my native country, the USA. I did this because Belgium had made JW an unrecognized religion and these ladies were violating the law by doing what their faith required. While I didn't hold to their version at all, I did feel that our First Amendment is a wonderful thing. So I told them how in my country, everyone gets to have freedom of religion. ANd they went on their way to talk to actual Belgians.
  21. The girls and I like both Dance Shows, Lie to Me and Mystery. The males in the family join us for the Jay Leno Show. We watch almost everything on DVR so it really doesn't take so long. For example, we fast forward through rehearsal, ads, talking, and simply watch the dancing and the judging on Dancing with the Stars. We watch more of So you think you can dance but not that much more with audition weeks. We like dance and learning about it (so that is why we watch the judging) but don't need mushy stuff.
  22. Our youth pastor and our previous ones at other churches (we move frequently hence my screen name) all support homeschooling and also strongly support parents. None of the ones that I have been acquainted with talked about choosing education based on mission needs nor have they said anything to undermine parental authority. All of them had meetings with parents over what they were teaching, tying it in to what was happening in the church and none of these groups were somehow separate from the church. It is more like a bible study group for young people with service projects and some fun added in. Of course, we look for churches with homeschoolers attending.
  23. I am happy that Rio got it. I can't remember any Olympics in South America. Have there been any?
  24. I don't have a minimum number required because it hasn't been necessary with the first two. I may have to rethink before the third since she would be the oldest to go to college and may very well be ready to leave a year earlier. But my first had 27 or 28 , I think. My next will have something like 24-26, depending on what she does her last year.
  25. We are considering what dd should put down. This year is her year to try out a few different activities tell help her narrow down her choices. Her interests in careers lie in a few different directions and she is partially waiting to see how she likes the activities and with one of the choices, waiting to see what happens in Congress. Her current potential interests are Psychiatrist, Lawyer, Psychologist, or Political work (not as a politician but maybe a speechwriter, campaign manager, policy wonk, etc,). (Her activities this year which will help her choose are team debate, biology labs, and 4h project in veterinary science. She has already taken a course in Psychology at a CC and knows she is interested in that.)
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