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Everything posted by TravelingChris

  1. None, other than we are making payments on dd orthodontics treatment but that is not on a credit card and I don't even think of it as a debt. It is more like I am paying as we go though we are paying monthly. It will be done very soon. Otherwise, we are active duty military and choose to go with the plan with the most choice so we pay a maximum of 1000 a year for the whole family for any medical, pharmaceutical, psychological or eye problems. Dental is separate and isn't anywhere as good as most private insurances. That has been costing more than a 1000 a year for I think every year we have lived in the states.
  2. :iagree: with Sunshine. Please go talk with the counselor or your pastor. You need some support. I will be praying.
  3. WE tried to use the Blackaby one when we were overseas at a military base. It was not a good fit for our situation both in us being in a foreign country and for where we were in our seasons in our life. He comes to this perspective from a very evangelistic perspective. IT just made all of us who couldn't do this at that point in our lives feel bad.
  4. We have a Wii fit and other people use it. I don't. It was difficult for me with my arthritis.
  5. We both like JA movies or shows since they are funny. He also watched another chick flick that was funny but that is because we like funny,.
  6. For my girls who are under 18, we normally spend about 100 per birthday and 150 per Christmas. But it gets complicated some years. Like last year, my youngest had her trumpet paid off. That was her big CHristmas and Birthday present but she also got come clothes, and a few pieces of jewelry. None of the kids except her received much last year since we bought a large screen tv, high def dvd player, and wii. WE got games that all of them would enjoy and they do. For my son who is an adult, we normally get him a few cds and maybe a book for his birthday and the same plus some clothes for Christmas. He gets less but then he is an adult for whom we are paying for college, room, board, transportation, and books. We think that is a good deal for him.
  7. I will be praying. I was on an immusuppresant (not for cancer) and got a nasty antibiotic resistant cellulitis. It took a few tense days, but the doctors figured out which antibiotic combo would work and it did work. I hope everything goes equally well for your mother.
  8. My scale is 90-100 A, etc. That is what is was where she started high school and what it now is again in the area we have moved to. I will probably put ACT or SAT score simply because a few colleges don't require separate score reports and I would like to save a few dollars.
  9. Is the problem not enough professors and such to teach it Yes. I read an article within the last year about the shortage of nurses who can teach since you need advanced degrees. Those same degrees can be used to make very good money being a higher level supervisor, a consultant, a upper level hospital or healthcare professional, etc.
  10. It isn't phony at all. It sounds great. We have incorporated some traditions from various areas we have lived in. It's who are family is -transients courtesy of the US Air Force. One nice thing you can do is add holidays, if they have any extras around the holidays. For example, many Central European countries celebrate St. Nicholas day. We have always done this and our children really enjoy it even now that they are older. When I was growing up, a neighbor of mine was a German woman. She would help her kids and neighbor kids make lanterns out of milk cartons and we would have a nighttime parade singing some German songs and finsih up with some cookies and hot chocolate for St. Martin's Day. I am not familiar with specific holiday practices of either Danish or Irish but I bet they have some fun ones. The festivals in Europe are just spectacular.
  11. We have had one twice. Both times I laid down the law that they don't move. (We move every few years since we are military). Yes I hate them. My youngest is quickly approaching 13 but she still has quite a collection of stuffed animals. Almost all of them are hanging in this contraption I got at IKEA so I am okay with this.
  12. I take 50,000 IUs once a month. My youngest takes 1200 IUs once a day. She has osteoporosis. I have osteopenia.
  13. My youngest's name is Natalia and people are always calling for Natalie. If they start mangling our last name, we may respond. None of us mind whether the person says Na-tahl-ya or Nu tah lee ya although the correct pronunciation is the first. My name can be shortened many ways and I respond to almost all of them"CHristina, Christine, or Chris. My dh often calls me Tina but I didn't notice it for a long time. I wouldn't respond to Christy or Chrissy simply because I wouldn't recognize that the person is calling me. My older dd's name is Kathleen and no one has ever called her Kathy or tried to. Katie is the diminutive that she's been called though as she has become older she prefers either Kathleen or Kate.
  14. :) In honor of book month, Jay Leno did a jaywalking segment this week about books and authors. I was so happy that my kids knew all the answers (except the youngest didn't know the Count of Monte Cristo). The worse showing was by the so called Harvard English Grad who couldn't name ending of The Adventures of . SHe finally came up with Huckelberry. What I was really happy to hear is that my girls knew all the answers even though they haven't read all the books. As usual, they were totally bewildered where these adults were educatated.
  15. I would only put comments about things like abbreviations or other symbols for marking special types of courses: i.e. community college, online school, co-op, whatever designations you want to make. We won't be doing this application but when we do the college ones, we will have marking for Florida Virtual, two different community colleges, two different co-ops, and maybe another online provider too. We may even have more if we move this upcoming summer before her senior year.
  16. No, I don't mean she is going to take the tests for real for practice. She will simply do one real sat (old one) and one act (old one if they have them) for practice at home and see how that turns out. We haven't decided on SAT 2's yet but I also have to think about that too, if she will take them.
  17. It is so strange but since I have been a Mom for 20 years, this year is the first time that I am doing this regularly. I don't have a problem with it. Every other week, a neighbor and I switch out our daughters (who happen to have the same first names:)). She is the debate coach and my older is a debater and her youngest daughter is on my Odyssey of the Mind team that meets at my house. I also drive two other girls right now who are normally driven by a mom whose caretaker for her parents quit and she doesn't have a new one yet. She has worse troubles than me (two parents who are bedridden, one temporarily, one permanently) and so I don't mind doing that. In this case, we are all driving from the co-op to my house and it is less than a ten minute drive.
  18. Yes, they all have military bands and orchestras of various kinds. It is one of the things we really enjoy about being military. It is a very tough competition to get into them but I think it is a great way for a musician to keep being a musician while making a living. The ones we knew were very happy in their careers and excellent musicians.
  19. How about Polio, Ebola, Marburg. West Nile, etc, etc. Viruses can kill. Bacteria can kill too. WE have antibiotics for bacteria but they don't work on viruses. We have antivirals that help, maybe , with some viruses. Any doctor who tells me that something is just a virus is a quack in my book.
  20. I am afraid of not getting the vaccine in time. We are going to get the shot rather than the mist and that is coming later. Three of us are high risk due to asthma problems and the two others are teens or young adults. There are zero studies linking mercury in shots with autism and since my youngest is almost 13, that is a complete non-issue for us. (See the studies about autism in Denmark which tracks health for everyone and saw no decrease of autism once mercury was removed from vaccines). Do I find it perplexing and sad that people won't vaccinate? Yes. But I will do what I can to save my kids lives and that means vaccinate.
  21. Moira in MA wrote: I am not a fan of business as a first degree. I'd far rather have dc pursue a specific discipline then add business at the master's level if appriopriate. jmho. Good luck to your son. :iagree:
  22. I bet she is declawed if she doesn't hold on. My cats are always declawed (fronts only) and they all go through the scratching motions. I only have one now and he has medium length hair. I have never bathed him and he looks and smells fine.
  23. My dd is not a great scorer on tests. She scores well but the Math SAT is not something that she likes and I really believe that she will score better with the ACT which isn't a tricky test. I am going to have her do a practice full length SAT and full length ACT before I make a final decision but I am fairly certain it will be the ACT. Now the question is when? SHe is doing Chalkdust Algebra 2 though currently it is all review since her Algebra 1 was more advanced. SHe is an 11th grader. Should we take late Spring? Is there any harm to not having either of the SAT or ACT scores until summer? She probably will apply somewhere ED or EA so I figure she will have at least one chance to improve in the fall. ANy thoughts?
  24. I am going to be doing that with debate. She is taking a class on debate and then she is actually on a team with debate.
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