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Everything posted by TravelingChris

  1. Yes, we are all getting shots and we all get shots for seasonal immunizations too. THat is because number one I am always at least double high risk and often triple high risk. Two other family members are single high risk. THe oldest two kids are not high risk but because of me, if they are living at home, they have to be treated as high risk.
  2. I had a plan starting around 7th for my oldest and it worked almost exactly. THen my middle changed her mind and her capabilites and so the plan changed. Now with my youngest, it has to be a completely different plan since she is heading in a direction where more math and science is needed and less history and literature. Yes, she will do history and lit but not emphasized as much as the older two. and instead many years she will be doing two sciences like this year.
  3. We homeschool. I now have one in college and two I am still homeschooling. It is the main way we make connections in a new community and we do move all the time, hence my screenname. What about in 6 years when I am done? Well I will be done being a fulltime parent too so it will be a big change. I have already prepared for that by deciding several things I would like to do if my health is good enough. I had taken to Titus women when I was younger and I did watch the older women. Now that I am becoming an older women (not quite there yet since I still have a bit over 5.5 years being a fulltime parent), I intend to follow many of their examples.
  4. My 16 yo has a prescription for Fiorecet and it has made them bearable.
  5. I put other because I never had ceasareans and we weren't sure we were done until long after our third and last one was born. But we eventually decided that with my health problems and potentially going on very bad medication for babies, he had a vasectomy. It was no problem for him and it would have been a big problem for me as I form scar tissues readily.
  6. I saw that boy vomiting on the Today show this morning while I was trying to find the weather channel. I thought that the parents behavior was bad about that. Then I have found out that they had done an even earlier recording for GMA where the kid was vomiting. I am sorry, but what kind of parent puts their obviously sick kid in front of cameras to vomit in front of millions? I am not calling for the parents to have their children taken away but some supervision or counseling may be called for. That father seems to be such a publicity hound that he puts his kids at risk.
  7. The statistics I have seen very recently are that about half the people who are dying had no underlying illnesses or special risks.
  8. Absolutely okay. WHen I was in high school, I got viral meningitis, followed by pneumonia and then followed by severe breathing problems. I was a homebound student for the remainder of the school year. My work was done by reading along with some work in math and I think I might have had a test or two at the end. But it was almost all done by reading.
  9. One thing is really funny. ADHD children who are impossible often become more manageable about then. I know both of mine did. Now my older dd became even better until she was a few years past puberty. Then all h--- broke loose. I couldn't believe it. She would be like a perfect child for part of the month then like a devil child the other part. Yikes. Turns out that she has PMDD which is a severe reaction to hormonal changes. And it doesn't start happening until a few years after a girl's p. starts since the hormones aren't all there yet. We have all had relief with a medication. My youngest is the non-ADHD one. She was a joy until she turned about 10 1/2 or slightly later. SHe has been a trial since then and is now nearing 13. SHe is still not having p's and so I can't see yet whether that will help. I hope so but then on the other hand, I hope she has a bit more growing to do since she is only 5'1".
  10. It actually sounds more like diabetes to me since falling isn't associated with dementia and the fact that he does get better with treatment. It is very ggod that he is going to a diabetic specialist.
  11. I don't know about supplements but do know that there are some foods that specifically lower BP. One of them is celery, which I am not that fond of but forced myself to eat religiously while I had a blood pressure scare. Look up foods to lower BP on the internet.
  12. One girl in my co-op class (Government) announced she isn't getting a flu vaccine. So I re-iterated the co-ops policy that no one with flu is supposed to come to my class and that while they get sick, I get hospitalized. Some people don't get it.
  13. I haven't done any facebook but then I am older than many of you (46). I don't do pictures and I always thought that was what it was for. I email my friends in far away places.
  14. Yes, I saw it this morning too. I was aghast. Since they had a contained for the vomit, they must have been thinking it would happen. WHo would take their child who is nauseaus and about to vomit on national tv and not have him lay down or rest near a bathroom or something like that? How horribly unpleasant for the child. They were tired since they wer being filmed at approximately 5 am in the morning in the tv studio. What time did those poor kids have to get up after being on Larry King last night? This family needs help.
  15. I have let my two oldest make the decision but that was because they were sensible and were making the decision on the basis of academics and extra-curriculars and not social reasons. I also will let my youngest do the same and will include social for her but only in very specific instances. My dh is AD military and we could get sent to a place with very limited social opportunities for homeschooling like certain overseas areas. If so, we may encourage her to go to a private school since she is our extrovert (there would be no public school option or if so, not one we would care to do). But we would do that if she was isolated and couldn't have social contacts and her extra-curriculars otherwise.
  16. I saw a report yesterday on a Baptist Church in NC that is having a book burning where all Bible versions except KJV are being burned along with books by Billy Graham, Rick Warren, etc. Now that is what I call Legalism.
  17. My dd thought the test was much easier than the booklet and she didn't find it hard. SHe took it at the local PS high school she would be attending. It was in the library. She knew one girl who was on the swim/dive team with her. She left blank 5 questions which was much better than she had been doing on the practice exams. They were all left blank because she didn't have a clue to the answer, not because she ran out of time.
  18. I would say that we did phonics but with modifications with some. My oldest did phonics with a few exception words but he caught on very quickly. My next two did 100 Days to Reading which is a primarily phonics based program. For further work, my youngest used phonics. My middle was a difficult case since we did use phonics but I found out that there are many more than 80 sounds or whatever is the common number. She has extremely acute hearing and could hear differences others either don't hear or gloss over. I needed to find linguistic texts to understand her issues. All children read very well and have no problems. The only difficulty with phonics is that later on they tend to mispronounce certain words that they have read but never heard. On the other hand, if people are reading well and can read material they never heard, I suspect they learned phonics on their own if not formally.
  19. :grouphug: Praying with you. It is hard at times to keep our spirits up. I have personally faced a Jobean year so I know how hard it can be. Please keep asking for prayers when you need them. I found that knowing that others were supporting me was a great help and others gave me verses that helped too. Forgive me for not doing that right now since I have too little time but I encourage others to do so.
  20. In regards to ROTC (or OTC as my husband did), I don't think it hurts in the career depending on the service and your particular career choice. My husband is a scientist and I have seen that the fact that he went to a college that had a extremely strong physics program helped him much better than if he went to the academy. Overall, he was able to quickly learn the leadership skills but the students who went to the Academy were not as advanced in the science skills and that did hurt some of them.
  21. No alcohol here and my parents were European. They did drink occasionally and my father used to have one beer every night after coming home but they didn't give us any. We had Robitussin for coughs and Mercurochrome for cuts. MY dh is always saying we need to get some Mercurochrome but we use polysporin instead.
  22. We are all getting the shot. I have asthma, another disease that complicates respitory diseases, and have been on immunosuppressants just last week. My youngest tends to get asthma attacks only with some viruses and wasp stings. My dh has exercise and cold induced wheezing at times. ALl three of us need to get the shot. THe other two could get the mist but with my immunosuppressant history and high risk of complications, I will have them get the shot.
  23. I have my KA for 12 years now. I love it. It has even survived transformer usage in Belgium for 3 years. I have used it for so many purposes: cakes, frostings, cookies, bread, etc. I love it so much that I decided a long time ago that when my kids get married, this will be one of their presents early on.
  24. Let me try to be very polite. I am not trying to embarass or cause discomfort. Jehovah's Witnesses do not celebrate either birthdays or Christmas and have various other restrictions. Not only do most Christians celebrate Christmas, birthdays and other special events like anniversaries, many do not view JW as Christians. That certainly has been the teaching at Presbyterian, Methodist, and Baptist churches I have attended. At all those churches, everyone was celebrating Christmas and we made big deals of some birthdays (100 for example) and some anniversaries (25, 50, etc).
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