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Everything posted by TravelingChris

  1. Search bedwetting in the search area. There have been lots of threads about this. Yes, it is a normal difference. The stats are like 10% of 8 year olds and it slowly drops. It still is about 6 or 7% of 11 year olds. But the helps for this threads have much more info.
  2. What grade is she and what types of literature has she studied already? The two main styles of English in the high school years are by country of origin or chronological. So you do something like Intro, American British, World, or like WTM does Ancient, Medieval-Renaissance, Early Modern, Late Modern. If you chose either one of the above, you don't need textbooks, just the books. You can then choose a variety of books in a certain genre or time period and have her choose from those. So have her pick one or two Greek plays or a few Shakespeare plays.
  3. I would strongly recommend that you add the current governmental system. I have been teaching a US government class for homeschoolers and most are jrs and srs. While many of the kids had knowledge of the Federalists and the early American history, what they didn't know is how current government functions. Things like what are term lengths and condition for offices like president and senator. Misinformation about how bills are passed ( a number thought the Supreme Court automatically reviews the bills). Others had misconceptions about government agencies, how the government raises money, and what are rights are.
  4. I think this year will end up being 270 for cc classes, approx. 150 for co-op classes and books, 500 for math materials, 150 for biology (not including the extra microscope dh bought), 600 for Spanish, and using library materials for English and History.
  5. Does he have other interests that could be developed online? I mention this because my kids who move frequently got through those lonely periods with online contact. One of mine is very interested in film and also in fiction writing. She started by commenting on other's writing and went on to publish her own and get criticism on it. Another option is volunteering. SInce he is a homeschooler, he can volunteer in school hours. His fellow workers and volunteers will be adults but all my kids made some good relations doing that plus learned very well how to work in the adult world. One volunteered at a veterinary office and the other volunteered at the library.
  6. My son who is going to be a senior in a few weeks thinks that homeschooling was great. He is a philosophy major but he felt his non major science classes were too easy. He didn't have any problem in calculus either. I do remember him commenting that his French teacher didn't like his Belgian French but that didn't have anything especially to do with homeschooling rather than he was learning to speak French in Wallonia where we were living by watching tv and speaking to local residents and reading their newspapers and ads.
  7. I concur completely with Carol. Unless you have early menopause for certain reasons- i.e. hysterectomy at 30, etc or you don't have any risk factors for heart diseases or breast cancer, I would definitely not recommend HRT. If you are at high risk for osteoporosis, there are much better drugs and therapies with less side effects. The whole HRT therapy started because of a hypothesis that wasn't tested- women before menopause have a lot lower risk of heart attack than women after so lets give women HRT. They gave women these for many years before anybody tested the validity of the hypothesis. It turned out to be invalid. Just like BC pills increase your risk of blood clots (and heart attacks are blood clots or plaque buildup in your heart) so do the similar hormones in HRT. I am not menopausal yet but do have osteopenia. I take mega doses of Vit D once a month, do weight bearing exercise, and take in lots of calcium. (Oh and the biggest risk of heart disease is family history, not High blood pressure, obesity, or high cholestrol). I eat olive oil, fish and nuts to help with my heart. If your bone density is low, proper doctors would prescribe a bone forming medication. Those do work.
  8. I will do it. Glad to help. Let's here if anyone else what's to do this. I have been homeschooling for 15 or 16 years so have a lot of things. I am in Annandale but Lorton is fine for me.
  9. I don't know about Richmond, but up here in Northern VA we have been having awful weather. But I haven't seen anybody with chains and don't think they are advisable here since what we get is some cleared roads and others not cleared. You can't drive with chains that way I think. We have been having very cold temperatures, heavy snowfall two weeks ago, nasty icing earlier this week, and I think the weather will likely be cold and unpleasant in that time period too.
  10. While I am not a big fan of Metal Music, I have to say I like this video. I think it is a great ad but then it isn't meant to attract homeschooling moms but rather young men. (And yes there are plenty of women in the military and they are very important but this ad was made to attract young guys).
  11. WE are going to be using the GI bill for our next dd who will be going to college in 2011. I am trying to get some wisdom from any parents who may have already gone through the admissions process with this program or who are going through it now. Specifically, how does this work with schools that have limited amounts of yellow ribbon add ons? Some of the potential schools have scores of scholarships or are in states where none is needed (the original GI bill is already enough). But other schools she is interested in have more limited yellow ribbon funds and are in states where the regular GI bill would not cover costs. We have already told dd that since she is getting a free fullride, we can't see her applying to anyplace that won't do that. We want to save our money for number three or to help number two in grad school. IF you have done this, at what point do you discuss the GI program with school officials? Also, how do you apply or take advantage of the yellow ribbon program?
  12. Peela said:I find that strange because you get more crude nudity in the newspaper, on billboards, and its plenty available on the internet. We don't here in the US. I know that in Europe that is common but in the US the newspapers don't have anything like page 3 girls. Nor do we have naked billboards either. While nudity is available on the internet, you have to search for it or ask for it. I don't run across it at all since neither my shopping sites, my news sites, my home ed sites, etc. have any nudity.
  13. One big problem with rescues though is the lack of availability of small dogs and family friendly smaller dogs. In many areas of the country, all you find at pounds are pit bull mixes and other very aggressive breeds. We looked first at shelters. But we had to go to a breed specific group because I need small dogs due to my health concerns ( I have arthritis in my feet among other places and can't have any dog that will be able to pull me). Likewise there are problems for allergic families, elderly people, and many other groups getting pets from shelters. I remember a board thread this last year where all the different reasons people were precluded by the shelter from adopting were discussed. Some of these were single adults, military, elderly, apartment living, etc, etc.
  14. But I think "usual" has been irresponsible and that is why a lot of these businesses are hurting now I agree that this certainly has happened in some segments of society. But not all. The neighborhoods I choose don't have that since I tend to choose neighborhoods of nice, older homes. Those weren't the type of houses that the crazy loans went to and none of our neighbors are in this type of situation.
  15. I am with Blue Hen to a certain respect. I don't know about those particular people. But there is nothing noble about not spending money out of sympathy or fashion. I know that is not why most people are spending less. I completely understand that those with salary cuts, investment losses, uncertain job situations, etc, etc. will spend less. But, in general, for our greater benefit as an economy and a society, it is better if those who do have a good income and good job security to keep spending as usual as long as the usual is not irresponsible.
  16. My male dog which I got from a rescue was in fact, neutered at a young age. I know because I asked my vet how come he looked different from the other dog I had who had been neutered prior to my adoption of him. It was because he was neutered at a very young age. My question is how much are you trying to sell them for? I think more knowledgeable people would be willing to pay something for the puppies but not anything like a price of a dog from a reputable breeder. Not because you are a puppy mill or anything like that. Simply if I am buying a registered dog, I want more than just a registration and a dog. I want a dog that comes from screened parents (screened for what depends on the breed) and from a breeder who took the time and effort to make a good breeding looking at things like temperament of the parents, and other characteristics. That is I would pay much more for a dog that had been specifically bred to promote health, good character and other breed characterics that I felt were important. I am not at all knowledgeable about Papillon prices but do know that newspaper prices for my dog breed are usually in the low to mid hundreds and serious breeder prices are usually in the high hundreds to over a thousand. Good luck and I too would warn you away from Craiglist for this. I would also not give AKC registration until you have proof of sterilization and write the contract in a way to specifically state that the dog is sold only as a pet and specify whatever penalties you want to assess if the dog is bred.
  17. No, I haven't but thanks for telling me about it. I will have my youngest do it for sure and see if my middle is interested too. In terms of the journal articles that aren't linked- try your local library. They may have online access to some of them. I will also try my son's college library although I am not sure they will have agricultural articles since he is attending a college in the DC area.:)
  18. I have: -lived in NM, Belgium,FL, and VA (courtesy of AF) -owned a Volvo, Toyota truck, Mercedes Wagon, and Hyundai Sonata -started the decade with only me having chronic health issues, and ending with all three children having different ones -graduating one from homeschooling and starting the last one in homeschooling -having only dial-up and one computer to having 5 plus one coming in the next few days and high speed internet -owning many pets- but the two who were with us at the beginning have died and now we have a another dog, another cat, hermit crabs, and fish -never dreamed that we would be so blessed doing the right thing- we went to college with lots of people who went on to high powered financial careers while dh went into service to our country with a lot lower salary- now he has is retirement eligible and we have the GI bill to pay for one kid's complete college
  19. Is she from a different culture? I think if it is one person (MIL's sister), I would allow it this time. But I would make it very clear that additional guests have to be cleared with me before being invited. I would say it in a very nice way- we need to make sure we have everything ready, enough food, no plans, etc. But I would not allow guests to be having any others over without advance notice. I don't let my own immediate family members do this so why would I allow guests, even if they are relatives, to do this? But dh and I are both more formal type people and while I don't mind hosting five kids weekly for their meeting and others on a more sporadic basis, I need to be asked and have it be my decision.
  20. I haven't done this. I looked into this at one point but it became unnecessary. Becoming the legal guardian does not mean he has to live with you. WIth adults, the guardians usually don't live with the person. It does mean that you can do things like sign him up for social services and benefits that he apparently isn't competent or healthy enough to do. Check Texas law online. I would suggest you look at the NAMI website.
  21. They never have my color- very pale. Flesh colored is way too dark for me or mine. We laughingly call our number two the dark one because she is the only one in our family who would use the second lightest color in foundation (not that dh or ds use foundation but if they were females, they would both be in the fairest shade)/ She actually tans and it just shows you how simplistic genetics is just wrong. Yes, two very light people can have a child with slightly darker skin (both dh and I had fathers with dark hair and somewhat darker skin than our very fair, blonde or strawberry blonde mothers).
  22. I am totally amazed that you have someone staying at your house for 60 days a year. That is a full two months of your year. I can understand that is disruptive. Why do you need to see them so much? I would say two visits a year are plenty. However, it is your life.
  23. We may have turned off the computer. In terms of food, we always have more food than we need except when we are getting ready to move so yes, we had extras. My youngest was 3 and my others were 6 and 10. Now, of course they are 13, 16 and 20.
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