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Everything posted by TravelingChris

  1. I would like to strongly recommend this book- Protecting the Gift- to anyone, in particular, is unclear bout trusting instincts, icky feelings, own suspicions, etc. You can find in many libraries or on Amazon. I have no financial interest in promoting this book, just personal and professional experience in its content.
  2. I wanted to read posts on a thread I had responded a few times. Instead of the thread being deleted, it says invalid thread. Is this something different than thread deleted?
  3. Yes, we do this. It is completely legal to copy your own music for use on your own CD. We also do this as a family in the same household. Just as we wouldn't buy three record albums for one household, we don't buy three cds or three rights to the MP3 player. On the other hand, we are already planning on buying cds that our children own and will take with them when they leave the house and we do want to hear. We also will be gifting them their own copies of some of our own cds that they love. We make very sure we follow copyright laws.
  4. Hey Melissa in Australia, Depending on what kind of engineer he becomes, he will have a very good income. If not in Australia, then in the US. We are looking for engineers, particularly ones who can get security clearances. The salaries are very good. Coming from a allied English speaking country would get him far. Just a small thought for him since I believe that US salaries are ahead of Australia's.
  5. From dh: I got a ruby bracelet to match my ring and pendant I got on other occasions, a blender to replace a broken one, a beautiful brooch, and and all purpose opener, and an MP3 player. As joint gifts, we got a waffle maker and a popcorn maker. We also received two embroidered pictures from our older dd who we hadn't known that she had learned to embroider From my ds, an orchid from older dd: extra forks, extra knives, from younger dd: dish towels from my brother: an Irish music cd My birthday is in January and so I have more presents to look forward to.
  6. WE have three. We won't have anymore biological ones because of my medical condition and medications. In two years, we will be down to one child at home and depending where we will be living, we may start fostering again. (We did that before children).
  7. I think most of us do. I have a BA in economics which I will be using for the first time since graduating this coming semester- teaching a homeschool class. I also have a MS and all coursework and tests for a PhD in Criminal Justice and haven't used that since 1991.
  8. I am seconding the recommendation to Johns Hopkins. That was were our dd who has a very rare condition (about 170 cases worldwide ever) was tentatively diagnosed but even better treated and is better. SHe is seen at the Kennedy Krieger Institute but I also know another woman with a very rare eye condition that was diagnosed at another clinic of theirs. I further know that they have diagnostic people in many areas. We went there with no referral, just our self referral. They were wonderful.
  9. We do it at home. We have better equipment than either of us had in high school and my dh loves to do this. He is a PhD physicist, We have two expensive microscopes, lots of chemistry glassware, dissection instruments, etc, etc. My son who graduated from our homeschool and went to college found the college science classes very elementary compared to what he did at home. ( He was not a science major). THe only one of our kids who will be a science major or something related will have excellent opportunities at our home since the one thing I can't stop dh from doing is buying more and more science equipment and books. If we live near our grandchildren, I suspect he will love to teach them too.
  10. With ACT you always have to release each score individually so there is no downside to releasing any score. Other scores will never appear.
  11. My youngest takes 2000 IU of Vit D, 800 mg. of Calcium, and some little amount of other vitamins. She has osteoporosis. My middle and my husband are taking fish oil, he for heart health, and she for ADHD. I take a megadose of Vit D once a month, 400 mg. of B2 daily for migraine prevention and calcium 800 mg.
  12. I just did my two underage kids. (My son is 20). My older dd has a BMI of 17.2 and that makes her in the 6% and my younger has a BMI of 18.9 and that makes her in a 52%. Both are in the healthy range which is how it looks like to me. But what this tells me is that higher BMI's are expected as you get older. My younger is not done growing and I expect her BMI to fall as she gets older. In terms of growing spurts, my two older grew taller first and then filled out. My youngest grew chunkier and now is growing taller.
  13. I was somewhat interested based on the special effects but my 16 yo who follows modern movies more closely siad that she absolutely doesn't want to see it since she thinks it is anti American military and she is totally tired of those kinds of movies. I am seeing here that I guess we won't be seeing it.
  14. I think I will just continue what I have been doing. Teaching my two remaining homeschoolers, helping them get into good summer programs and for the older one, a good college next year, planning vacations and trips, meals and classes, gardens and baking projects,and continuing caring for everyone's medical problems now that I have to add my dh finally into that category (hopefully only temporarily).
  15. I have one child that is what I call auditory. She is unusual and I haven't met any other people like her. She has actual memory problems and did have visual problems that are mostly alleviated but which she had unalleviated for the first 8 years of her life. Here is why I call her auditory- her primary sense is auditory. She remembers songs, words, slogans, etc. She has a very hard time remembering most of what she has read. She doesn't have a hard time remembering what she has heard. Her world is much more sound oriented than a normal persons. She hears sounds much more distinctly and pays so much more attention to sound than anyone else I know. She has a very hard time with diagrams probably because she can't say them. But like I said, I consider her very unusual in this regard and I do think it comes from the unique combination of her seeing problems in her early childhood and her natural musical ability and greater hearing acuity.
  16. We are Christians but we are also a science family. (DH is a professional scientist as well as a military officer). We teach the science and we teach our faith. With our view, there is no discrepancy between the scientific view of the age of the universe and the Bible.
  17. We are fans of the original books of Sherlock Holmes and also have loved the English series of Sherlock Holmes. Since the review in the newspaper said that the new movie favored brawn over brain, we won't be seeing it. They gave it 1 or 1.5 stars.
  18. The reason I mentioned schools with geeky or very driven students is not that I don't think drinking, durgs and sex don't happen there. But they do tend to keep it down on non-weekend nights a lot more. I expect almost all colleges to have issues on Friday and Saturday nights. If they are having issues every night that is the biggest problem. My next one doesn't mind being different and doesn't want to drink or do drugs. She will have a single room. So for her, the only deal is how many problems every one else is causing. If they are quiter and studying on SUnday evening- Thursday, that will be sufficient. I don't have worries that my kid will suddenly become a wild girl. Will she have a drink sometime? Maybe but she doesn't like alcohol and she can't get herself to even drink coffee even when it would be very beneficial to her (she is ADHD and needs caffeine on debate days when her ADHD medication runs out).
  19. We loved Playmobil. I am fairly certain that if I pulled them out my kids would still like to play with them for a while.
  20. One more thing, she is likely to score way better on the ACT then on the PSAT because she is scoring much better on the practice tests for that.
  21. Last year, we moved right after the PSAT results and this year, dd got worse scores. I am curious if any other tests do something like school search or does she have to contact lots of colleges on her own?
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