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Everything posted by TravelingChris

  1. I used to have to. NOvacaine and a few of the others do not work on me. I would just get the shots with a lot of pain and no pain relief. I would focus on something else like dots on the ceiling. Nowadays I do get shots of carbocaine before a filling. THat one does work on me and I like that a lot better.
  2. Well as there is no AF base in Charlotte I don't think so unless they pulled him in to be an ROTC commander and there is a unit in that area.
  3. Well I don't know about what you mean about worthless degrees. My dh got a BA in physics, then later while employed got MS and PhD. He is quite well paid and we know lots of physicists who are well paid too. I can't tell you anything about digital art except my son says lots of it is being done in Japan. He is a fan but whether there are good opportunities here in the US, I don't know.
  4. I think I would only do a year of World History, a year of American History and then fo half semesters of geography, government and economics. That would fulfill high school and college requirements. THe minimum my kids had to do was enough to get into college. Only one of my three will have done a WTM 4 year history schedule. THis is because the middle one got sick in tenth grade and we had to compromise and the youngest prefers textbooks and workbooks.
  5. It is really snowing a lot here in No Va and I hate it. I am now wishing that DH gets tranferred this summer to a warm place again.
  6. My dd has panic attacks where she has them and then looks around for a cause. Like she is phobic about spiders and tsunamis. So she will have a panic attack for no reason and then decide to think about space or tsunami or what have you. Her's were associated with her cycle and they are hormonal. Her gyn told her that it was common for girls to develop hormonal issues not immediately after puberty but after about a year and a half to two years. For her, the answer has been doubling her Lexapro in the approx. 2 weeks prior to the start.
  7. We have cable broadband here. In Florida, we had high speed DSL and were able to do it too.
  8. I have to say that I abhor the idea of group work and papers in math. Is this some weird way to level the playing field? Everyone knows that most people who are very good at math and science are less comfortable with groups and papers. That holds double for the Aspergers syndrome children. Anyway, showing in pictures what multiplication means is good. Leaving it at that is bad. I like the old way of doing things where you introduce multiplication in first grade 2*2 level and master in third grade with memorization and multiple digit multiplication. Then in fourth it is battle with division and fifth is fractions. Sixth would be decimals, percents, etc. Then pre-algebra would be all standard non Algebra things like more geometry, ratios, exponents, scientific notation, etc.
  9. Wow- I hope to never move to these areas with the awful homeschool groups. I am always in a support group or co-op and have been for 16 years in a number of different states and one other country. Since I have also been chronically ill for that time, you can be certain I have been sick at times and not able to attend (whatever it was). Never had any problems. There were groups that were co-ops and everyone had to do things. That is the way those work. In one group, each parent had to take over one or two lessons a semester. Like we were doing World Geography and you chose a country and did a lesson. How it was done was completely up to you. But you did one lesson and your kids learned about 14 other countries. Then in two areas, there were group lessons. Those either had a volunteer parent or were pay lessons for someone. Those had less time commitments. In the last two co-ops I have been, everyone does something. In the first one, I was a helper to classes and a hall monitor. In the one we are in this year (we moved), I teach one class in two periods. I teach but others do things like set up coffee, snacks, and speakers for our support group. (We work two periods and have a support meeting in the third). Some classes like cooking and sewing need parent helpers. Others serve as substitutes or in the resource room. The only time we weren't in a support group or co-op was last winter/spring and it was a miserable time for me. Since I am always moving, I am the new person somewhere between a third and a half of my life.
  10. My son doesn't go but that makes me very unhappy. He is an adult, does have insurance but doesn't want to go. He also has long standing medical issues like abnormalities with his liver, his heart, and other issues. The rest of us see doctors. I see rheumatologists, internal medicine, gynecologist, endocrinologist and opthalmologist. My middle sees a adolescent specialist, occasional orthopedist, gynecologist, neurologist, and cardiologist. My youngest sees a adolescent specialist, endicrinologist, orthopedist, and allergist.
  11. I am reading a Georges Simenon book- Maigret and the Man on the Bench. It is a translated version.
  12. I am teaching economics for a half credit and using The Dummies Guide to Economics by Sean Masaki Flynn.
  13. I am sorry Joanne, about the troubles you are continuing to have. I don't even get rating threads poorly or putting snarky tags on threads. Get a life, whoever is doing that. Don't read the thread if you don't want to.
  14. I thought I posted a reply but I can't find it. One reason that you may not have seen the baby nor even a photo is that seeing the baby would tell you it isn't your grandchild. THis is assuming that your son and his girlfriend are the same race. Then if the baby is a different race, you would know and not give her any funds. The WIC story of that she named your son as the father and that is why she isn't getting WIC is simply untrue. WIC is for low income people and they can be married or not but your son is not earning income in a jail so that is not additional income. She may not be collecting WIC because she doesn't want intrusion into her life. THe landlord story gives more clues about what is going on. While the landlord could be kicking out the 20 yo and her baby because of lease restrictions, I think it is more likely that it is a drug eviction. That is because if it is a mobile home, it should have enough space for three and usually the landlord isn't controlling the private mobile home, just the space. On the other hand, if drug use or sale is involved, the home and the property (mobile home park) could be seized as a drug seizure. I would recommend that if you are thinking of giving any financial help or even material help (diapers, formula), you insist on a photo. Then if I was satisfied it could be my grandchild, I would locate through the web how and where she could apply for WIC, food stamps, section 8, etc. in Alabama. I would get that info to her. I would not send any money to her at all. Even with the formula, that can be traded for drugs but at least it is a bit harder.
  15. I said 7 because that is what it is on a good day. On other days, I have early waking insomnia and get 4 or 5.
  16. It really depends on where you live. The same thing with the actual prices of the food. I was so surprised when I went shopping in rural Maine. The prices were so much lower than in suburban DC. I try to shop at commissaries but I live about 9 miles away from the closest one and we have heavy city traffic most times of the day. So I end up shopping at non commissaries and just about die from the price differences. The milk prices and fruit price differences aren't that great. But the meat prices make me apoplectic. I have taken to buying loads of meat on my trips to the commissary because I can't see paying so much. I only buy what is on sale if I do end up buyng meat at the regular stores
  17. :grouphug: and more prayers for you. Let me just say that this may be your Jobean year. I had that in 2008. It was one horrible event after another. Although we had another bad event in early 2009, since that time we have been having peace. There were several people who came up to me then and told me about their struggling year and how God was faithful to them and they came through. Those stories and prayers others offered for me and the support and good wishes that were offered here and with my church family and homeschoolers in person helped a lot. I am PMing you.
  18. Thanks Perry. Yes, he would probably be considered pre-hypertensive and that is why I want to do lifestyle changes first. He does not have either diabetes or kidney disease and he is exercising both aerobically and with weights for 23 years consistently. He is also under 50. WIth me, my blood pressure is all over the place but I don't think it is unusual with someone with chronic pain. It frequently in the 130 over 89 range but just as frequently in the 120 or high 110 over 70 range. Only one doctor ever got excited about it and he was quickly overruled by my regular internist who retested me and found me in the normal range. When he comes back from overseas, I will have him recheck with the doctor and find out why exactly he wants him to go on drugs. He will bring the JAMA recommendations with him. If the doctor is seeing some other risk that I don't know about, I would like to know. Living with my own chronic illnesses for 15 1/2 years and coping with medical problems of my kids has made me very aware of many medical issues. I am not convinced this is a pharmaceutical conspiracy but on the other hand, I am not one to put someone on medication without being convinced there is a need, either.
  19. My dd is a first year debater as a high school junior. She and her partner will be doing two tournaments and regionals, if they qualify. They have prepared their own case, and all members of the club produce negative briefs which they share. IT is a lot of work. Many weekends, my dd is working all day Saturday and half of Sunday on negative briefs. That said, I think it is the best thing she has done to prepare for college and a career. SHe also has other things she is doing like choir, honor society, and the regular school work. She takes a class in Intro to debating and that will be getting a credit. Other than that, the many extra hours she spends will be extra-curricular. She is learning very valuable skills of researching and or logical refutation.
  20. I went to the Mayo site and to the American Heart Association site and they both said the High BP is 140/90 or higher. He doesn't have that and neither do I. I am on heavy medications on my own and am very uninterested in having DH go on dangerous drugs. That said, I am now going to go gungho on what he will need to do- take aspirin daily, dark chocolate, nuts, celery, oats, and no salt adding to foods.But he doesn't need to start a diuretic right before he goes on a 23hour plane trip. Nor do I want him taking the drug without me able to observe and help him.
  21. My dh has been prescribed a bp medication and I don't even think he needs it. His bp seems normal to me. At what point do they medicate for high bp? I told him not to start the medication now anyway since he is about to travel to Australia where it is summer and the medication says to keep away from the sun. The reason I don't understand why the doctor would prescribe anything is since his blood pressure is like mine and none of my many doctors want to do anything for me at all with regards to it. In fact, no one has said I have high blood pressure and they have in fact said my bp is fine.
  22. As it is with all things, being better educated and better off financially gives one's children some advantages. So what? That isn't anything new in human history. What is new that there is some movement now between classes. We have changed more towards a meritocracy. You can't level the paying field because God didn't give us all the same talents and smarts. We can only do the best with what we have. Keep on keeping on and don't worry about the advantages others have. It will keep you blood pressure lower.
  23. I was reading a census report on where people are moving from and where they are moving to. It isn't the weather climate that is causing moves. It is the tax climate. There have been very significant trends for businesses and individual to move to lower tax areas.
  24. I tend to not have friends who have little babies. My youngest is 13 and I have nothing really to add to the conversation about little ones. I also don't want conversations about sleeping through the night, feedings, diaperings, etc. I am much more interested in talking to parents with teenagers or adult children. That said, while it appears that I am different from the parents around me, I am not so sure that I am . For example, my daughter is on a team that meets at my house. Sometimes, she plays music while they work. We listen to all kinds of music but mostly she will play 80's and 90's dance music. The music isn't mature rated or however that rating goes. Come to find out that one of the girls lives in a household where they listen to only contemporary Christian music. So I talk with my daughter about this and she said, that's funny since she watches Hannah Montana and some other shows that certainly don't feature Christian music. Now my daughter likes some music for which I don't like the lyrics- I Believe in Miracles by Hot Chocolate comes to mind and she hasn;t been allowed to download that song just because she does play her music with her friends.
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