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Everything posted by TravelingChris

  1. I didn't like last nights episode very much. Way to much of Renee and the slimey Russian guy. A little tiny bit without focusing so much on it would be better. I also know that Dana Walsh wouldn't pass even low level security checks let alone what would be required for a unit like CTU.
  2. No one asks. FIl used to ask how much things cost when he would visit us but he doesn't visit us, so no. We never knew how much anything cost anyway (THe things he was asking weren't things that were special to us in any way). Our income is public knowledge since dh is military.
  3. I already knew that this was a discredited study but until this week, I didn't know about the unethical nature of it. Can you imagine doing medical experiments on your kid's birthday party attendees? It boggles the mind.
  4. :confused: I am so unhappy. The snow makes me hurt. Dh was in warm Singapore and is now in hot AUstralia. AAAH
  5. Actually it isn't only with treatment for LYme that ANA can go down. I have been treated with disease modifying drugs for 13 years so far and most of the time they test ANA, it is negative. But when I have a bad flare, it is positive again. MOst of my doctors don't test it but since I move, a lot do test at the first visit. It is only because I have my old records and because I am on medications that are serious business that not all of them test.
  6. I agree with the previous poster who said don;t assume they don't read. Most wives of professional men who have educations themselves do read and read a lot. The fact that it isn't a typical conversation point with women doesn't have anything to do with that. I don't know that many women I meet in professional circles know anything about what I read or learn about. We tend to talk about our children, our travels, where is a good place to get something, etc.
  7. I will just say that I agree with other posters. You can't help her. You are now doing irresponsible things to help her. That has to stop immediately. It isn;t helping her and it is hurting your family. If you need to, stop taking her calls, at least for a while. It sounds like you are in a very precarious situation medically and financially and that needs to be dealt with first. The fact that she can get jobs but just doesn't like them means she is not helpless at all. She is a user. If you are a Christian, maybe some pastoral counseling would help. SOmetimes Christians get confused as to how far to help parents or other family members. THe Bible does have plenty to say about sharing and helping but it also says plenty about pulling your own weight and not being lazy. You have to tell your husband what has happened and then resolve not to let it happen again. Your family survival is the most important thing. As it is, the best thing that can happen to your mom is for her to take responsibility for her actions and inactions. If she gets jobs in this economy, she can keep herself from being homeless. I will pray for you.
  8. I am a book collector. Not of all books but I do collect illustrated children's books and cookbooks and gardening books. I would do that even if I wasn't a homeschooler. I am not keeping all the homeschool books we have. I have been getting rid of a lot that no one will read. Although my childran are older, I have quite a few moves before any possible grandchildren. I will always be getting the grandkids books.
  9. I have a daughter with osteoporosis so since that is treated by endocrinologists, she has seen two. THe first was completely unhelpful. She didn't figure anything out and gave us not only no answers but no possibilities either. SHe also didn't seem to think it was a serious problem. I serached the internet and found out that a specialist in juvenile osteoporosis was based in the next state over. I called the clinic and their response was like night and day. They scheduled us within the month, they sent us info to give to our pediatrician to start the tests going, and they ordered Dexa scans. Now a year later, we still don't know why dd has osteoporosis but after a six month course of Fosomax, her bones grew enough to stop. She hasn't had any bone issue since August. She is now osteopenic on the DEXA scale versus full blown osteoporosis. NOw I think the doctor may not have an appointment for three months. Everywhere I have been, we have long waiting for ped. specialists. There aren't enough of them in many fields. WIth my older, we did end up using an adult neurologist for her seven month long headache and he finally stumbled onto the correct medication to stop it. Do I blame him for the failed trials- absolutely not. So much in the medical field is unknown. I think the problem is that they don't know why it has stopped working. I would want more tests before putting on any medication but if the tests come back again, thyroid medication is probably what he needs.
  10. I can't see letting any other person in the household when you are living so close to the edge and your husband just got laid off. But what really surprised me is your list of things he needs- one of them being cigarettes. Why would you use your meager unemployment earnings and other small amounts to buy BIL cigarettes? Forget that they are bad for you, they are also very expensive.
  11. I have used many programs with my three very different learners and everyone has learned math fine. With the oldest, it was ABEKA in first grade in school, then BJU for two years, then EPGY through ALgebra, Jacobs Geometry, Foerster's ALg. 2 (the only one that didn't work well at all), and finally Saxon Advanced Math. Second one has had Miquon, then Saxon through pre-algebra, then Jacobs Algebra, then three methods for Geometry, and now CD ALg. 2. SHe will have CD pre-calc next year. THe last one had Miquon and Saxon for a few years, then Horizon, then one year of Calvert Math, then LOF.
  12. What happens if there is a major snowstorm in your area when there was a SAT or ACT scheduled and the government buildings including the schools are closed? OUr area is getting more snow tonight and expecting major snow Friday night.
  13. K- FL said: My guess as to why she does better on the ACT is that it's more like the Iowa or Stanford in that it tests knowledge, not "how you learn" like the SAT does Yes, I am sure that is it. She is my child with severe adhd and while not an Aspie, a little more along that line where I believe both Autism in its many forms and ADHD and some others lie. Or maybe I should say a bit closer in that sphere since I don't think these things are linear. What is particularly amazing to me is how much better she is doing at reading on the ACT. While I think she got a 60 or 61 in PSAT, she has been scoring in the 99% range on the ACT. I think it is a much better measure because she is a child who enjoys reading Shakespeare and Milton.
  14. Both my dd's are testing Sat. if it isn't cancelled. We are maybe going to get a large snowfall Friday night:glare:, Older dd is doing it for college and younger for CTY.
  15. I wouldn't rush it if she isn't interested. My oldest got his at 18 becasue he was living in Europe when he turned 16 and couldn;t get it there. My next got her permit at fifteen, practiced all year except for 6 weeks after surgery, and got her dl a few days after her birthday. She has driven in a 5 million metropolitan area, she has driven on high speed highways (75), she has driven in snow, she has driven in mountains, etc, etc. But she had lots of practice and was very interested in learning. There was no way I would have an uninterested kid get a license. I didn't teach the first since he was infuriating to me. My second was interested in hearing how to do things and we didn't have fights. I think number three will be with dh again since she is argumentative.
  16. None of my children ever had a problem distinguishing between our faith (CHristianity) and ancient mythology. Just like they had no problems distinguishing between the Lion King lion who talks and the lion in the zoo who roars.
  17. I have a positive ANA score. THe thing you need to know is not only the ration but the pattern: speckled, etc. THe pattern is what helps determine the condition. THat said, a small percentage of the population has a positive ANA and nothing wrong at all. It doesn't have to be lupus since a number of autoimmune conditions also have it. I have Sjogren's Syndrome and a yet undiagnosed form of inflammatory arthritis. I have had my disease for about 15 years and am doing quite well.
  18. I have teenagers and an adult. I get to read just about any time I want to if I am not doing something else like cooking or laundry or preparing for the class I teach. I do one subject with one child personally and with the other child only occasionally when she needs help. Our discussions about science, history, and literature happen when we are together eating lunch or driving in the car or something like that. But I do actually have a lot of other things I do too. I take care of finances, the cars, the shopping, the medical needs of everyone, the pets, the garden, etc, etc. But I do have a lot of time to read. That has been a new change in my life this year. My youngest finally became mostly independent.
  19. WE had to convince my son that one school was better for him financially than the other. In one school, he got a renewable half tuition scholarship. IN the other, he got some kind of grant which was the same amount of money each year (lets say 8K). We had to use our logical skills to show our son that although both amounts were similar this year, in year 4, they would be very different. (He was admitted to about five but those were the two that he was left choosing between). Then after he left college 1 due to medical withdrawal and we moved here, we basically forced him to go down and enroll in the local state college. He is now a senior and likes it a lot. My son was simply an undecisive person and we needed to grab the bull by the horns. NOw he is going to be applying to grad school and it is his decision solely. The most I am involved is reminding him that he needs to sign up for the GRE soon.
  20. Yes, you have to remember that many colleges will expect parents to borrow amounts above the EFC but between the aid the give and the cost. I have BtDT. I will attest to how a small income raise skyrockets your EFC. I think that for many people who didn't save enough - and considering how the price of tuition has exceeded inflation for the past fifteen years and the stock market and real estate market tanked- who has, the new reality is paying for state college tuitions.
  21. SO far my dd has taken one dual enrollment class in Florida. It was free unlike here in VA. I didn't have her take it in order to get out of a class. In fact, if she does major in Psych, I think they may require her to take Intro again. But the class was helpful in that as a homeschooler, it shows she can do honors college work. SHe will also probably take an AP test again to show that she can do advanced work. I am not looking for acceleration. THat said, I know many kids who have taken their dual enrollment credits and put them to good use.
  22. I think more people here do the SAT but my dd will be doing only the ACT. She scores so much better on that one. FOr some reason, the SAT/PSAT is the only test that she doesn't do that well on. SHe scores really well on both IOWA and Stanford and she has been scoring quite well on the practice tests of the ACT (34 in reading:)). Since there is no downside to doing just that one and actually plenty of reasons to do it (a number of schools say SAT plus 2 SAT II or ACT).
  23. Other than allergic reactions, I have not had any strange reactions to drugs except if you call getting lighter colored hair a strange reaction. It didn't bother me. Ambien didn't work for me but didn't give me a strange reaction. It was just annoying that first it made me tired but not asleep then I slept and woke up early morning as usual. (I tend to have early rising insomnia).
  24. Unfortunately we have to go early August which means crowds. I have found a few rental places that do allow cross-border but not to Alaska. I wasn't planning to drive that far.
  25. I would be interested in knowing the stats of who buys what books and in what format. It seems to me that most hardback fiction that is original format (not BOM or something like that) is sold to libraries. Now I think that I may be like many people who do buy paperback novels occasionally but buy hardback books almost always that are non-fiction. I don't spend 250 a year or even 10 years on fiction books. I can't see why any of these e-book readers would be worth it for me. Maybe if I lived in a place without libraries. But I never have, even when I lived overseas and had to rely on small English libraries. I managed to always have things to read and I read very fast. I think that the printing and binding is very low cost. The transportation wouldn't be all that high anyway. However, with the bookstore mark-up, I think that $15 might be a bit too high. Even $9 is too high for me to spend to buy a fiction book since I don't spend that much normally.
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