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Everything posted by TravelingChris

  1. I am not overseas now but we didn't have any in Belgium, at least not any in the area I lived in.
  2. This is my youngest and she has had osteoporosis which hopefully is stopping. I saw on the other thread that from starting breast development until menarche would be around 6 months. Well dd had the first when she was about 11 3/4 and she doesn't have the second. She also isn't as tall as she is expected to grow. We have had growth hormone checks and that is normal (she has grown about two inches in the last year, finally). I really don't mind if she is later than her older sister since her sister was taller at this age. I wonder if the whole osteoporotic thing is delaying things but obviously not some things. ANy thoughts?
  3. Okay I will say that my homeschooling is very like my cooking. I like to search for perfection and then tweak. Or sometimes I just like to create. I don't follow very many things exactly at all. I love to cook but don't always have the time or energy and then we go with simple or frozen. I like to homeschool but don't always have the time or energy for every subject and then we go with some canned (i.e. videos or ready made programs). I will say that I am about this way with my entire personality. I could extend this anology to how I go sightseeing. I learn a lot about the area, scope the map of a place, listen to what people suggest and end up doing my own thing while taking some advice from others.
  4. I have been to the Bahamas and liked it there a lot. I am not sure what others don't like about it but maybe they haven't been out of the US. I have never been to the US VI and I am sure they are nice too but I would choose St. John because of the National Park. Realize that even the Virgin Islands will not be like mainland US and more like the other Caribbean Islands. They have different values then us so things are different there. (Some things people in the US don't often understand is that we have certain ways we do things that are very cultural but we tend to think of them as 'normal' like our obsession with time).
  5. THe Florida Keys but not Key West. YOu get warm, beautiful beaches and fantastic snorkeling. If you have never done this, it is very easy if you can swim and you see a whole new world. I find it so fascinating.
  6. I filled it out and sent it back on Wednesday. I filled out everything but put down human in the race column. I don't believe in the usefulness of race categories and refuse to go along with that system.
  7. Yes, I do and along with that, how many students come back for the sophomore year. That said, I haven't run into a school with anything less than in the 60's for the graduation rate. One school that has that I understand since it is a unique environment and very small so not for everyone. ANother school she is looking at, I am not understanding why it is so. I wonder if the support for students isn't there. ONe of the schools that currently is highest on her list has an extremely high return rate (91%) and graduation rate (87%). That seems like students are happy there and must be well supported. Since dd only has a four year scholarship, being able to get the degree in four years is a large selling point.
  8. My non autistic but severe ADHD daughter has PMDD which is a severe form of PMS. Medication has almost completely cleared it up. WE give her 10mg. of Lexapro daily for migraine prevention and an extra 10 mg. for approximately two weeks before her cycle and then a few days into it. Now that is a solution if it is cyclical like that. Her gynecologist explained that normally PMDD doesn't appear until about a year and half to two years after that time starts. The hormone levels aren't strong enough yet. BUt boy did it start. I urge you to go to a physician, maybe start with the pediatrician. BUt get medical help for her. There is a medication or a few that will help you.
  9. Are they on the proper doses of the medications? Are you asking them the things at the same time of day? I find that when my medicated daughter learns something while medicating, she doesn't necessarily remember when not medicated but usually does when medicated again. That said, she does have definite memory problems but she is a high achiever anyway.
  10. It really depends on what is normal in your state. In Florida, 3 credits counted for 1 high school credit. Since we are Florida permanent residents and that is where my older started high school, that is what we are going with. I have no idea what VA does nor do I care.
  11. WHat place restricts poodles? Do they restrict only standard poodles or even mini and toy poodles and why? I have a minaiture poodle now and he not only doesn't bite, he doesn't yap either unless there is someone coming up the driveway and I am glad he does that. (He also barks at deer and I am happy about that too.) But he only weighs 15 pounds and if someone thinks you can't have a dog like him, what kind can you possibly have? My cat is more aggressive than him though like him, he is also an indoor pet.
  12. Penelope- I gather either your kids don't know how to swim or are too young to swim, right? We had a pool at our last house. But our youngest was 8 or 9 when we moved in and a great swimmer. I was always cautious about the pool and never offered to have a book club where several members had small children who would tag along because of my pool. I only invited older children who knew how to swim and then monitored them. But I wouldn't invite non-swimmers nor little ones.
  13. HOmeschooling with illnesses. I have a chronic condition and no one has ever had this topic in all the groups I have been in over the years but many other homeschooling moms also have chronic conditions. Then I started teaching co-op classes. SO far, I found out that out of 12 kids, 5 had serious medical issues that I know about. That doesn't mean the others don;t or didn;t. Just that I haven;t learned about them yet. When I mean serious, I mean things like transplants and cancer. Yet I have never seen this topic, homeschooling while either the teacher or a student has a chronic or serious illness addressed. It needs to be. I have volunteered to address this at my group and so far no one has taken me up on it but I think it is because I teach two of the classes myself and no one else feels comfortable substituting for my econ class.:tongue_smilie:
  14. In many states, the lease in enforceable and the new owner has to abide by it. I would definitely find out your rights before you do anything else. Then decide how you want to do it.
  15. I have no idea what that refers to. There is nothing on the ACT called Workkeys. There was nothing like that on the test reports either.
  16. I have made sure that each of my kids have this since some colleges really want to see this. I just did things like others have already suggested- choir, Teaching company, live performances, classes, etc.
  17. Yes, it does I believe since the point of cortisone is to reduce your immunity and inflammation and those are the things the sed test tests.
  18. I have had to put down two pets. One was my mini poodle mix Zeke who developed a brain tumor. He was going blind intermitently, chasing flies that didn't exist obsessively, and getting snappy at times. We had him on medication for a while and it did help but then it soon started coming back. He was not happy and I don't even know if his head hurt. But we couldn't let him continue to get worse and worse. Then last year we had to put down our Siamese who was 16. He had developed a heart problem and became slower and somewhat thinner but then he developed something else. The veterinarian checked him for a number of things but came to the conclusion that he most likely had an invasive cancer of some internal organ. He was wasting away. We had him for months and he was not eating much at the end but when he stopped drinking water, I knew it was time. My prayers go out to your family at this sad time.
  19. I filled it out today and have it ready to be mailed tomorrow. I hope any descendants of mine won't find it funny that we put down human race. Hopefully my children will continue to do that and their children too.
  20. Katie, what you received last year was the American Community Form. It is also done by the Census and is required by law to be filled out. The census that you are getting now is the official census that is required by the US Constitution and you are also required to fill out this form. During the last census (2000), they had two forms, long and short. They did away with that and instead have this American Community Survey they do every year on a much smaller portion of Americans. So yes, you do have to fill it out but it isn't anywhere as long as the ACS>
  21. Someone did bring up another good point- homeowner's insurance or being able to rent a place. WHen we had a house for rent for three years, we allowed only pets with prior permission. Our management company was told in no uncertain terms and it was also in the lease that pitbulls, Staffordshire terriers, mixes of those dogs and other aggressive breeds were not allowed.
  22. I don't have any idea. Probably thousands but we are getting rid of a lot. My youngest is going into high school and I don't need lots of homeschooling books anymore. However, a lot of our books are my husband's physics and math books which take up more than two bookshelves alone. I believe we have thirteen bookshelves and lots of books not on them too.
  23. I don't think anyone will show up at your door because of writing human race. I know we did that in 2000 and may have done that in 1990 too but I don't remember clearly. Certainly in 2000 no one came to our house. I am going to write down that again and don't expect anyone to bother me. I will fill out the other questions about home ownership and ages of the people too.
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