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Everything posted by TravelingChris

  1. We do Sunday Church Monday nothing Tuesday nothing Wednesday soccer Thursday coop Friday nothing Saturday nothing That looks like we aren't busy. Here is the reality Sunday church and visit the Cherry Blossoms Monday pick up the truck since my dh went out of town Tuesday take daughter to allergy testing, have older dd go to Honors club meeting, take older dd to another doctor Wednesday- take younger back to allergist because she is having bad reaction to previous day's test, miss special class she was going to have at a local museum, go to soccer, end up in ER with older dd who is diagnosed with heat exhaustion Thursday- Coop, pick up dh from trip Friday- take older dd for recheck because of WEd Er visit, take younger to get blood tests, take younger for haircut, Sat- older dd goes top ACT test
  2. I did not instill this in them. While they do not need to cover up like in a burka since they have no problems wearing swim suits, shorts, athletic tank tops, etc, they are much more modest than I was at their age. My older one is so bad that I think she will have to find a sedation gynecologist when it comes time for pap smears. Actually, that is another question I have. At what age do non tea involved women go to a gynecologist for an exam? I know I had to go before since I had a yeast infection in the days before over the counter medications. Now we have that so when do I tell her she needs to go?
  3. I found that work study did not bring in as much as hoped. It is dependent on getting the job and having enough hours. He got a job but it usually was not enough hours.
  4. My dd wants schools in warmer places and Pepperdine is one place that is warm. Unlike the other poster's child, she is a pre-law person and is leaning towards things like psychology, economics, political science, or maybe criminology. What opinions do others have of Pepperdine? Her stats line up very well with theirs.
  5. You won't change Wife A. So you have to decide whether the gossip is enough to terminate the friendship or whether you can be friends but just keep rejecting her gossiping interludes the way you have been.
  6. I know that I have made three transcripts for my middle so far and I don't know how many I will end up. Just realize that while you want to keep the same info the same if you are applying to the same place twice, the look of the transcript or the format can change. I don't like the one I have now. It was okay for the summer program but that same school will be getting a new format for admissions that will allow me to add enough courses in the right categories. (Currently economics is in as an elective although it is a social science and was a mandatory course.):tongue_smilie:
  7. THe designation by the College Board. You are not allowed to name your class AP anything without getting permission from them. Some homeschoolers do that. Most of us just have our kids take the test.
  8. I will ask another question. I have a daughter with osteoporosis. SHe was tested for celiac with a blood test. She does not have any gastro problems at all. SHe does have low Vitamin d for unknown reasons. (SHe takes big doses of Vit D and will have a retest of it soon). The endocrinologist who is a bone specialist thinks she likely has the very rare idiopathic osteoporosis that should be disappearing as soon as she reaches puberty. She does have some other issues, mainly her body shape changed dramatically since the time of her problems. SHe used to be a taller, skinny girl and now she is a shorter, chubby child though her diet hasn't changed. Any thoughts?
  9. NOt very much. Chapter tests in math plus cumulative tests. Unit tests in Spanish. QUarter final tests in science. Midterms and Finals in Government and Econ. No tests in history, literature, and writing. I don't have littles, though.
  10. Joanne, I wouldn't bring out dogs or guns but like a pp said, it does happen. I think trespassing is a very risky activity, particularly at night. There are states, and I think you live in one of them, where castle rules apply. DO I think it is okay to shoot someone for Tping? Of course not but I know that there are some out there who do. I also agree with another poster who said that hanging a banner, sticking in flamingoes, and other such decorations are more in line with harmless fun. I don't see where tping is such a thing. If it happened to be dry, unless they only tped our smallest tree, it would be very hard to get down. If it was wet, it would be a real mess. No thanks and I haven;t seen any houses tped either here or in the last area I lived (rather hard to tp Palm trees anyway).
  11. I have an anxious child and as she has gotten older, she has really become much more comfortable in all sorts of situations. It would have been a very bad idea to put her in a school when she was little. She did not have separation anxiety but other anxious issues. She has jobs with people both volunteer and paid, attends tournaments, plays sports, attends classes, and is one of the children most likely to volunteer comments in those classes. Is she not anxious anymore? No, but it is much more controlled now and not anywhere as disabling as it was when she was younger. Having your son do all kinds of activities with you and some without you but not having full time school is probably the right way to go. Join a sport where you are on the sidelines. Do something like Scouts where again, you or your husband is on the sidelines. Have him take a one hour class in something. Pick him up right when the class ends. That kind of thing is enough for the socially anxious. As others have said, combining treatment for social anxiety with learning is probably a way for neither to occur well. Make the social events be fun things like Cub Scouts or sports or lessons in something he likes. Then do the teaching at home or maybe combine with a co-op for one morning or afternoon a week or month. That is plenty.
  12. I have only one person on ignore but most of the time, I open the posts anyway. Why then do I put this person on ignore? Because in certain types of threads I will almost always not want to open that person's messages since they tend to infuriate me. No, I do not respond and would not respond even if there was no ignore feature. But I figure it probably does my health a good turn not to get so angry so I keep the ignore. I disagree with others too but only one person on one topic usually gets me so worked up. Am I on ignore? I have no idea and don't care. Seems like people respond to many of my posts and I do to others.
  13. I think you are mistaking character and personality. I think the research is that basic personality traits like extroversion and introversion and thinks like how adaptable one is and how stubborn one is, those kind of things are fairly set by age 6. But not one's character. As one of the PP said, that goes against the Bible but as another PP said, it also goes against our experiences. Haven't you met people who have changed whether for good or worse? It takes a long time for a child to mourn a parent. My father died when I was 13 and in seventh grade and I don't think I was mostly okay until I was in 10th grade. Now add to that a change of home and circumstances like a new stepparent and I think you have to give it time. My dad died in the 70s and no one suggested any type of counseling for me or my siblings but that probably would have helped us. I also think that death changed my character to being much more responsible and mature. I became a little adult since my mother fell into a depression and the rest of my family imploded. So is my character different? I can't say whether it is character, personality, or both but I am sure I was changed by it.
  14. I have even gotten positive comments from school people. My neighbor is a guidance counselor for careers in a local high school and is supportive. I have known a number of supportive teachers in all the areas I have lived in.
  15. I have gotten this a lot in my 15 or 16 years of homeschooling. Another person today said this. She is the nurse in my daughter's allergists office. DD was having allergy testing to find out which other stinging insects she is allergic to (apparently all). The nurse was lamenting that she didn't homeschooling her son since when he went to kindergarten many years ago (he now has a child in high school so probably around my age), he was already reading The Washington Post but the teacher said who cares, he doesn't color correctly. She kept on talking about how great it is that so many are homeschooling since school keeps trying to put square children in round holes. And the really cool thing is that over the years, I have talked with many older people who agree that homeschooling is great. I just wanted to start a discussion about whether others have had more positive responses than negative like I have. The really sad thing though is how many people regret not homeschooling their own or having been homeschooled.
  16. Thanks all. I chose Silas Marner since it is a short book and she has already seen THe Importance of Being Earnest.
  17. Yes, we do. Two of them helped clear my driveway with their snow blowers this year while my dh was out of town. One of them is a guidance counselor at a local high school and she is so supporting of our homeschooling. There is only one child anywhere near the age of my girls in the closest houses but in our community, there is another homeschooling family we are friends with. We also get along great with the swim and dive families too. I have friends in the garden club too. Its all good.
  18. I would call the police. I consider it vandalism and trespassing. We have never been tped but have been egged and also had our mailbox bashed. I don't consider any of this fun. I would think that all of you who do might want to consider teaching your children differently because there are plenty of people like me who will call the police and others who will do things like come out with guns or sic their dogs on them. It isn't fun and games.
  19. Oh, I gorgot to add that she also has read Frankenstein earlier too. Oh and she has read Pride and Prejudice and Sense and Sensibility too in earlier years.
  20. My computer crashed in the fall and also some nameless people in my family didn't save my documents before reformatting my old computer and giving it to my daughter. Anyway, I remembered all the books until Gulliver's Travels but now I am lost. What next? She has read Beowulf, Canterbury Tales, a lot of Shakespeare Plays, Paradise Lost, Faust, and of course Gulliver's Travels. SHe has read DIckens a few times earlier in her high school so no more there. I want her done by late May. I know I don't want to subject her to Jane Eyre since I didn't like it. I will have her read some Yeats poetry and The Dubliners by James Joyce . I guess I also will do Heart of Darkness by Conrad and 1984. That takes care of the 20th century. But I need something or somethings from late 18th to the 20th century. Preferably nothing too long since she still has those others to do. Suggestions?
  21. I use them for teaching high school. I either get them on sale, used, or from the library. I have some already too. It is considerably less than taking a class at the CC here or most of the online ones. Also, for the science ones, we don't want to choose local homeschool providers since they teach science from a viewpoint different than ours. I consider the lectures to be on the level of 100 to 200 level classes in college. I would not consider them upper level courses, or at least the ones that I have viewed.
  22. I am the mother of two teens and one adult. We are also a military family. I would be so upset if any of my kids did this but then I couldn't see them doing this. I consider tping without permission to be vandalism. There is some decorating/tping that goes on with athletic teams but parents know this and are normally fine with it. THe tping I knew about as a kid and as a parent was normally that type of variety and not particularly hard to remove. The kids were normally doing it as part of the evening out- not a sneak off in the night activity. The only kids I knew about who were sneaking out at night and driving around or being picked up and driven around were kids on the wrong road. IMHO, nothing about this is benign. TP on the house of a boy you like is incredibly stupid since most likely it is a chore he will have to take care of. Nice way to get him to notice you, not. If my house was tpied without permission and I caught the kids doing it, I would call the police. It is vandalism and a crime, as is often being out at night without parental permission.
  23. My youngest is 7th right now and moving into 9th in June, most likely. SHe will have two classes at least with part of the work done earlier but part done after JUne. THe two that will count for high school are ALgebra I and Earth Science. Now, I keep a flowing transcript and change it as the need arises. That means, for her, the Algebra I will likely get dropped at many colleges. HOwever, I have seen state colleges and a few private that insist on having that Alg I credit even if the kid has credits in Calculus. So she will get a grade and then later it may drop off some of the transcripts.
  24. CUrrently we are using The Teaching Company's History of the Earth for Earth Science. I am learning more than even the girls. I find it fascinating. It has Prof. Michael Wysession from Wash U. St. Louis.
  25. It looks weak to me. THat is one big reason I didn't continue with Sonlight. SO while I wouldn't recommend this for ninth graders unless there are other issues, I wouldn't fret about it with a child who has done this already. In terms of her SAT scores, try the ACT. My dd scores very well on the ACT but only somewhat better than average on SAT tests (I actually haven't had her take any but she took PSAT twice and SAT practice tests). She scored 34 on her Reading test on the ACT but only 62 on the PSAT. She is a very concrete type thinking child and the ACT is much better suited to her.
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