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Everything posted by TravelingChris

  1. Why does she have to go to that college after community college? There are over 3000 colleges in the US and many, many of them offer teaching degrees. I would have her go to community college, if that is all you can afford, and then transfer to a 4 year college that would have the courses and experiences she needs. I would not have her take on large debt to become a teacher.
  2. " You must be very smart". I hate it when people say to me about how smart I am. I don't know that they think I should answer_ no, I am not, Yes, I am, well you sure aren't, what???? Don't tell me I am tall, short, smart, dumb, fat, thin, etc, etc. Whatever I am, I know already. Rant off.
  3. My mom was 43 when she had me and 46 when she had my sister. We got this a lot. But my mom died when she was 65 and I had my children at 26, 30, and 33. I didn't think it was a good idea to have children so late. I really regret not having my parents see any of my children. My mom died when I was 23 and my dad when I was 13. I make no comments like this to anyone.
  4. With my oldest and youngest is was puberty time (12-14 for boy, 11-13 for girl thouh with her still going on). With my middle, it was late 14-15.75. She turned out to have PMDD and that didn't start until about a year and a half to two years after her periods started. I am recovering today from the collision of all three yesterday (since oldest is mildly depressed and irritable right now, he isn't good either). So far right now I could say yesterday (as I spent this morning cleaning up soup and Pork with Plum Sauce oieces from my kitchen floor).
  5. I would like to add that we have a wonderful feature on this board called ignore. If you get annoyed by someone, put them on your ignore list. You can always look at a post they made by signaling that you want to ignore your ignore clause for a particular post. :001_smile:
  6. So many of you have children going to bed very early. WE don't do that. We eat dinner normally somewhere between 6:30 and 8:00. We have family time up to about 10 or 10:30. Morning time is my alone time. If my dh is home, I make his lunch, make coffee, do dishwasher clearing, take care of my pets and check email. I read the paper, watch some news, and give my dd medicine and then make sure my girls are doing school by 9am.
  7. By 11 pm. Earlier if we have something early to do like tonight when we have to be at debate tournament at 7:30 am.
  8. I am very worried. There is a way that other countries cover everyone and at a cheaper price. THe universities to train the doctors, nurses, etc, are very cheap so no one comes out with 200K of loans. The facilities aren't fancy in any way. No nice chairs, plain decor, very basic waiting rooms, etc. THe level of services is minimal. No one who has friends or family members relies on the food in the hospital. BUt what did they get? Very good medical care and incredibly short waiting times and quick service. THat was in a system kind of like what we are supposedly getting in the US. Belgium does not have a single payer system and not everyone is actually covered. Oh- two more great differences- everyone pays a co-pay of something, even the 'poor', and there are hardly any lawsuits since loser pays court costs and attorney fees for both sides. Unfortunately, we are not going to get this system so it will not be economical either for the medical workers nor for the government.
  9. Yes, it is unconstitutional. It violates Amendment 10, at a minimum. According to people who have actually read the bills, there is also a constitutional problem with the way the bill was written and voted on. THe way bills are supposed to be written is done in one house, voted, sent to the other house, voted, and then signed by the President. THe two versions must be identical. Apparently this was not done. I don't approve of this bill from either the constitutional point or the economic side. This bill is a disaster from an economic point particularly with regards towards the unemployed.
  10. Most schools don't require FAFSA for merit aid. This is a strange requirement that some schools do. Even if they do, since you are not going to actually use any federal aid, it is not important to be very accurate. The people who need to be accurate as close to reality as they can are people who are expecting need based aid. That is because you don't want to be in violation of federal law if you get aid. On the other hand, overstating your income is no offense at all and you can try to be realistic but err on the high side of your income and check the form, will file taxes instead of have filed taxes.
  11. I should add that while we don't choose churches with how many homeschoolers go there, we make sure that churches we attend/become members have a welcoming attitude towards homeschoolers. That can mean that it isn't mentioned but it can't be negative. Our church in FL had mostly public schoolers but was very welcoming of homeschoolers and did have two other families. In Belgium, the chaplain was homeschooling as well as a number of other families though others were in schools (American, Belgian or Canadian). In NM, we were one of the few homeschoolers but again everyone was welcoming. CA was where we had a problem. There I left a church when the interim minister compared homeschoolers to terrorists.
  12. We are in a church that has families that homeschool and families that don't. We also have lots of couples past school aged children, singles, and young marrieds without children or with little ones to young to homeschool. So out of the families with school aged children, probably about half or maybe a third homeschool. The homeschool families tend to have more children so it depends how you count them. Many others have children in private schools.
  13. YOu could be having a thyroid problem. If that is so, that is not a problem you self treat. PLease see a doctor first, get checked out, have a few tests run to make sure it isn't something serious, and then you can use alternative or complementary medicine.
  14. No, your employer will not be covering you. In fact, many of you will be losing your coverage. That is because the fine for companies have over 50 employees for not having insurance is 2000 per employee. The cost of insurance is more that 2K per employee. It will pay for them to drop employee's coverage, add pay to management, keep pay at the same rate for regular workers, and what will happen is the employees will have to get their own insurance or pay up to 2.5% of their income as a fine. Oh, and if you had high medical expenses and were taking deductions for that from your income tax, well now those high medical expenses have to be over 10% of your income versus 7.5% before this bill. This is not simply my analysis tht employees will lose coverage. This is the analysis of the Congressional Budget Office. Oh, and as I said, as a person with pre-existing conditions and having three kids all with pre-existing conditions, our coverage does cost more than a healthy persons. SO by having everyone pay the same, you have the healthy pay for people like me. That will raise premiums. Now another thing about this bill is that while the bill expects to add 30 million people to the health care system, it adds no funding for training more doctors, nurses, etc. or building more facilities. Yet it does add 17,000 new IRS agents. That seems to me that they are interested in money, not in health care.
  15. I am so unhappy about this. They will be taxing me an additional 2.3% over the regular sales tax when I am finally unable to walk?????? Why/ So I can fund someone else's poor choices? I am all for tort reform, buying insurance across state lines, and a pool choice for those who normally can't get insurance. But this is not insurance- it is mandatory health pre-paid plans. It won't hurt me personally that much, as long as they do adopt the military fic. Currently Tricare is NOT covered in the bill. Rep. Skelton is introducing legislation to correct that. But who will be hurt- those who are unemployed. This bill increases taxes in a recession- a very big no-no in macro-economics. Also hurt are the elderly and disabled. Also everyone who pays for insurance will see skyrocketing prices. That is what you get when you have to insure all comers at the same rate. How else can you cover very high medical expenses of diabetics, heart patients, cancer patients, etc, than by charging healthy more money. IF everyone pays the same price, the average price will be lower for the sick and higher for the healthy. I am one of the sick and yet I know this truth. It is very basic economics.
  16. I am soryy to hear about your brother but glad that there is some good coming out of this tragedy. My dh has a donor card but I don't. I have a systemic autoimmune disease and don't believe that I am a candidate for this. I know I can't donate blood.
  17. DH and I both attended a top 10 school. WE definitely saw the benefit of our coursework compared to others from other schools (and in my dh case, from the AFA). He ended up being able to do extra classes in his masters since he had done some of them already as an undergraduate. No only did he get a great physics education there, but he also became a much better writer. I had a similar great education. Now our children are doing different things. DS wanted a smaller school in a not urban area and that is where he started. He is finishing up in a large state school in a suburban area. DD1 is looking at good colleges but since she doesn't like cold, nor does she like co-ed dorm rooms, that leaves highly regarded, but less well-known nationally, good schools. Depending on her future test scores and whether she likes some schools, she may have one or two on the top 20 list. THe others will be in the top lists of their particular area- Regional Liberal arts, etc. Number three hasn't started high school yet so it is still a bit long off. She is thinking about engineering and yes, if that is the case, she will be looking at top twenty engineering schools or what she really wants to do is a split course with first years at a LAC then engineering school. We shall see.
  18. Try Rugg's Guide to Colleges. He has lists of majors plus well regarded schools in those majors divided up by selectivity.
  19. My kids never learned all their facts instantly. We tried for years. It has been fine. They compensate for it well and one does mental math faster than many kids who have memorized. My oldest got through calculus, and my middle is currently in Alg2/Trig. Memorizing math facts has nothing to do with learning other non arithmetic math. My best math student was one who thought she hated math because what she really hated was arithmatic. She likes other, more complicated maths.
  20. I agree with EKS that what struck me was the lack of science and math. Even if she is going to be a a school psychologist, having statistics would be very helpful and probably totally necessary to get an advanced degree. Stopping with college algebra seems very week to me.
  21. I agree with all those who said you need medical intervention, not talk therapy. One of mine was extremely impulsive and lacking control when she wasn't properly medicated. She is much older now, still medicated and one of the best students in her co-op. Oh, and my dh is military so he is gone a lot too with all the TDYs. It does make a difference but what you have to do is provide more stability at home. If that means more convenience foods and take-out, so be it. It isn't the foods that are making them that way and changing foods won't make them better. Do what is easier for you and more stable for them.
  22. I checked my insurance (USAA) and the guy laughed with me and said mini poodles are fine. What isn't fine are : Rottweilers, Pitbulls, Akitas, German Shepherds, and one other breed that escapes me right now but it is a large breed.
  23. I have had it on the hold list for a long time and I think I will get it soon. Looking forward to it.
  24. I read things that many people would have a problem with, mainly mysteries. I am a Christian and even non Christian stories make me think about how would this story be different if person A was a believer, etc. For example, I have been reading some slightly more suggestive books lately but what it has done is make me think about messages we send by our actions, safety concerns, how I miss California, etc, etc, which are not bad thoughts at all. Just because I see a person on tv wearing less clothing than I think is appropriate doesn't mean I follow their example. Same with novels. Often they are an anti-example.
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