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If dh or you are a salaried employee how many hours a week do you work?

If dh or you are a salaried employee how many hours a week do you work?  

  1. 1. If dh or you are a salaried employee how many hours a week do you work?

    • 30-35
    • 36-40
    • 41-45
    • 46-50
    • 51-55
    • 56+

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Currently DH is a restaurant general manager, his contract states he has to to work a minimum of 50 hours per week-funny how his paycheck only says 40... Anyways, he typically spends 10-12 hours at the store and then puts in time at home doing the schedule, handling problems when he's off, that kind of stuff.


He used to run a hotel and there he worked a lot of hours,more than 60 per week at the hotel and probably another 5-10 at home, but the cool part was that on the holidays like New Years, he'd rent us a room and we could hang out.

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My husband is a firefighter/paramedic. On a 24 on / 48 off schedule, their weekly average is 56 hours and some change. They've recently gone to 24/72, so now their average is a more civilized 42.something hours. ;)



I know a bunch of firefighters with the 24/72 schedule (I use to work EMS in town) and most have their own companies on the side: Roofing, electric, landscaping, plumbing.


These guys actually get to sleep quite a bit on their shifts too - unless there is a fire - they have mandatory lights out at 9pm and wake up at 6am. If my dh was a fire fighter, I would rather him NOT have a second job and be home with us. :)


DH had a salaried job and he worked exactly 40 hours every week. His boss, also salaried, would work far less. It was unusual and it was a government job.

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Currently DH is a restaurant general manager, his contract states he has to to work a minimum of 50 hours per week-funny how his paycheck only says 40...


My dh is in retail, works 45-50 hours a week and his paycheck says the same thing!!


I only know a few people that work no more than 40 hours and their jobs are with the government or government-related. The private industry folks all work more than 40.


I would LOVE for my dh to have a 40 hour a week job!!

Edited by NicksMama-Zack's Mama Too
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IF your husband is gone from 7 until 6, that's 11 hours a day. My husband has essentially no commute, so being gone from 7 until 6 would be almost 55 hours of work. He actually doesn't come home until 6:30 and sometimes later, but he also comes home sometimes for lunch or comes home early to play tennis with one of our DSs. He might put in a few hours from home over the weekend - no big deal, though. Other men watch sports on TV, my DH drafts pleadings:)

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My dh is a salaried Accounting Manager/Controller for a small company and he works so many hours I quit counting. The thing that worries me is my opinion that once you start working [way] over 40 hours, it's hard to cut back to a "normal" work-hour week because it almost looks like you're slacking off. I have mentioned this opinion to dh in both nice and not-so-nice ways over the years. I'm trying to be a bit nicer now because of the added stress of the current economy and him being able to tell where the company will be in the next few months if they don't do wage cuts and lay people off (which will be starting to happen tomorrow). I can't even begin to imagine what it's like for the "numbers guys" in this position for a company. They are not "allowed" to be oblivious to anything!


Sorry about rambling, but this was weighing on my heart, so it felt good to put it in words.



Mom to 3 super daughters and wife, of 15 years (TODAY!) to the greatest and hardest working dh in the world!!!

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Although I am considered salaried (on a 40 hr work week :glare:), depending on the week, I work at least 48, 56, or 64 hours per week (at the typical EMS schedule of 24 on/48 off). I'm up for mandatory overtime at least once a month and with staffing shortages I (and most of my colleagues) end up working at least 1 extra shift per week. We're limited to 48 hrs straight and must have at least 12 hours off after a double shift.


If I include the meetings and CE I'm required to attend, I easily log 70-80+ hours per week.


Whew! Just typing it out and looking at that makes me even more tired than I normally am.

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I voted 41-45. Once every 4 weeks it's 50. When the mad rush to finish the project (construction) is on, it's closer to 60. This company is better than some he's worked for but I still think those Saturdays once every 4 weeks is ridiculous. There's no need for it and I keep saying they need to switch one of the guys to a Tuesday through Saturday schedule. But then they'd loose money 'cause right now Saturdays are free labor. Rant over. :o)

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My husband is a Software Development Manager. He works at least 55 to 60 hours each week, sometimes more. He may only be in the office 45 hours, but works A LOT from home. 6 years a go he had an IT Manager job where 55 hours a week would have seemed like a vacation!


I have found that most people I know that are salaried in IT always work more than 40 hours.


Most of the salaried positions I have had, I worked at least 45 hours per week. The one exception was a job I had last summer that didn't keep me busy - I was constantly looking for stuff to do to hit 40 hours. The last 2 years I have held hourly jobs, but for about 9 months on one project I was averaging 55 hours per week. Man, the OT was great - but I got burned out!


I know very few salaried employees that work less than 40 hours, especially since the economy has tanked, and so many employees that got to keep their jobs have to pick up the slack because the company had to lay off others.


Having a salaried position gives you some more security, in many ways, than an hourly one. However, I find it amusing when people complain when they have to work more than 40 hours once in a while. Where did these people grow up? hahah.

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Having a salaried position gives you some more security, in many ways, than an hourly one. However, I find it amusing when people complain when they have to work more than 40 hours once in a while. Where did these people grow up? hahah.


They grew up around teachers. Every year (around budget time) we hear teachers complain about unpaid hours of work (over contracted time). They never "get it" that most salaried professionals work more than 40 hours also and don't get weeks off at a time.


Off my soap box ...



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DH works about 35-40 hours a week now, but he is still in training . Once he starts the actual job I'm sure he'll be working about 40 hours in a normal week. When a product is due (medical software) he'll be working crazy extra hours. However much time it takes for the team to get the job done on time. Not looking forward to that.

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When I worked full time it was a 40+ work week. Some weeks 50+. Dh always worked 50+ hours and now that he has his own company it is more hours. I don't know anyone with a full time job that works less than 40 hours.

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Dh works 70-80 hrs a week, he's a medical fellow. Prior to this fellowship, when he was a resident, an 80 hr week would be a good week, he usually put in way more hours than that. With his salary, avg hourly pay was well below min. wage.


I've always thought anything under 40 hrs was considered part-time.

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Dh is a restaurant manager. If he worked less than 55 hours, I'd be happy. As it is, he is scheduled 5 twelve hour days, but rarely works less than 14-16 hours/day. He routinely has to do something for the restaurant on his day off.

We're praying now for a job that will provide for our needs, while letting him be home more.

Interesting thread!


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DH is a teacher. He's at school 7:30 to 4 every day (and then he tutors for extra $ 4 days a week, but that's not part of his regular job). And then of course he works at home pretty much every night grading papers and/or preparing for his classes. But then of course he has a lot of time off. So it's hard to say. In reference to the post upthread, while it's true that many salaried professionals work, like teachers, more than 40 hours a week, it's also true that most of them with his education level are making 2 to 3 times as much as my husband. Money is absolutely a sacrifice we're willing to make for more time together as a family...but it IS a sacrifice. DH worked at a non-profit IT job before he started teaching 6 years ago. It will be another 7 or 8 years before he works his way back up to the same salary teaching that he was making at that (non-profit, mind you) job. If we weren't compensated for that loss of income with more time together, he wouldn't be doing it. I would wager that a great many of the best teachers feel the same way. ETA: ...and now I'll get off MY soapbox ;)

Edited by kokotg
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He is at work by 530 am, leaves around 630 pm. He works a full day, same schedule on Saturday. He works a half day (about 6am - 11 am) on Sundays.


You need another answer for more than 80.


BTW, this is only when his ship is in port. When it is underway, the days get longer.

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