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Who posted the hysterical waxing story a few years ago?


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Yeah I made the mistake of trying to talk to my DH who was at work when I was reading the Amazon reviews the first time. He insisted I let him in on the joke so I sent him the url. Apparently, his coworker came to check on him because she was worried he was in pain - he was trying not to laugh too loud and ended up basically crying and gasping. Luckily, it was just the two of them in the building that day so she eneded up reading them too and having a good chuckle.

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:lol: :D :lol: OMG!!! My night owl dd and I are up alone enjoying the quiet when I stupidly decided to read those Amazon reviews. I've only made it through 3 but I have tears streaming down my face and I don't think I can read anymore without waking everyone else up. They are seriously awesome!!

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This story and the one about the glitter, extra effort at the gyno are from a book. Can't remember the name but a trivial, drivel, want to get away, waste an afternoon kind of book. Had already seen the stories on the board when I saw it in the book. Still laughed aloud.


Anyone know of this book? Got a title to share?


:lol: :D :lol: OMG!!! My night owl dd and I are up alone enjoying the quiet when I stupidly decided to read those Amazon reviews. I've only made it through 3 but I have tears streaming down my face and I don't think I can read anymore without waking everyone else up. They are seriously awesome!!


I am convinced there must have been a batch of guys out drinking at a pub who came up with a good "can you top this" challenge. Somehow it got circulated, thus 600 reviews. Still, very funny...

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My dd went with me to watch me get my hair cut this weekend. I had them wax my eyebrows while I was there and dd asked me if it was going to hurt. I said "yes". She thought I was joking, and I assured her it really did hurt. She looked at me like I was an idiot and said "well then why do you do it?!?!"


Good question...



After that story (Yikes!), I'm thanking the Lord that I am a blonde with little body hair. I've never waxed anything and was really surprised when a Pastor's wife told me that she and everyone she knew had to wax the upper lip! (GAH!)


I will say that now that I'm over 50, and odd hair pops out here and there on my chin. But at least it is white (probably like the rest of my hair on my head). ;)

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No. I'm with you. I've waxed a zillion times. Full on Brazilian. In salons and on my own with those exact strips. I cannot imagine a scenario like that ever happening. It just wasn't funny to me.

Well, the wax-sticking-to-hair, hair-not-coming-off has happened to me. I have some parts of my calves that have such deep-rooted hair that the wax strips are impossible to rip off if you use a full size. You have to make them half the width. Then it still hurts like the dickens, and it grows back ingrown. (And yes, i had to use the azulene to get the wax off.)


Silk'n Flash&Go is my new favorite toy.

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