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Pregnancy question

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So I went to the dr. today. My dates say I'm 16 weeks, my ultrasound 3 weeks ago puts me at 16 weeks now according to the tech, but my doctor says I'm measuring at 20 weeks! He says that the most reliable measure is the height of the uterus in relation to the belly button, and I look/feel like 20 weeks. I've only gained 4 lbs (I started overweight) and he says I am having an extremely healthy pregnancy (great blood pressure, no swelling, good weight gain, etc). Is it possible that I just have a big baby? Dh is 6'3" and was over 10 lbs and birth and I'm 5'7" and was just over 8 lbs. Will this affect his measurements? I'm having trouble finding information on the internet. My last period was Dec. 25, and my cycles are usually 32 days long. Anyone have any experience with this?

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The most accurate way to determine due date is a first trimester ultrasound. Your fundal height next time might be right on. Fundal height this early in pregnancy is not all that accurate. You may very well have a large baby, but try not to worry about that. Just take care of yourself and you will be fine!!


Oh, with my middle dd, my fundal height measured 4 weeks ahead several times in my last trimester. I went for a detailed ultrasound, there were no problems, and she weighed 7lb 10oz when she was born two days before my due date.



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IME, the measurement of the uterus height is the least accurate way to determine due date, and if your periods are fairly regular, date of your lmp is the most accurate way to determine due date. I really wouldn't give the belly measurement much thought.


ETA: Congratulations on your pregnancy!

Edited by LizzyBee
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Thanks for the info. I'm thinking that his age/experience may have something to do with his certainty using an older method, despite the the contradictory evidence. He is 80+ years old and has delivered 8,000+ babies! My mother-of-five friend (who had this dr. deliver her babies) says I'm probably right about my dating and it won't be a problem unless he decides I'm overdue and wants to induce.

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The most accurate way to determine due date is a first trimester ultrasound.


Mine were inaccurate even in the first trimester, esp my first because she was so small. My drs never changed my due date based on ultrasounds because they knew my babies were just small.

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Thanks for the info. I'm thinking that his age/experience may have something to do with his certainty using an older method, despite the the contradictory evidence. He is 80+ years old and has delivered 8,000+ babies! My mother-of-five friend (who had this dr. deliver her babies) says I'm probably right about my dating and it won't be a problem unless he decides I'm overdue and wants to induce.


I can't imagine a doc inducing because he thinks you are overdue due to fundal height. There are legitimate reasons to induce, but that isn't one of them. Just be careful. You could end up with a premature baby that needed to cook a few weeks more. A higher than normal level of amniotic fluid (most of the time that is perfectly normal!) makes your fundal height higher too.

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My OB had me positively losing my mind when I was expecting Princess. He had me measuring weeks ahead, u/s said I was on time according to dates, then EARLIER than my dates said (in that she wasn't as far along as my dates said she would be) etc...then I was still measuring 2-3 wks ahead. OB was predicting a 10lb baby, csection...talk about scaring the crud out of me!


Princess was induced 5 days early due to non productive contractions, and weighed a whopping 7 lbs, 5 oz. If my OB had delivered her, I would have kicked him, just for fun :glare: The tech too.

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It could just be that your body is getting a bit excited. "Pregnancy? Yeah! We know how to do this!!" Early in my second pregnancy my uterus grew about a third of the way to my belly button at about 6 weeks, then realised it was getting carried away and shrank back down to normal.


Congratulations :)



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Give it time to all balance out. :001_smile:


I always measured small on my fundal height - about 3 weeks or so behind. We got very worried when I was around 25 weeks pg with Becca, but the ultrasound showed that she was a perfectly on-target grower. We kept a close eye on her for the rest of the pregnancy - she was just fine and I just carried small.


So when I got pg with Sylvia, my doctor wasn't as concerned when my fundal height was petite.


(And I'm not petite!)


Congrats, btw!

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heh, heh. I'm reading your siggy. Ok, that's obviously not funny, but I'm laughing because I measured large for dates, too, after a loss. Mine was a molar pregnancy, so our midwife sent us for an early ultrasound (apparently, being large for dates is one of the tip-offs)... Turns out there were two in there.:001_huh: (<- Yep, five years later, we still have that same look)


I have a friend who was measuring a little large for dates after a miscarriage... guess what? Uh-huh, two lovely boys.


You're sure there's only the one, right? :D



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So I went to the dr. today. My dates say I'm 16 weeks, my ultrasound 3 weeks ago puts me at 16 weeks now according to the tech, but my doctor says I'm measuring at 20 weeks! He says that the most reliable measure is the height of the uterus in relation to the belly button, and I look/feel like 20 weeks. I've only gained 4 lbs (I started overweight) and he says I am having an extremely healthy pregnancy (great blood pressure, no swelling, good weight gain, etc). Is it possible that I just have a big baby? Dh is 6'3" and was over 10 lbs and birth and I'm 5'7" and was just over 8 lbs. Will this affect his measurements? I'm having trouble finding information on the internet. My last period was Dec. 25, and my cycles are usually 32 days long. Anyone have any experience with this?


An ultrasound in the first trimester is the most reliable. I also have long cycles, measured big until my 34th week or so, and calculating my own dates should have had a due date of December 28th last year. My 7 week ultrasound (had some early spotting) put my due date at Jan. 5th. My baby came on her own wonderfully healthy on January 22nd. She weighed 9'2 oz. I just wouldn't try and guess too much at this point. And not trust ultrasounds later on for baby size. You could look at your mother's typical length of gestation and baby size...I've found my patterns look like my mother's.


I had an amazing midwife who was able to estimate baby size externally by feel and she pegged it perfectly! LOL. Since you have long cycles and this is your first baby...I'd plan on a 41-42 week gestation, based on my experiences and discussions with friends who had similar length cycles. :) When you get to 42 weeks (by earliest ultrasound) you can have a biophysical profile to make sure baby's fluid and placenta still look okay.

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