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I learned a lesson today about keeping my mouth shut and just praying...

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So I mentioned our home is on the market. We live in an area with no deed restrictions. Shortly after purchasing our home, some neighbors who own a business built a big garage across the road from us. They have kept it pretty messy ever since and it has bothered me at times. Since moving here, we have had a pretty good relationship with these people because we love all of their kids so much and the kids are free to come in and out of our home, and they enjoy being here, etc. It's more of a kids'-based friendship.


I felt deep down that that place was going to be a problem when it came to selling the house. Rather than look at it that way, I decided, with the kids, to take a Corrie ten Boom approach, and we thanked God for the mess and thanked Him for those neighbors and thanked Him for letting us live here, etc. We have not ever said a word to them about their mess. Anyway, we woke up this a.m., and they have cleaned the place up and it looks really nice. I know that was God!! Nobody can tell me that wasn't God!! :) I also think it was sweet of them because it is obvious that it was for us...and I'll say too that they don't want us to move, so it was out of kindness and not trying to run us out of the neighborhood. ;) There is an open-house tomorrow, but they didn't know that.


I get so excited to see what God can do when I shut my mouth!! Oh, were I to live that always!!! ;)



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Same thing happened to us last time we put a house on the market...I was really touched by their thoughtfulness.


We're getting ready to put this house on the market, but we've no obvious messy distractions to be concerned with this time.


Since we tend to be messies in the summer I'll have to remember and do this for any of our neighbors should the need arise.


Hope the selling goes great for you!



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