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California here we come!!!

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I posted a week ago that my dh might get a job in the LA area. Well, he was hired and we are moving from PA to CA! I am torn between excitement and nausea at all we have to do to make this happen :tongue_smilie:

I want to say Thanks to all the HSers in CA that took a minute to give me some info and encouragement. I can't wait to meet you guys!



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Wow - it is going to be sooooo different for us. My mom was born in Napa and moved to PA as a little girl. She passed away so i can't tell her in person that we're moving to her home state. I can't imagine what CA living is like. It was just the 1st day of spring and it snowed here. We stood in line at Rita's Italian Ice for our free ice in the snow.

We are surrounded by cornfields here. It's quiet. My in laws have a mini farm - we always thought we'd have one too. It looks like we'll be closer to the beach than I ever thought! So far most people we told about the move almost feel sorry for us - that we're giving up the seasons, the quiet woods, etc. They also like to bring up all the "crazy California things" that you hear about. I'm sure we'll see some odd things we're not used to - but I doubt they'll all happen in one day :tongue_smilie:

I'm looking forward to seeing those crazy things anyhow! Adventure is not always a bad thing. Hopefully I won't have to tell myself that too often!

We're looking to settle around the Hawthorne area where my dh will be working...his job will fly us out to look in 2 weeks so we can see what it's like before we move permanently. I am so grateful for that! I'm trusting that God will park us where we need to be...but hopefully it'll have some grass :)





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California is hot, dry and liberal. But, I do love living here. I don't live in the LA area, we live in the middle of the state, in farming country. But, there's short winters, nice autumns and springs and we manage to make it through the summers without losing our minds. We've just very thankful for air-conditioning. I hope you enjoy living here.

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Oh, good luck to you, Michele! Any major move like that is going to be stressful, and surely you'll need time and patience to deal with some of the changes... But I *loved* living in Los Angeles. It's been 5 years almost, and there are still things about it that I miss. (Which isn't to say I'm not content where I am -- really, I'm very happy.)


But I just wanted to tell you that while there may be some "crazy" things about California, there are lots of things to love too. Just dive right in and start getting involved (whatever things you're involved with at home: church, kids' classes or sports, museum events, outdoor activities, etc) immediately...


Let us know how the scouting visit goes!

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Wow - Hawthorne - you ARE close to the beach! You will pretty much not be near any farms, for sure. But you can go driving for a bit to get some green.


Don't let anyone tell you there are no seasons! We either have 2 (fall and spring) if you are a gardener, or 3 (everything's green; everything's brown; then it rains) if you do weather... or, there's always: Rain/ Mudslides, Beach, and Fires.


Sounds like you have a great attitude about it. Have fun!

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Be careful looking for housing in Hawthorne itself; it has some really bad areas. My parents lived in Lawndale when they relocated here, but I wouldn't recommend that either. Maybe Torrance or El Segundo (very nice if you can afford it). Long Beach has some nice areas. We're "over the line" in north Orange County...but La Mirada is just the other side in LA County, and that's a nice town. Your yard will for sure be small, and you'll think there's traffic *everywhere*. Look for a book by Susan Peterson called "Fun and Educational Things to Do With Children in Southern California." It will really help you find some fun things to do....besides unpack, that is, LOL.




Make sure you check out any potential location during the daylight and the nighttime.


Hawthorne is also close to LAX so make sure to listen for air traffic in the surrounding areas as that is an enormously busy airport.


I'm going to recommend La Mirada again, too. :) It's about 20 miles from Hawthorne and a nice town to live in. Especially when you're preparing for the culture shock, make sure you're settling some place comfortable and safe.


Let us know if you have any other questions about the area!:)

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Be careful looking for housing in Hawthorne itself; it has some really bad areas. My parents lived in Lawndale when they relocated here, but I wouldn't recommend that either. Maybe Torrance or El Segundo (very nice if you can afford it). Long Beach has some nice areas.


I don't want to add another "negative" note, but Hawthorne and some of the immediate environs are pretty darn rough. And kind of "industrial" and ugly. Sorry to say. As you move toward the beach things improve neighborhood-wise, but the prices get crazy too.


The housing issue is going to be a big challenge in the South-Bay. I'd have culture-shock moving to Hawthorne, and I live in Los Angeles. You're going to need time (or very good luck) to find the right neighborhood down there. I think.



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When I was a kid, we lived in Pacific Palisades for 4 years, just a few blocks from the beach. (and down the street from Walter Matthau and Mel Blanc!) EVERY DAY in the summer, we walked from our house to the end of Via De La Paz, down a path on a steep hill, crossed PCH and went swimming. It was fun. Now I live in AR on a farm. Live changes doesn't it? Good luck and God Bless with your move.

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Welcome! I have lived in southern CA my whole life, except for 3 years in the Samoan islands (we moved back 3 months ago) and it was steaming hot and humid there. We had two seasons - hot and hotter! So, to this California girl, we definitely have seasons in CA. LOL ;)


California is an amazing place. I love the diversity of people. Sure, we have our problems, but California has so many things to offer. I am excited for you.


I agree with the La Mirada suggestion, and considering Orange County is wise indeed.


Be blessed!

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I'm not at all familiar with La Mirada, but that looks like a heck of a daily commute. You'd be closer moving up to Los Angeles "proper". The Westside, Culver City, Mar Vista, the Marina, Westchester, and the like.


Then at least you'd be a part of "cultural" Los Angeles instead of a very removed suburb.


These are world's apart in terms of attitude, life-style and cultural values/politics, so it wouldn't hurt to know what the "California Dream" means to you.



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I'm not at all familiar with La Mirada, but that looks like a heck of a daily commute. You'd be closer moving up to Los Angeles "proper". The Westside, Culver City, Mar Vista, the Marina, Westchester, and the like.


Then at least you'd be a part of "cultural" Los Angeles instead of a very removed suburb.


These are world's apart in terms of attitude, life-style and cultural values/politics, so it wouldn't hurt to know what the "California Dream" means to you.




ACK...I already typed this up but I lost it!


What I tried to say was that I would recommend driving around during your husband's commute times so you can get a feel for how long it would take.


My husband commutes (once in a while to see a client) from Orange County to Carson which is 35 miles (substantially more than the 20 from La Mirada to Hawthorne) and it takes about 45 minutes on average. It is on a different freeway but no less horrific.


And, Bill is definitely right about the difference in the cultural difference between LA and the surrounding suburbs.:)

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I posted a week ago that my dh might get a job in the LA area. Well, he was hired and we are moving from PA to CA! I am torn between excitement and nausea at all we have to do to make this happen :tongue_smilie:

I want to say Thanks to all the HSers in CA that took a minute to give me some info and encouragement. I can't wait to meet you guys!




I'm so jealous!!! After a summer in Dana Point (OC in Southern California) I NEVER wanted to leave. I'd move in a heartbeat if we could afford it! Too expensive though. :glare:

I hope you enjoy California! It is beautiful! :)



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California is a great place to live! There is a reason the houses are so expensive, everyone wants to live here!


We do have seasons, you just have to be very perceptive, or you miss them. Right now we have a very green spring going on...all the trees are budding, and the orange california poppies are in bloom.


I would add another vote for checking out La Mirada, I remember the area around Biola University being very nice and quiet. Plus, Biola has a great homeschool class program. Traffic is a big problem here, as homeschoolers, we don't have to deal with it much, we try to plan our stuff during non-peak-traffic times. We are in Orange County, and I actually don't like going into L.A.


welcome to Ca!

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Here are some links for you if you want to start researching homeschooling groups/activities in the area:

The Home School Mom - CA resources


Field Trip list


Home Schooling Groups in Southern CA


Yahoo Group - updates re: activities, exhibits, classes, etc. that are available in CA for homeschoolers.


Another list of links.


Another list of support groups.


South Bay Homeschool Network



Here's a link to an ISP that isn't too far from Hawthorne. There are probably a lot more of these; most of them don't advertise too much. Once you get to know some local homeschoolers you will probably find out about many more groups, ISPs, resources, etc. that don't have an online presence.



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Be careful looking for housing in Hawthorne itself; it has some really bad areas. My parents lived in Lawndale when they relocated here, but I wouldn't recommend that either. Maybe Torrance or El Segundo (very nice if you can afford it). Long Beach has some nice areas. We're "over the line" in north Orange County...but La Mirada is just the other side in LA County, and that's a nice town. Your yard will for sure be small, and you'll think there's traffic *everywhere*. Look for a book by Susan Peterson called "Fun and Educational Things to Do With Children in Southern California." It will really help you find some fun things to do....besides unpack, that is, LOL.


I second La Mirada beings as I am 3 minutes from there! I also recommend Susans book. Shes a friend of mine & I'm AMAZED at her both as a mom, a woman & an author. Shes just a crack up all the time. We call that book the Homeschooling Bible.


We meet at La Mirada & Whittier parks weekly.


I dont' think La Mirada is close to Hawthorne though, -- but then again, I wouldn't live that close to LAX at all...


Feel free to email me w/ any questions!



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ACK...I already typed this up but I lost it!


What I tried to say was that I would recommend driving around during your husband's commute times so you can get a feel for how long it would take.


My husband commutes (once in a while to see a client) from Orange County to Carson which is 35 miles (substantially more than the 20 from La Mirada to Hawthorne) and it takes about 45 minutes on average. It is on a different freeway but no less horrific.


And, Bill is definitely right about the difference in the cultural difference between LA and the surrounding suburbs.:)


ohmygosh YES!!! A HUGE cultural difference!!


We are on the La Mirada outskirts & hubby travels to south OC (Mission Viejo) all the time. We are hoping to move out that way within a year but whoever said communite is part of Ca life was right!

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California is a great place to live! There is a reason the houses are so expensive, everyone wants to live here!


We do have seasons, you just have to be very perceptive, or you miss them. Right now we have a very green spring going on...all the trees are budding, and the orange california poppies are in bloom.


I would add another vote for checking out La Mirada, I remember the area around Biola University being very nice and quiet. Plus, Biola has a great homeschool class program. Traffic is a big problem here, as homeschoolers, we don't have to deal with it much, we try to plan our stuff during non-peak-traffic times. We are in Orange County, and I actually don't like going into L.A.


welcome to Ca!


Hey Jen!


DO you use STAR?BIOLA? We do for our middle schooler & drama!! Thanks btw, for the VANS park info a while back- it is my sons favorite playground!

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you are very welcome about the skatepark...we are usually there on Thursday mornings, but might change it to noon, the kids made some friends and want to go to that session now, it would be fun to meet up with you!


We are going to do Biola Star next year with our then 9th grader. We thought about doing it this school year, and didn't. I wish we had.

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Welcome out west....it is like they say in the movies....it is a wild wild west so brace yourself for lots of change.


As a native of this big state I welcome you.


samba in sac - way up younder from LA LA land---in the flat hot lands where the tomatoes grow plentiful...

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  • 4 months later...
Welcome! I have lived in southern CA my whole life, except for 3 years in the Samoan islands (we moved back 3 months ago) and it was steaming hot and humid there. We had two seasons - hot and hotter! So, to this California girl, we definitely have seasons in CA. LOL ;)


California is an amazing place. I love the diversity of people. Sure, we have our problems, but California has so many things to offer. I am excited for you.


I agree with the La Mirada suggestion, and considering Orange County is wise indeed.


Be blessed!


Yes, La Mirada is a nice lil' city to live in :).

And some of us actually do have nice sized back yards even!

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I'm a native CA... born & grew up in Northern Ca and then went to college and lived in the LA area for 20 years.


Ummmm. I don't wish to panic you... but Hawthorne is not exactly a "nice" or safe area to live. Is there a way you can consider living elsewhere besides Hawthorne? Also, the prices on homes will cause some shock... be prepared! If you can, try looking at East Hills/Canoga Park or Huntington Beach/Long Beach areas...? Canoga Park and HB/LB has its share of crime and gangs too, btw. But Hawthorne is gritty and industrial looking. AND YOU DO NOT WANT TO LIVE NEAR LAX TRAFFIC OR NOISE!!! Try Westwood or Brentwood -- drive to Santa Monica. I don't know your price budget... but try not to live near hubby's job, if you can.


We lived in Irvine (Orange County) and loved it! I personally prefer Calabasas, Westlake Village, or Thousand Oaks -- we also lived there. But it is pricey. Drive and get used to other locales. Have hubby decide how he will tolerate driving in LA traffic (stop n go). La Mirada is real pretty town! Best wishes!


P.S. You will love the FOOD!!! LA has so much to offer -- diversity with cultures and restaurants! I think LA has better tasting and more authentic Mexican food compared to my North TX enclave.

Edited by tex-mex
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