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What Science program for your 5th grader?

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Guest aquiverfull

My daughter is currently in 4th and we've been doing Apologia elementary Astronomy. We plan to do Apologia Elementary Botany next year. The Apologia books have been a great hit around here.

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Next year, I am trying to do Earth Science and Chemistry, since ds has had little of either. I'm shooting for starting this summer with Christian Kids Explore Earth/Space and R.E.A.L Science Chemistry after that.


I have the Science Explorers for Chemistry and just didn't care for them. I know a lot of people here love them, but I just found them to public school-y for me. I also didn't care for the experiments, because I know there are so many better ones out there. OTH, the built in questions, vocabulary and chapter reviews were nice too. The pages were colorful, which I liked, but I didn't feel they went into enough depth.

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The Apologia books seem to be a hit here as well. We are using Zoology 2 Swimming Creatures of the 5th day and my girls are really enjoying it. We are also using the Lapbook CD to create a lapbook to go with it to make it even more interesting.

I think we will be sticking with Apologia for now.

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We're using the Story of Science: Aristotle Leads the Way as a spine. He's also reading the Science of the Past series and Archimedes and the Door of Science and Galen and the Gateway to Medicine.


For hands-on stuff, we're doing activities from Ancient Science: 40 Time-travelling, World-exploring, History-making Activities for Kids.


We've also watched some Netflix DVDs (Secrets of Lost Empires, Ancient Discoveries, etc.) and done a few field trips.


It's been a pretty good year for science.

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