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If you were my copy of WTM,

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where would you be?


I know I bought a copy a few months ago from the local homeschool store. I've looked on every bookshelf in the house. I looked in the closet where the books I'm not using but will use go. (The math and science that I bought ahead. The grammar that at leats one kid has used but I have one or 2 other that will use.) It's not on my nightstand or my dresser.


I also can't find my copy of educating the Whole Hearted Child either.


I want to look for high school rec's in WTM and review WHC.

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This happens to me much more often than I'd like to admit! Here's a good story for you. At the beginning of this school year I needed my Trial & Triumph book. It was new and I absolutely KNEW I had taken it with me to read somewhere. There was also another book I knew I had done the same thing with. We had moved twice, so I had been through every possible box it could be in. I searched high and low. I felt like I was crazy, but it was not anywhere to be found. I had to break down and buy a new copy. Fast forward to a few weeks ago to our vacation to FL. We get to the beach and open our beach chairs that have zippered pouches on them. I opened the pouch to see what was inside and there it was!!!!!!!!!!! My brand new copy of Trial & Triumph, left there while on vacation to Myrtle Beach a year and a half earlier!!

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It's under your bed, because you were reading at night to get an idea of your future planning. It may not be right at the edge. It might have gotten kicked further back behind the container of wrapping paper, but not all the way to the other side where your dh's dirty socks are (he knows where the hamper is).

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In our house it would be under the couch cushions, behind the couch, under a blanket at the foot of the cot or behind the chair next to the bookcase. Right around where it is easy for toddlers to access, but requires circus level contortionist skills for Mammas to get to.



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under the bed. But looking under the bed brought up another question. How long should I keep old work? NC doesn't require me to show them anything work wise. But I still have the copy books from 2 years ago, the grammar notebooks, the spelling workbooks are under there too. They aren't bothering anything and that space isn't needed for storing other things, yet. Keep them or let them go?

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I found Educating the Wholehearted Child first. It was with the books in the storage space that I'll only need if I have another child. But I'm glad I looked in that box - it's where General Science that I'll need for next year with child #2 was!


Then I came downstairs to have another piece of chocolate and glanced at the bookshelf in the living room - lo and behold there it was! I kept looking for a blue cover! I still have the dust jacket on it so it the binding side was mostly red and yellow!

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