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I just bawled my way through Les Mis.

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I had never seen a live production before and was only marginally aware of the plot. I just cried and cried -- I don't cry -- but boy did I ever! Anyone else have a very strong reaction during a musical?


Yep. When Bud and I saw it on Broadway, we both walked out of the theater sobbing.


It was a pathetic display, really. And since it was a matinee, it was in broad daylight.

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I saw Les Mis in London with my husband. I was so delirious with jetlag that he practically had to drag me there. By the end of the first act I was hanging on to the end of my seat, sharing theater glasses with the lady (a stranger) next to me. I later saw it again at the Kennedy center. One of my friends bawled through the whole thing. She said she had read the book which prompted me to read it, too. I think both the book and the musical are masterpieces.

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When I was in college, dh and I worked with our local theater when different productions would come through town. For Les Mis I worked as a costumer helping 2 of the actors with their costume changes. As a thank you they bought me tickets to the show in San Antonio at the Majestic. I bawled my eyeballs out. The song Bring Him Home give me goosebumps just thinking about it. Yup, there they are.....goosebumps.

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Well, it was not really a musical, but my wife dragged me to a ballet and I cried and cried till she let me leave.


I love opera, musicals, concerts but ballet......well......




Have you SEEN the pas de deux in Swan Lake? There go the goosebumps again!


Of course, dh would have a reaction similar to yours.

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I'm a big fan of musicals. The other day I rented Rent Live on Broadway. I enjoyed the stage version better than the movie version.


The only musical I have ever cried over was Whistle Down the Wind. This is one of Andrew Loyd Webber's little know musicals. I wish it were better known and more popular. The musical takes place in the 50's in a poor farming community. A group of children finds an injured man in a barn. They believe he is Jesus Christ come back to earth. He is really a wanted criminal - a murderer.


The last scene where the children help the murderer to escape and he gives each of the main children a hug had me teary eyed and from the sound of it almost half the audience were teary eyed as well.


My favorite song from the musical is called "No Matter What". This song has been made popular by a lot of pop singers. Every time I hear it on the radio (mostly Christian stations play this song) I get teary eyed. My 17 year old daughter loves the boyzone version of the song

but I prefer the original version where the children are singing this song






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If you think the musical is fantastic, you've got to read the book.


The first time I finished reading Les Miserables I was flat on my bed bawling for a solid ten minutes. I have never again had that reaction to a book.


I just finished it for the fourth time last week, and am having trouble finding a new book to read; it's a tough act to follow!

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That is so weird-- I was just talking about this very thing last night! I told dh and our friends that Les Mis was the most deeply moving musical I have seen on Broadway, and how I cried, and cried, and cried, when I saw it, both times. There is just something about it, that touches deep in a person's heart. I love it, and hope that dh will get the chance to see it someday. I know he'll cry too.

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Oh, yes. I've sobbed my way through the live performance a few times. The book takes forever to read because there are certain parts where I have to keep putting it down, crying too hard to see the text.


Miss Saigon is another one that needs tissues to sit through.

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If you think the musical is fantastic, you've got to read the book.


The first time I finished reading Les Miserables I was flat on my bed bawling for a solid ten minutes. I have never again had that reaction to a book.


I just finished it for the fourth time last week, and am having trouble finding a new book to read; it's a tough act to follow!


Just to offer a different perspective--


I think the musical does a much better job of presenting Hugo's ideas than the book does.

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Dorothy, we've seen Les Mis at least half a dozen times (including 3x in London - we used to live there) - and I start crying about 5 minutes into it :) but for me it's the expectancy of what's coming. It's such a great story of grace vs. law. My dd wants my dh to sing "Bring Him Home" at her wedding ;)

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I have seen Les Mis about 5 times and I start welling up at the overture, cry my way through the first act, and am usually bawling uncontrolably by the final scene. So, yes. I know of what you speak. Part is the story line, but more than anything else it is the BEAUTY and majesty of the music that brings me to tears. I love Les Mis!!!!!!

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