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I need some good Ideas for 1st Grade Curriculum?


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My first grader next year will be doing:


grammar-First Language Lessons for the Well-Trained Mind

handwriting- small amounts of copy work each day in addition to recommended dictation in FLL

reading- various library books. He will spend some part of each day reading aloud and some quietly.

spelling- Rod and Staff's spelling curriculum, level 3 (or the last part of level 2 if we don't get through it this year).

math- Singapore math 2A and 2B

history- SOTW 3

science- I'm not sure yet. My dad teaches my two older kids science one day a week and he's looking for a creation based geology program. I think Answers in Genesis has one we both like, but we haven't made a firm decision yet.

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Here are some great threads about first grade.


First Grade Plans



How long Does First Grade Take?



If I knew then What I know Now




Is this your first year homeschooling?


Have you read TWTM?


The essentials for first grade are reading, writing, and math. The rest should be gravy so don't let it drive your whole homeschool.

For my next one (she will be the last) to go into First Grade my plans are:


Miquon Math

First Language Lessons

Handwriting Without Tears

copywork using poetry we are memorizing as a source

Story of the World for history

field trips and nature study for science

library books for reading

plenty of art

lots of play

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Next year my oldest son will be in first, I am thinking of dusting off our copy of FLL for grammar. Other things we will use,


WWE without the workbook

Phonics Pathways


Math is undecided we might not use a curriculum until second grade or continue half unschooling and half Math Mammoth


Science will be our own classical WTM version plus extra experiments that catch our fancy


we will study geography sporadically, LOL. hopefully using a new unreleased K curriculum that will be available for purchase at the future WTM in a box website. :tongue_smilie:


Many different library books for read alouds

Tons of readers from our home library


That's about it...

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I'll be doing pretty much what TWTM recommends for 1st grade.

Phonics/Math - A Beka

History - SOTW volume 1

Science - Kingisher First Encyclopedia of Animals

We've been doing a lot of singing and poetry in kindergarten anyhow, so we'll continue to do that.

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My 6 yr old is doing:


First Language Lessons

Writing With Ease

All About Spelling

RightStart and Singapore Math

Sonlight Core 1

Noeo Physics I

And I keep her supplied with books from the library for readers


But I would look at what you need to focus on and go from there, my dd is an advanced reader so she reviews phonics with spelling but doesn't need a phonics program, but I have had kids who do need a phonics program at 6 and then I wait on spelling. If my child was still working on reading, I'd hold off on grammar also and forgo FLL for now. History and science are gravy, so I'd focus on skill subjects first.

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What we did for the two we have that did gr 1 at home:


Language Arts:

FLL big hit for ds who is an auditory learner. But we had English for the Thoughtful child for my 10 yo, and it was not a good fit for us at all. This was before FLL came out, and before another great program I can't think of came out.


Phonics Pathways. I liked it, although I had to cover half a page at a time for my now 10 yo who is very visual and found the page overwhelming to look at all at once. Also, Bob books for my dd, but my ds thrived with Dick and Jane (who'd have thought?)


Handwriting without Tears was a huge success with ds, who is a lefty and was slightly behind in fine motor skills. We used Zaner Bloser for our dds, which worked well for them, but it did not fit ds.



Started with Saxon, which many love, and which my older dd used for 3 years after we pulled her out of ps, but for gr 1, we switched to Singapore Math & MUS. Actually, my ds is the only one who did SM 1; my 10 yo did Saxon and then MUS, then we switched to SM & MUS.



trade books at that age



we're "bad" here and waited until gr 3.



The Phonics of Drawing was a huge hit. For ds, Stebbing art. However, when my 10 yo was that age, all we got around to was Draw Write Now, but she drew all the time on her own, so that was fine.



We did A Beka at that grade, but trade books later as it's so expensive.


Can't remember the rest now!

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I Can Do All Things Art (Barry Stebbing), this was not a hit.



When our dd's were that age, no art program was a big hit because they just wanted to draw whatever they wanted! My dd's took his workshop and loved it, but now that it's been a year and a half they're not quite as excited about his books. Well, they will be when I let them paint again! But my ds still enjoys it.


You may not need an art program at all at that age. My ds did, because he hated to draw. Well, not quite, he was starting to draw airplanes. At 8, all he draws well are airplanes and airports, although he did have spurts with trucks and sharks. So he did Draw Write Now, and now, when we get to it, Stebbings I Can Do All Things with the DVD. I don't think we'd like it without that.


My personal favourite is The Phonics of Drawing from Masterpiece Art Instruction, though. We only added another as my dd's show enough artistic ability that we thought they ought to be exposed to more than on style (they're older than gr 1, though)


We originally bought what the first WTM recommended (was it Drawing with the Right Side of the Brain and Drawing with Children? Plus Evan Moore?) But we never stuck with any of those. Not to mention that the workbook for the first is aimed at high schoolers and adults.

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I'm the one who didn't like it, LOL. I thought the b&w masterpiece reproductions were generic. And the whole "color with lines or dots" process? IMO it's stifling.


We bought Meet the Masters discounted on homeschoolbuyersco-op.org recently, which I hope to like better.

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I'm the one who didn't like it, LOL. I thought the b&w masterpiece reproductions were generic. And the whole "color with lines or dots" process? IMO it's stifling.


We bought Meet the Masters discounted on homeschoolbuyersco-op.org recently, which I hope to like better.



I think that the colouring with lines and dots are better geared for older students, myself, as it teaches them different techniques. But in person he's very dynamic and really got my kids going on that. I haven't looked at Meet the Masters, but hopefully it works well!

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I haven't actually done this because my kids are still little, but these are the plans. What we actually do will depend on what she's ready for, of course. It's more of a menu than a plan, I suppose, though maths, English, history and religion will definitely be done. It wouldn't surprise me if her dad insisted on Latin and we're not sure when to start formal Auslan. She might even go to Saturday school, it depends what is happening and where we live.



Story of the World

Math on the Level

Building Foundations of Scientific Discovery

Ordinary Parents Guide to Teaching Reading

Religion Study (my own concoction)

First Language Lessons

Writing with Ease

Cursive First



Artistic Pursuits

Australian Studies

Handle on the Arts





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We are using Little Hearts for His Glory from HOD this year with my 1st grader in K, this coming year I will be using Beyond Little Hearts for His Glory. We are loving it! We are using HOP for PHonics and MUS for math but will be switching to Singapore math next year since my boys are very math oriented.

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I have a 1st grade boy this year. He is using:


At Last A Reading Method for Every Child with

Ginn Basic Readers and workbooks

occasional spelling lists and handwriting practice

on a white board

Houghton Mifflin online math

He adores the Magic Tree House books, so we're using those for history.

Let's Read and Find Out About Science books plus others on whatever

strikes our interest.

Magic School Bus science experiment kits.



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This has all been really helpful. I am very new to hs, I have only been doing it for 2 weeks! I find myself feeling inadequate a lot of days. Wondering if I am going to mess my children up and such... but I just couldn't take it anymore. The stuff he was doing in school was frustrating, they were focusing more on teaching kids English, then teaching my son to read, and sending notes home all the time "your son is behind" and the like. I first took him out 1/2 day and let him go to school after lunch. But the teacher kept making him feel horrible that he couldnt get her spelling words right, and she knew he was doing spelling with me! So I was scared, but I took him out! I really appreciate this forum, I love the WTM! I think I'm going to need all the advice I can get!


BTW...What do you guys think of Phonics Road to Reading and Spelling by Barbara Beers? Has anyone used this program? What did you like about it? What didnt you like?

I am currently using the level 1. It has taught my pre-k dd to read at 4.5yo. I started it with her about 6mo ago.

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