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Prayers and Positive Thoughts Please, Job Loss

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Dh has been having more and more trepidation at work. His boss took away his India programming team (after engineering some terrible staff losses there), and this week he found out a major client is backing out of projected future work. So dh's hours have been cut to 10 hours per week until May, then his job is eliminated. He is worried because 10 hours is not the same as a lay-off thus he is not eligible for unemployment. On the bright side, he is freed up to job hunt vigorously and will still have insurance until May... hopefully we can afford at least one month of Cobra insurance so the birth will be covered.


Just pray we will be guided in the right way to go and that the Lord will provide so that dh will not have more stress than he can tolerate.

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I'm glad he gets to keep the insurance but I'm worried about your unemployment benefits. The weekly benefit he gets will be based on how much money he's been making - so if he goes 3 months getting paid only 10 hours a week it could potentially greatly reduce his payout after the job ends (I wonder if his employer knows this and that is part of the reason for the reduction in hours?) In Illinois we have coverage for kids and moms that are uninsured - you should check into that in your state in case you can't make cobra or whatever. Google your state name and insurance for kids - that should help you get started.


I'll be praying.

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Dh has been having more and more trepidation at work. His boss took away his India programming team (after engineering some terrible staff losses there), and this week he found out a major client is backing out of projected future work. So dh's hours have been cut to 10 hours per week until May, then his job is eliminated. He is worried because 10 hours is not the same as a lay-off thus he is not eligible for unemployment. On the bright side, he is freed up to job hunt vigorously and will still have insurance until May... hopefully we can afford at least one month of Cobra insurance so the birth will be covered.


Just pray we will be guided in the right way to go and that the Lord will provide so that dh will not have more stress than he can tolerate.


I've added you to the prayer list! http://www.welltrainedmind.com/forums/showthread.php?t=82273

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So dh's hours have been cut to 10 hours per week until May, then his job is eliminated.


:glare: Something about that just isn't right.... What is your dh's company hoping to gain from that? How is that good for anyone? I pray that your dh will find good work soon, and you won't even have to worry about living on 10 hours/week. At least you'll still be insured, so that IS good.


Prayers going up for you and yours......

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:grouphug: Praying for you here. We have having a tough time as well. My husband is a small business owner and we are doing everything we can (including taking big cuts ourself) to keep from cutting employees hours and/or laying people off.

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I would look into your state's insurance program. We were on my hubby's Cobra once when I found out I was pregnant (very unplanned by me but certainly in God's plan for me). We couldn't afford the Cobra anymore and were trying to see if we could afford to keep just me. Someone suggested the state's program and not only did they pick me up immediately, they covered all my deductibles/copays back to the beginning of the pregnancy. So getting that money back was huge when he already wasn't working. Medicaid then also covered me for two months after birth (even though we had insurance back by then) as well as everything for baby for a year. I know not everyone is comfortable with government aid but for us it was the difference between getting care or not because we truly had no more resources to pay for it ourselves.

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Thank you all so much for your prayers and encouragement!


The Lord is already working. He used the staffing manager at dh's job to intercede with the CEO so that the pay cut will not be to a maximum of 10 hours, but a minimum of 10 hours, varying up to as many as 40 hours depending upon what projects dh needs to work on. (The staffing manager said, "He can't do that, you are in the middle of a bunch of projects and I have nobody else to oversee them.") So if the Lord provides 40 hours of projects, dh will have a 40 hour paycheck. He is also free of his contract, so he can openly seek another employer, which is a blessing.

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