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Whole wheat bread recipe that works?

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I have tried several different whole wheat recipes for home made bread. I cannot for the life of me get a loaf to turn out that is good for slicing for sandwhiches! Is there such a recipe out there? What's the trick? Everything I make falls apart when sliced. It TASTES great. It just won't hold together well? :confused::confused::confused:

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Have you tried Marilyn Moll's on The Urban Homemaker website? It is really yummy and works great for sandwiches.


I also use Marilyn's recipe and the bread doesn't fall apart when sliced.



:)I found the website, but there are 20 yeast bread recipes and 4 grain bread recipes.


Could you post or link the recipe that you have had such good luck with? Please??

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Whole wheat bread recipe

--Wheat Bread Recipes



1 package yeast

1/2 cup lukewarm water

3 1/4 cups whole wheat flour

1 teaspoon salt

2 tablespoons honey

1/2 cup milk, scalded and cooled to lukewarm

2 tablespoons oil

2 eggs



Sprinkle yeast over 1/2 cup lukewarm water. Let stand 8 to 10 minutes. Then stir to dissolve.

Steel Knife: Place 3 cups of flour, salt and honey in processor bowl. Process 5 or 6 seconds. Add dissolved yeast through fee tube while machine is running. Process about 10 seconds. Combine milk, oil and eggs in a measuring cup. Add through feed tube while machine is running. Batter will be very sticky. Dump in the reserved 1/4 cup flour as machine begins to slow down. Process until well mixed, about 30 seconds. Batter will not form a ball on the blades. Empty onto a well-floured board or counter. Flour surface of dough to make it manageable for kneading. Knead about 2 minutes, adding flour as necessary to prevent dough from sticking. Place in a greased bowl and turn dough over so that all surfaces are greased. Cover and let rise until double in bulk. Punch down. Roll dough on a lightly floured board into a 9x12 inch rectangle. Roll up, jelly-roll style, from the shorter side. Seal ends by pressing down the ban. Cover and let rise until double. Bake at 375 degrees for 35 to 40 minutes. Remove from pan and let cool.


I can't remember where I got this recipe- I have it saved on my google docs... ETA- If you click on "bowl" I guess that's the direct link ;) . It's amazing, easy and yummy, and good for sandwiches. I can't believe it's 100% whole wheat! Everyone likes it! I like adding sunflower seeds and flax seeds too. I used a breadmaker to knead the dough instead of a food processor and did the rest by hand. I'm sure it could all be done by hand too, haven't tried it though.

Edited by sarahli
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Whole wheat bread recipe

--Wheat Bread Recipes



1 package yeast

1/2 cup lukewarm water

3 1/4 cups whole wheat flour

1 teaspoon salt

2 tablespoons honey

1/2 cup milk, scalded and cooled to lukewarm

2 tablespoons oil

2 eggs



Sprinkle yeast over 1/2 cup lukewarm water. Let stand 8 to 10 minutes. Then stir to dissolve.

Steel Knife: Place 3 cups of flour, salt and honey in processor bowl. Process 5 or 6 seconds. Add dissolved yeast through fee tube while machine is running. Process about 10 seconds. Combine milk, oil and eggs in a measuring cup. Add through feed tube while machine is running. Batter will be very sticky. Dump in the reserved 1/4 cup flour as machine begins to slow down. Process until well mixed, about 30 seconds. Batter will not form a ball on the blades. Empty onto a well-floured board or counter. Flour surface of dough to make it manageable for kneading. Knead about 2 minutes, adding flour as necessary to prevent dough from sticking. Place in a greased bowl and turn dough over so that all surfaces are greased. Cover and let rise until double in bulk. Punch down. Roll dough on a lightly floured board into a 9x12 inch rectangle. Roll up, jelly-roll style, from the shorter side. Seal ends by pressing down the ban. Cover and let rise until double. Bake at 375 degrees for 35 to 40 minutes. Remove from pan and let cool.


I can't remember where I got this recipe- I have it saved on my google docs... ETA- If you click on "bowl" I guess that's the direct link ;) . It's amazing, easy and yummy, and good for sandwiches. I can't believe it's 100% whole wheat! Everyone likes it! I like adding sunflower seeds and flax seeds too. I used a breadmaker to knead the dough instead of a food processor and did the rest by hand. I'm sure it could all be done by hand too, haven't tried it though.


This is the one I use.


Thanks ladies!! :)

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Try http://www.breadbeckers.com. You can look on their forum there. I use their basic recipe..I'm going to go by memory here.


1.5 cups warm water

1/3 cup honey

1/3 cup olive oil

1 egg (optional)

2 tsp salt

2 TBS lecithin

1 tsp gluten (optional)

1 TBS yeast

1/2 cup or less (I use 1/4 cup) ground flax seed

4-5 cups fresh milled wheat (I usually use 4.5)


Bake at 350 for approx 24-30 minutes


That's pretty much the order I use. I also am using a Kitchen Aid mixer with a dough hook. I usually knead the dough with the dough hook for 5-8 minutes...I check the dough and do the window pane test. I'm no expert at all, but most of the time the loaves turn out well...some better than others because I'm not very consistent. If you use spelt it will be way more crumbly than hard wheat.


Alison in KY

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It could be your knife. Dull knives break the bread. That said, this is the recipe we use, it makes 2 loaves:


2.5 cups warm water

1.5 T yeast

3 T honey

1 T brown sugar

3 T oil (I use grapeseed)

1 T salt

4-6 cups Whole Wheat Flour

1 cup oatmeal

Vital Wheat Gluten (I use 1 T per cup of flour)


Dissolve yeast and honey in water. Let stand for 10-15 minutes. Mix remaining ingredients using only enough flour to make a soft and slightly sticky dough. Knead 10 minutes (I use my kitchenaid). Now if you like a dense bread after kneeding you can divide into 2 an shape into loaves and let them rise in bread pans until doubled in size (approx 45 minutes) and bake at 350 for 30 minutes.


If you like a softer loaf, transfer dough to an oiled bowl and let rise in a warm place for 45 minutes. Then punch it down, kneed for a minute and then divide into 2 loaves and let rise for another 45 minutes and then bake at 350 for 30 minutes.

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I just found this recipe by Peter Reinhart on Monday -- I've made it twice already. The first loaf was gone in a day! I have pictures of it on my blog (see below) and here's the link to the recipe itself (you can also link to the recipe on my blog post). This recipe does require a bit of planning -- you have to soak portions of the flour the night before, but it is just so worth it! Regarding slicing, invest in a good knife. I've had my Henckels bread knife for 13 years.


Click here to view the pictures on my blog (and you can get to the recipe from there too).


Click here to go to the Reinhart recipe.

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For me, adding gluten flour makes ALL the difference. I add about 1 Tbs. per cup of flour used. It gives WW bread body, and makes perfect sandwich bread.


I have also recently begun using WW pastry flour in my bread. I like the texture and taste better.

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For me, adding gluten flour makes ALL the difference. I add about 1 Tbs. per cup of flour used. It gives WW bread body, and makes perfect sandwich bread.


I have also recently begun using WW pastry flour in my bread. I like the texture and taste better.





So you buy a high gluten white bread flour and put a Tbls in each cup of Whole Wheat Flour??

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Sorry, just seeing this.


I buy pure gluten flour, this is different than high gluten bread flour. Gluten flour is sometimes called "vital gluten." It is the protein in the wheat grain. It is the very stuff added to flour to make high gluten bread flour.


You can read about it here.


You can look at it here. I buy it in bulk so it's much cheaper than that. I use one tbs per cup of flour. If the recipe calls for 4 cups of flour, for example, I will reduce the amount of flour by 1/4 cup and then replace it with 1/4 cup gluten flour.


Hope this helps.

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This is my everyday sandwich bread recipe. It slices perfectly. It has just the right amount of moisture and is just slightly chewy. We all love it.



2 c. raw oatmeal

4 cups boiling water

5 tsp salt

1 T yeast

1/4 cup sugar

6 T oil

4 c ww flour

4 c flour


Combine oatmeal, boiling water, and salt. After it has cooled, add remaining ingredients. Let rise until doubled. Divide into four 1-1/2-pound loaf pans.Let rise for 1 hour. Bake at 350 for 40 minutes.

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