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MBTI type--N or S?

MBTI Type--Are you a S or an N?  

  1. 1. MBTI Type--Are you a S or an N?

    • S
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It says I am ESFP:

Extraverted: 1, Sensing: 88, Feeling:75, Perceiving: 11


It called me a performer. I do have a secret desire to be a rock star. :D


(FWIW, I don't like to discuss theory very much. I like to talk about practical stuff. But, I like all you guys, and really enjoy hanging out with you.)

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Now I'm really confused. :lol: Because I always follow directions while building furniture, etc. But I tweak all of my sewing and knitting patterns to where they're barely recognizable. And I follow curriculum to the T. For some things. And I improvise all of my recipes but I've gotten into bitter arguments with my dh over the proper directions and protocol for a thousand other things. I must be bipolar as far as personality type!!! :tongue_smilie:


It may seem bi-polar-ish. But, the key is to really think about: is this my preference, or have I *learned through experience* that X is the best way to accomplish Y?


I have 14 Billy bookcases from Ikea. The last time we bought a couple? I started putting one together, dh read the directions and counted out all of the parts and everything. Never mind we've already put together TWELVE of them and numerous other Ikea shelves. On the other hand, if it was a piece of furniture I had never put together, I would probably read the directions because I *have* had to take Ikea furniture apart and start over before. So, in the latter case it's my experience talking, not my preference.


Does that make more sense?

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I've taken this test several times and have always gotten INFJ. I took it again and got ISTJ. I have to say, after reading the description, it really does sound like me. I tried to be very honest, and not go by what the way I want (and try) to be, but what I actually am. I'm sure that's the difference.

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I'm confused. I've taken the test many times. I've scored the rolling from most scored to least scored






First time ever I scored INTP. My sister is convinced I'm in S but I read the descriptions they both sound too similar. I read the personalitypage one. I read the functions too and Ti is both of their 1st function so that wasn't helpful. The second one was the difference. Ne and Se. I read Ne not much like me and Se I don't do it ever. So now on to 3rd function. Si Ni. Ni sounds like me and so does Si. Forth function Fe. Yup. Idk if I don't notice Ni but when I first took the test I didn't know the answers. I don't pay much attentionto how I act, it's kind of like a subconscious thingand I dont notice it. But functions are developed over ages and right now I'm 14. I think I'm an N but my sister is the obsessive ISFJ mbti expert. So idk.


The seperation of s and n from the buy something u have to build, I ne'er do the S thing. I figure stuff out alone and I always do fine. I've never studied for tests and I've never failed any. I pass or get great grades. I was better in skull when I was younger. But over time I ughed n I stopped trying except I still learn the stuff especially the interesting stuff. I need a hand. But as I'm typing this I just had 2 Ni's. I make connections from 1 thing to another and figure it out like that. And I'm not bothered by abstract thinking I enjoy it alot.

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I'm a Certified Myers-Briggs Practitioner (and an INFJ), so I have to just mention that the online "tests" and such are not the best way to find out your type. In my training, I learned that even the actual MBTI instrument (which costs about $60 to take online) is only 70% accurate.


The best way to find your "best fit type" is to meet one-on-one with a practitioner who will help you self-select your type, then give you the instrument (that's what they call the authentic MBTI), compare the results, and work with you until you can harmonize them (we're trained in different strategies for that).


Also, if you get deeper into the MBTI, that's where it becomes the most useful. Each letter (preference) actually represents a different "function" which is introverted and extraverted. We all have 8 functions, which we use in a different order. The first four are our conscious functions and the next four are subconscious.


For example, as an INFJ, I operate like this:


Dominant function: introverted intuition (how I internally do stuff)

Auxilary function: extraverted feeling (how I relate to others)

Tertiary function: introverted thinking (my "hobby" function - in this case, analyzing)

Inferior function: extraverted sensing (my least developed of my conscious functions - in this case, "hands-on" stuff)


...and that's all for today's lesson in personality typing! :) I can't help myself because I've been giving seminars off and on since college, and used to blog about this often. I have a big library of books - some incorporating Christianity - and a database (well, a list) of the best website resources. Blame it on my INFJness! We're a little odd, being the rarest (less than 1% of the population).


Seriously, though, if anyone is interested in a consultation, it can be done long distance, and I'd be willing to trade for curriculum ;) The other option is to do it online for $60 but there is no personal element - just the assessment and a report on the results.

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No idea what that means, I'll have to read about it.


Still trying to find out what it means, but I'm in good company!

Immanual Kant, William Shakespeare, Ludwig Beethoven, Pearl Buck, Arthur C. Clark


and from the other site:



Mary, mother of Jesus

St. John, the beloved disciple

St. Luke; physician, disciple, author

William Shakespeare, bard of Avon


I came out INFP too. :)


So I'm an N.

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