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How do you handle "that time of the month?"


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Hi Everyone,


I was not a happy mommy today. I couldn't believe how cranky I was with the kids -- and then I started my period.


I almost feel like I need to calendar better and then have my dh take time off work to care for the kids and I'll hide for a couple of days.


It's hard enough in regular life, but with home schooling it really throws a wrench into everything.


Anyone else notice this occurrence?



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Yes, I get cranky. It helps if I know it's coming, so I keep a calendar. What doesn't help these days is that my 11yo dd and I cycle together - that is a new one for me, because my older children are boys.


It is impossible for my dh to take off work so I can hide. Since that's not an option, I deal with myself and my cranky daughter the best I can. It is definitely our most trying schooling days of the month. My advice would be to keep lots of chocolate around!

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I have a complete B complex I try to stay on a week before. I also have what we call....stress dots... I keep in my purse. These are B-12 dots that melt under your tonque.


I get what we call broomstick grumpy and my 13dd and I do cycle together too- that is difficult if you don't know! It has helped a lot now that my ds knows. My hubby tells him privately (once it starts) do be extra gentle with the me and dd, and he keeps it on his calendar. Sometimes (when I don't see it coming) I feel cranky at first when he tells me I am a week away and I get upset, but then I look at the calendar and see he is right. I think is is easy for me to think ohh he is going to blame it on that again- until I see he is right.


I can vascilate between witchiness and weepiness- for up to a week before. The B-12 dots really help me a lot. I take one under my tonque and feel better in 5 minutes. This is nice when I am out at a store of hs event and feel like I am losing it. I have even opened my purse and given to other moms who are stressed out and they say it helps.





Edited by rockala
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It is difficult to school during that time. I usually don't realize it's coming until I've snapped at one of the kids, and then I think, "Why did I get so upset about that?" It's then that I realize that "Aunt Flo" is on her way to visit. I take Aleve for the headache, cramps, and overall malaise. Believe it or not, exercise helps tremendously. That's really the last thing you feel like doing, but I never skip my exercise on those days because I know how much better it will make me feel. :grouphug:

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dark chocolate m&ms. all day long.


books on tape.


crock pot.


and I warn the kids - "Mom's not feeling great - so let's do great work quickly or I'll have to turn into a screaming lunatic." They get the idea and are usually great about it. Humor goes a long way here. And then I give them some of the m&ms.

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I love you women....you are so funny! Humor does go a long way.


Murderous or suicidal...I can't wait to tell dh that one.


.... and Aunt Flo, that is hysterical.


I am allergic to chocolate, but cookies and milk are great.:D


And, yes regular excersise has kept cramping to a minumum, still get

witchy and weepy though.

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I just work through it.


I usually know I'm approaching that time when the children's behavior takes a major nosedive. I keep thinking, what's wrong with these people? Then it hits me. It's not them, its me. It's totally weird how my frame of mind *completely* changes how I perceive a situation.

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My head is about to pop, I feel like it will just kill me to move from one spot to another and I want to sleep all day. I am ususally murderous and especially with my oldest, he really knows how to push my buttons. Exercise and diet help me most. I have endometriosis and my doctor put me on the South Beach Diet. Amazing results! I wasn't nearly as grumpy this month and I didn't nave the cravings like normal either. My poor children have survived so far I just pray God will help them to forget when I go a little crazy : )!

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When I started regular chiropractics (I go fortnightly but hope to stretch that out further as time goes on) I expected a reduction in pain, but was very surprised to find it reduced the moodiness too. These days dh can't tell the difference between PMS moodiness and my usual tetchy nature.




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until I got so fed up with the whole thing that I asked the gynecologist if he couldn't please, please do something. So now I'm on the pill without any breaks (apart from 1 week every 6 months, but nothing happens then either). It's wonderful, it's bliss!!!:lol: Dh loves it as much as I do!

I realise not everybody would "play" with their hormones, but I can't have any more children anyway and it's totally worth the "risk" for me. There are millions or women doing this and so far the studies show now increase in cancer risk.

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I'm pretty grouchy for the week before (not to mention clumsy and forgetful), but have found that a B-100 complex and extra calcium help keep me on an even keel. Except for the first day Aunt Flo is around. I usually declare the day a holiday and we watch movies and read stories. I know I'm not in any shape to teach or be patient for the first day, so I don't even try.

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I'm going through that right now. I'm tired, cranky and generally not myself. I'm almost 40 and about 3-4 x's a year my cycle is 2 weeks late. Like it did this time. So now I have an incredibly heavy period w/ passage of huge cl*ts. I know that's gross. Cramps are worse. I can be sitting or lying down and literally *feel* my pad fill to overflowing. ugh. Normally, my cycle is 4 days long, only 1 heavy day w/ minimal cramps. These *special* cycles are just nasty. I'm not a big fan of drugs or doctors so I'll just suck it up I guess. I hope you feel better. You're not alone.

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Does "everyone stay outta my way" count as a strategy for dealing with it? :D


Seriously though, some months it's really rough.


The worst part is that my oldest daughter and I are on the same cycle. In a couple of years, my younger dd will probably be right there with us. My poor boys!! :lol:

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