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looking for understanding and sympathy...

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My oldest is studying abroad this semester. After much stress dealing with visas and passports, he was safely away (a week later than he should have been) on Thursday. He spent Friday and Saturday with some friends in London, and then Sat. evening took a train to another airport in London to get his connection to Poland. I guess weight limits were not communicated to him when he bought the ticket, but the airline wanted to charge him something like $400-$500 for the extra weight. He didn't want to pay it and didn't get on the plane. I am not really clear on the details of what happened with him not getting on the flight. Now he is stuck in London and is trying to figure out how to get to Poland. He called us at 1 AM our time to tell us he missed the flight and didn't know what to do. Had he called us before he missed the flight, we would have told him to just take it. We are very stretched financially but just got our tax refund and could have helped him if necessary.


I last talked to him online nearly 7 hours ago - he had located a youth hostel near the airport and was going to go there. I did not get the name of the hostel and was under the impression he would get back online when he got there to tell me, but he didn't. I assume that he just fell asleep. He had only had about 3 hours of sleep in the last 30, 2 at the airport waiting for his flight.


Whatever he ends up doing will probably cost just as much as paying the baggage fees. I wish he had just gotten on the flight!


The effect this is having on me is incredible. I could not sleep last night after going back to bed from his phone call - I dozed on and off, worrying about him. Today I tried to take a nap, no dice. I have 4 dc who are 5 and under and have had to care for them all day with this ache of worry in my entire core. I just told dh and he said that there was nothing we could do so not to worry about it. But I cannot not worry. I am not even actively worrying, it's just this physical feeling that I have.


All prayers and good thoughts welcome, sympathy and understanding appreciated!

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After strong urging from my dh, I allowed my oldest to take a bus to NYC today to meet some other students. I was tied up in knots all day. He's fine and on his way home now but I share your feelings.


We want them to grow up and live independently of us, but the first steps are so difficult! I'll be thinking of you and your son, I hope all is well and you hear reassuring news very soon.

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Part of studying abroad is having to figure things out for himself. But he should have a sponsoring organization - either through his school or the school at which he will be studying. He may want to contact them for help and advice.


Stop worrying. The worse case scenario is that this costs you more than you budgetted. But he will live and learn. Lesson of the day is that you check weight allowances before you fly. That was his job, not yours. He didn't, and you are still willing to give him money to get there so he is super lucky. He's safe at a hostel licking his wounds and trying to figure out what to do, and this is GOOD for him. Good. Good. Deep breathes, friend.


I'm very jealous that he's going to be studying in Poland, and I hope he has a great semester after this little fiasco. Update us when you can, and deep deep worry free breathes!

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Oh, {{Cath}} I can imagine how worried you are. I'm sure your son will be just fine, though. As a pp said, the worst that will happen is that it will cost you more than you expected.


If it helps any, I was a 19 year old college student wandering Europe many years ago. When you travel as a student, you find yourself with many, many other students. The people at hostels are wonderful. They'll have all sorts of ideas on how your son can get where he's going. (The ONLY place I felt unsafe was Amsterdam, and maybe that was because I was female.) Europe is just so easy to get around & it's especially easy for students bec. of the lower costs and their ability to rough it. I found Europeans to be more than willing to help out a lost student! Your son will be fine. Plus he's in an English-speaking country. This will be a great learning experience for him.



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I totally understand your feelings, I would probably feel the same way, as others have said.


They have also given you many positives to consider... he could have been laid over in worse places!


While you are waiting to hear from him, could you work in a little exercise to relieve some of your tension? And remember to just breathe? I always forget to breathe...


Trust him to the care of Jesus, he will be in good hands!


Let us know when you hear from him!

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It will be a hassle, but he can probably get on the next flight for a minimal charge, and his stuff will catch up to him eventually if he ships it by land.


It's probably a good thing he did what he did—in the end it's likely to save a bit of cash and he got some sleep to boot. It's hard to even think when you are that tired and jet lagged. He'll be okay. That he was thinking of the expense is a good thing, and he'll learn something from it. :-)



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I am starting to freak out! I changed my status on FB to tell him to call me any time day or night and then fell asleep for a few hours. He hasn't been on FB. It's now 10 AM there. I did a Google search for hostels and have started calling them. The only thing I can tell is that I have a lot less minutes on my calling card, so he may be using it. Maybe he just doesn't have Internet access.


Knots are back full force!

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He went to a hostel and slept for 13 hours. They had internet there but he couldn't get it to work with his laptop, and they didn't have a phone he could use.


His new plan is to go back to the family he stayed with on Friday and Saturday, repack his stuff, and fly to Poland at 6 AM their time on Thursday (flight prices go down considerably). They will mail him his stuff. He is also contacting the university in Poland to let them know what's going on.


I feel like I can breathe again! Of course, now *I* haven't really slept in 2 nights!

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He went to a hostel and slept for 13 hours. They had internet there but he couldn't get it to work with his laptop, and they didn't have a phone he could use.


His new plan is to go back to the family he stayed with on Friday and Saturday, repack his stuff, and fly to Poland at 6 AM their time on Thursday (flight prices go down considerably). They will mail him his stuff. He is also contacting the university in Poland to let them know what's going on.


I feel like I can breathe again! Of course, now *I* haven't really slept in 2 nights!



:grouphug: I'm so glad he contacted you.

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My son has floated around foreign countries with me wondering if he was managing to be in the right place at the right time. Fortunatley, most people are kind. I know exactly how you feel. I sent my son off last year to France with inadequate directions about how to make the plane/train connection and no idea at all about how his luggage was supposed to make the switch. I didn't hear for a few days whether he had arrived. And when he was in Japan, he couldn't figure out how to get stamps or call us or anything, and I sent him off, heard he had arrived, and then didn't hear anything for about a month!!! It was agony. Whenever he is away, I'm only half here. It builds confident, competant adults, though, this travelling when they are young. And they learn that most people are nice. And they develop good instincts for staying out of bad situations. All good stuff, but very wearing on the mums.

Lots of hugs


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