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Those "bigger projects" are never meant to be accomplished, right? RIGHT?! ;-D

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Would someone please take these photos and put them in albums once and for all? And while you're at it, type up the plethora of recipes such that my recipe "notebook" is intact? For that matter, please take care of The Wallpaper Border Issue while your at it. Just...please...can someone get to these Things That Never Receive Attention? I hear from people who aren't in the thick of things that a time will come when I have more time on my hands than I know what to do with. I'm happy not to be in that season yet. But a week of it here or there would be luvverly.


Schooling? Check.

Cooking (and all such related food matters)? Check.

Cleaning, etc.? Check.

Running? Check.

Farm stuff? Check.

And so on and so forth, as we all know.


But those extra things? Fuhgeddaboutit.

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It seems all of a sudden EVERYTHING in the house needs to be cleaned out - drawers, closets, etc. Piles of everyone's stuff is everywhere.


I used to be an organized neat freak, but six kids and homeschooling will take care of that.


I looked around my thought was - It was be easier to just move.


That's sane, huh?

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I wonder if we all swapped projects if it would be more fun.


For me, it's not a matter of not getting to projects because they aren't "fun". It's just...not getting to them. Okay, granted, the wallpaper stuff wouldn't be fun.:tongue_smilie: But I enjoy going through photos ~ and even enjoy organizing recipes. It's just that projects like those will inevitably stretch over days, so I don't even take it all out and start, kwim?


And even more waves of guilt about all the digital pictures that I've lost on various computers. Sheesh.




P.S. Thanks once again to my fan club, who follow my posts closely enough to promptly dole out "one star ratings" when I start a thread. The attention you pay me makes me all verklempt.:lol:

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I have a few projects like that. For a while a friend and I would get together once a week to work on little projects. We would scrapbook or cut recipes out of magazines we were saving, etc. and sit and talk and work. It was great fun! We stopped at some point, I'm not sure why. But it definitely helped having a scheduled night each week to work on that sort of stuff.


Now my cut-out recipes are in a big pile and my photos are organized chronologically in a box. I'll get back to it someday........right? :D

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I wonder if we all swapped projects if it would be more fun. I have waves of guilt over those darn photos in boxes. And even more waves of guilt about all the digital pictures that I've lost on various computers. Sheesh.


I feel your pain, sister. I think once I went digital, I stopped organizing and scrapbooking - which is the OPPOSITE of what I expected to happen. :glare:


Just tonight, I was pulling off about 500 pictures from an old iMac we're going to sell at a yard sale.


Overheard in my head: "You know, I should just start organizing my pictures. Right after the yard sale. No, maybe after we list the house. No, maybe after we have a contract. No, maybe after we move. . . ."


Repeat ad nauseum.


As if.


My cousin - whose kids are grown now - has been emailing me pictures from the early 80s lately. She's finally going through her stuff and scanning them in. So cheer up, Colleen!! Maybe by the time you and I get these young 'uns launched, we'll just be able to wave a picture in front of the computer, and it will capture the image and organize it automatically!

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Would someone please take these photos and put them in albums once and for all? And while you're at it, type up the plethora of recipes such that my recipe "notebook" is intact? For that matter, please take care of The Wallpaper Border Issue while your at it. Just...please...can someone get to these Things That Never Receive Attention? I hear from people who aren't in the thick of things that a time will come when I have more time on my hands than I know what to do with. I'm happy not to be in that season yet. But a week of it here or there would be luvverly.


Schooling? Check.

Cooking (and all such related food matters)? Check.

Cleaning, etc.? Check.

Running? Check.

Farm stuff? Check.

And so on and so forth, as we all know.


But those extra things? Fuhgeddaboutit.


My oldest is in college. My 2nd is a senior and very independent. My 3rd is my best self-starter of the bunch...I CLEANED MY ATTIC LAST WEEK.


Photo albums...not done yet. Maybe there's a chance...someday.



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I get you.


What if we had a project room? I wonder if I had even a corner of space that I could leave those projects out and do them in little bits if I could make it happen? Photos, recipes, putting all birthdays/anniversaries in a perpetual calendar, etc.- it is the longer term clutter and organization that prevents me from starting. By the time I had those photos stacked and labeled someone's little chubby fingers would have them across the floor.


I keep thinking I'll save that project for when I have several days alone....:001_huh:....like I'm going to sort photos if I have several days alone! Like I'll have several days alone, ever, in the next many years. :tongue_smilie:


Shall we talk about the garage organization/clean-out possibilities? ;)

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I painted my hall way a pretty butter yellow. I painted every wooden picture frame I have collected over the years black. Some had old pictures in them. Some were empty. I hung a plaque at the top of the wall that says, "All Because Two People Fell In Love". And I hung all the frames below in a collage fashion. BEAUTIFUL! Now all I have to do is print off candid family pictures and fill the frames to make a wonderful statement about US. That was 2 years ago. I have mostly empty frames hanging in my hall way. Visiters are quite perplexed. I'll get to it. Hopefully before the last kid moves out!

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Yep, and that was part of what i was thinking when I posted my your turn post. Basically there won't be any time for this. But also... does it really matter anyway. I heard the most interesting/depressing sermon one time. It was about what you REALLY left behind. He talked about that diploma you worked so hard for. It hangs on the wall and represents so much work (or law school, med school, etc. I think it was a med school diploma he talked about.) But what in the world will your grandchildren do with it??? Put it in the trash probably. Unless you are Debakey, who will really care about the diploma?? He also talked about playing cards and saying, "Oh..so and so died..how sad and then they kept playing.." That will be us some day. So if I do spend all that time on the scrapbooks, pictures, etc. Who will care??? In 5o years, they will end up in an attic, ruined or in the trash... I mean what is really left??? I've been tossing a lot of things lately. Because I mean, if I know my children won't want them, why am I keeping them??



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Once upon a time I sorted my photos by time period and put them in photo boxes. All labeled and in some semblance of order. It was a happy day.


Then a mean and nasty hurricane decided to come toward my house and the photos got stuffed, in no particular order, in a plastic tote and stored in cabinet. The mean and nasty hurricane was not so mean yet several months later those photos still sit unsorted stashed in the rubbermaid. :glare:


I keep delaying backing up my digital material, which I should do this weekend. Right. :lol:


My current nemesis is the closet full of toys that ds has outgrown, hasn't touched in years, but will want to keep as soon as I drag them out to sort.

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I painted my hall way a pretty butter yellow. I painted every wooden picture frame I have collected over the years black. Some had old pictures in them. Some were empty. I hung a plaque at the top of the wall that says, "All Because Two People Fell In Love". And I hung all the frames below in a collage fashion. BEAUTIFUL! Now all I have to do is print off candid family pictures and fill the frames to make a wonderful statement about US. That was 2 years ago. I have mostly empty frames hanging in my hall way. Visiters are quite perplexed. I'll get to it. Hopefully before the last kid moves out!


:lol::lol: I'm sorry, but that struck me as really funny this morning. Probably because that sounds like something I would do.

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