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My cat has figured out how to turn on the electric blanket.

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Our aged, balding, arthritic cat has learned to push the button to turn on the electric blanket on my bed. I know, I wouldn't believe it either, if I didn't see it with my own two eyes.


She is quite pleased with herself (and very warm).


I feel like I'm living in an episode of Pinky and the Brain.

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Be careful. They'll burn themselves up. We've had cats that would crawl right under an iron Swedish stove that gets up over 600 degrees. Cats are just crazy to be warm and they don't seem to realize when they're burning themselves. During our recent ice storm, mine was trying to inch her way into the fireplace, LOL.


Oh, that's not good. She had somehow managed to step on enough buttons to have turned it up to four (now, I know she's crafty and all that, but that HAD to be by chance, there's no way she's learned to navigate the up/down controls, lol). I will definitely unplug the blanket if I'm going to leave the house, where I can't keep an eye on her.


Thanks for pointing it out, I don't know that I would have thought of it.

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I love it. Cats are so fun.


I second the motion to watch that she doesn't burn herself. There are cat heating pads you can buy -- maybe get her one of those (assuming even at max heat they're still safe/comfy for cats)? She'd have to learn new controls, but I have no doubt she can do it. LOL.

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Smart kitty you have there, and toasty warm too!


One of our cats, Mittens, comes into our bedroom each night as soon as I turn on my bedside lamp. She then sits on the nightstand with her head stuck up inside the lamp shade. So nice and warm on her head! She gets a dreamy look on her face, or maybe it's just her brain overheating.


DS and I always joke that whatever planet cats are originally from ('cause clearly they are some sort of aliens!) is obviously much warmer than Earth, and that's why cats are always seeking out the warmest spot to sleep.

Michelle T

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('cause clearly they are some sort of aliens!)


Precisely what dh said last night as our female cat started eating the other cat's puke before I shooed her off and cleaned it up. :001_huh:


Back to cute things about cats, that same female cat I referred to waits for someone to get up from the couch and then settles right down in the warm spot they left from their body heat. Cats really are good at finding warm places.


I love the lampshade cat, cute!

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Precisely what dh said last night as our female cat started eating the other cat's puke before I shooed her off and cleaned it up. :001_huh:





No, no, it's not that bad. See, they do not actually eat vomit, they try and stick to simple regurgitated food. You know, pre-chewed for your convenience.:lol:

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Last summer DH and DS built a cat run, with a cat door from our garage to the run. This way the cats can be out in the fresh air but not be endangered by cars or predators. Anyway, when our alpha cat wants to come in from the garage, he's figured out how to wiggle a loose piece of the door framing so it kind of thumps against the wall. The cat has learned to knock on the door so we'll let him in! Cracks me up when I open the door to see his contemptuous cat face looking up at me.


These cats are so funny.

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