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Planning for new school year: Post 3rd grade plans here

Amy loves Bud

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Bible - Kay Arthur study of James


Math - MUS Gamma/Delta


Latin - LCII**


Language arts - Spelling Power, FLL3


Literature - just reading good books together and discussing; I occasionally use the VP guides; plus daily independent reading from books of her choice


3 days: SOTW 2 will finish mid year and move into SOTW 3, with narrations and good library books


2 days: Science - Apologia Botany?


1 day: music/art appreciation; art; other seasonal topics


Extracurricular: tennis, piano


**She's doing very well with LCI this year, but I don't know if she'll be able to keep up wit LCII, so we may need to change this.

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Hello Amy


Maths: Singapore 3B/4A

English: Junior English 2; HWT Cursive; Hannah's Aesop copywork.

History: SOTW3 with Our Island Story, Usborne and This Country of Ours

Science: probably RS4K Chemistry and Bio, but he may not be ready for it

Mandarin: Mandarin for GCSE

Greek: Greek Prep if it's out. Otherwise, keeping his Greek ticking over until it comes out

Latin: Minimus maybe, or wait until the next year to start Latin Prep

Music: Recorder From the Beginning plus some music appreciation

Art: Artistic Pursuits K-3 Year 2 plus extra art appreciation

PE: 5x a week (Karate plus other various).



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Singapore 3b/4a


Language Arts:

We will read Old Testament Bible Stories to study the parts of speech

KISS Grammar Workbook 2 for grammar practice

WISE Guide Spelling lists

We will be learning about outlining as well as continuing with the progymnasmata. We will be writing direct declarative, slanted, indirect declarative, interrogative, and comparative narrations. Some of these will be written in the forms of letters.

She will start learning cursive as well.



We will take a look at housing and all the different types starting with lean-tos and finishing off with skyscrapers.

We will also read Native American Tales and learn about the types of groups that live in different regions of our country.



We will work through My Pals are Here 4a/b.

And continue to just have fun with kits and books as topics take our interest.

We hope to build some small reproductions of some of the houses that we will study.



We will work with crayons, watercolor, and clay this year.

We will also try our hands at felting, knitting and the recorder.



Minimus/looking at Lively Latin for 2nd half of the year.


We have a nice fun year planned that combines the academics of Classical with the beauty and calmness of Waldorf.

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History: I'm pretty sure we'll do Winterpromise's American Story 1 (with my younger DS joining in)


Math: Singapore 3A/B


Science: I'm trying to decide between Noeo Chemistry and putting my own stuff together. I'm not sure I'll love Noeo, but I think having it laid out will keep us from neglecting science as we tend to do.


LA: he just started FLL 3, so he'll be working on that until around mid-year next year. And I have my eye on SWB's new writing book.


And I'm trying to decide whether or not to start Latin next year.

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  • Explorer's Bible Study, Discovery: In the Beginning
  • Writing Tales 1
  • Spelling Workout C and/or D
  • Horizons Math 3
  • Tapestry Redesign Yr3
  • Living Learning Chemistry
  • Building Critical Thinking Skills 1
  • Drawing with Children
  • Private piano lessons

Other nuances:

- Teaching the Classics, for me to learn and possibly start applying

- Discovering the Great Artists to use with TOG

- Continue with Explode the Code books 5-8 (we're on book 5 now)

- Poetry Memorization from The Harp & Laurel Wreath

- Memory work to include: VP history songs, Themes to Remember songs, grammar, french vocabulary, math songs, chemistry songs, poetry, scriptures

- Other LA: book reports

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Here's what I have planned so far:


Thinking about Lively Latin

We just started Writing Tales so we'll continue with that and then either go to the next one or start CW Aesop

Finish up R&S math 4 and move into 5

Language Arts: ( GWG, some kind of spelling, copywork, )

Science - probably just some library books

History - haven't decided yet - maybe Sonlight 3 or just continue with Truthquest.

Literature - I just pick out book and have him read some of them outloud to me and some silently.


Art - we haven't done much of this...definitely need to add!




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I am still working on my plans but so far


Math: Math U See - Gamma (maybe some Delta too)

Spelling: SWR

Grammar: Rod and Staff 3 (mostly orally)

Writing: I'm not sure yet. - copywork, dictation, narration

Literature: TOG

History: TOG

Geography: TOG

TOG Co-op

Science: Chemistry - I'm still looking around for this.

Art: TOG projects and art appreciation at Co-op

Music: Begin recorder and music appreciation tied into history.

Spanish: (maybe)

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Currently doing 3rd grade as follows:



Math - Singapore/Shiller

Latin - Lively Latin

Memory work - various

English Studies - CW Poetry 3x a week, other 2 days - D'Aularies Greek Myths with study book


Once a week:


VP Bible

Modern Studies with various American history books

Geography - currently using The Geography Book

Science (actually 2x a week ) currently using RS4K Biology


I also read aloud and require 30 minutes a day of independent reading from books of various topics.



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Our 3rd grade this year:


Math: Singapore 3A/3B, Miquon yellow and purple

Grammar: R&S 3

Spelling: SWO D & E

Writing: CW Aesop A and dictation

Literature: lots of library books

History: Truthquest AHYS 1

Science: Apologia Zoology 1

Geography: US Geography lapbook

Latin: Prima Latina

Memory Work: Various poems and Bible verses

Critical Thinking: BTS1, VPSB2, DooRiddles A3, and MindBenders A1

Music: Getting to Know the World's Greatest ...., Classical Kids, piano lessons

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We tend to school January - December so this is the plan for the second half of 2nd and the first half of 3rd grade.



Math - Saxon 3, Singapore 2


Latin - Lively Latin


Language Arts - FLL 3, Copywork, Calvert Spelling 3, Read Aloud Little House series, Typing, Daily Journal


History - Finish World of Columbus and Sons, World of Captain John Smith


Classical History - The Story of Greece, D'Aulaires Greek Myths, Greek alphabet


Geography - Finish all of Holling C. Hollings books, learn U.S. states, capitals, etc.


Science - Oak Meadow's Life Science (with older sister) and Nature Study


Informal studies of art, music, literature, math history, Spanish


Karate twice a week and a weekly nature study homeschool co-op

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Math: Horizons supplemented with Singapore (which ones depends on how far we get this year)


Phonics: Finish ETC workbooks (7 and 8), finish OPGTR


Grammar: Growing with Grammar 3


Spelling: Still Unsure...looking at trying Sequential Spelling?


Reading: Library books, read aloud and silently as able to


Writing: Writing Tales 1


Handwriting: Getty-Dubay


Latin: Undecided, looking at Lively Latin


History: SOTW 2 (assuming we finish 1 by then!)


Science: Considering R.E.A.L. Science: Life (by Pandia Press)


Music: Continue Themes To Remember, Recorder study, may add more music appreciation also?


Art: at co-op


PE: Homeschool Basketball team through fall and winter, Soccer in spring, bike riding and swimming in summer


Extra: Cub Scouts, possibly 4-H?


That is it so far.

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Bible: with Dad...currently going through Matthew

Math: Singapore 3B/4A & finish up Miquon

Grammar: finish FLL 3 & ??

Latin: Latin for Children A

Poetry: Linguistic Development Through Poetry Memorization

History: SOTW 2 combined w/ History Odyssey 2 (with older sibs)

Science: Noeo Chemistry 2 (w/ olders sibs)

Music: violin & music appreciation (lots of listening)

Art: ??

Foreign Language: Rosetta Stone German

Typing: Typing Instructor Deluxe

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Writing Tales

Word Attack spelling

Getty Dubay Italic Cursive which will be followed by Cursive Copywork later in the year

Reading from Sonlight, Veritas and other lists

Poetry Memorization







Prima Latina



Read and narrate from Vos's Child's Story Bible



World history - Story of the World + read-alouds recommended in AG + "History Club" with two other families one afternoon a week to do activities from the AG.

Memorization of history sentences

South African history - Read-aloud from children's historic literature with "All About South Africa" as spine.



Worldbook Young Scientist series (because we already own it)

Sonlight Discover and Do DVD's which we do together with another family one afternoon a week.

Memorization of science facts.



The Geography Book


Composer of the month

Read a biography of the composer

Listen to the Classics for Kids radio show

Themes to Remember

During the month, we have the composer's music playing in the background and in the car


Artist of the month

We have four prints of the artists work up on the wall.

Read a biography of the artist


Violin practice

Lessons start next week

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MATH: Horizons Math (2nd grade book 2 and 3rd grade book 1)

Singapore Challenging Word Problems 2

LANGUAGE ARTS: Easy Grammar 3

cursive copywork

dictation (taken from SWR and literature)

weekly letter to grandparents

read 1 hour daily from assigned books


additional reading with library books

SCIENCE: Elementary Apologia Zoology 2


ART: weekly 1 hour class

Music: piano lessons

PE: karate class 2x week

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Our current 3rd gr. year looks like this:


LA: SWR/dictation/BJU 3 (which is grammar and writing)


Math: MUS Gamma


History: SOTW 1


Science: we just finished BJU 3, and started Apologia's Astronomy


German: Das neue Deutschmobil

Music (classics for kids, mostly, but we also check out books from the library on various composers and listen to their music, mandolin lessons)

Art (gets done very little)

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Just starting 3rd this week and here is what we are using...


FLL along with Abeka oral language exercises


SWO along with dictation


Reason for HW transition into cursive book


continuing Mathusee


Bible continuing to read daily, continuing Leading Little Ones to God along with How the Bible came to Us and Awesome Book of Bible Facts


mind benders beginners 2


SOTW 2 with AG along w/CHOW and Trial and Triumph


Exploring Creation with Zoology 2 (love the kits from Creation Sensation such a timesaver!)

He requested even more science :eek: so I got him a Brock magiscope, Microworlds Science in a Nutshell kit to do on his own and many living books. We also take nature walks and he keeps a nature notebook. Hope this will keep my science loving boy satisfied for a while :D


Windows on the world w/ map Globe, and library books for informal geography


AO reading schedule (he is a voracious reader so AO's year 3 booklist and scedule has been a blessing here)


Spanish-- (I am fluent but my boys are not. I am hoping to change that this year:)) I will use everday conversations, read alouds in spanish with narration and games.


Artistic pursuits book 2


Continuing with Pianimals Piano (We have loved this!)


P.E. 1hr. 3x a week w/ homeschooling group


WOW! Seems we will be pretty busy this year but hey after a 4 week vacation from Hschooling my boys have actually been begging to start "school" again.;)

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His will be different than his sisters was. So far I have planned:


Math: A Beka Grade 3

Language Arts: complete Phonics Pathways as needed

Daily Copywork/Dictation-Beechick style

Spelling: Natural Speller

A Beka Oral Grammar

Prima Latina

A Beka Language 3 (we will move at a gentle pace w/this)

(also I plan to check out SWB's new writing program)

Science: Considering Gods Creation along w/science kits

Geography: Galloping the Globe

History: Undecided

Art Appreciation: Undecided but hopefully something from Ambleside Online.

Art Application: I Can Do All Things by Barry Stebbing

Bible: Character Building for Families


He will also have co-op classes once a week and I am not sure what will be offered next year.

He also plays baseball in the spring and fall and participates in 2 choirs (one at church and one at co-op.)

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