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Highway coming through our home--anyone else have this happen to them?

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I talked to the Department of Transportation guy at the state level today. The plan is to get final approval of the plan in July/August and then start buying up properties for the highway.


Our home has the northbound lane going right along the property line and the drainage ditch through my living room. Needless to say, we are going to have to move.


Problem is, our home is paid for, we like our neighbors, our area, etc. They said they will give us 125% of the value of our home but now in Michigan's severely depressed economy our home value has dropped a lot in the past few years.


Right now we have 2 acres but are hoping to pick up 2-4 more acres from our neighbor behind us in the next few weeks. That will give us a 4-6 acre parcel to bargain with--as we will need a place for our horses when we move as well.


I was just wondering if anyone else has had their home bought out by the state for a right of way. They did say if we couldn't find a home to purchase similar to ours we could buy property and build new while we stayed in this house until it was finished.


An hints/ideas for me?

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I know that in Oregon, when I worked for the Right of Way section, they will win. I don't know of any cases the whole time I was there that ever won. The case was sent to Condemnation section and that was that. I would work with them on the price and tell them that you want more than the current market value since Michigan is so far below National market values. Of course I don't know what Michigan is like...maybe you can win there. I would try to find old cases..what % of cases won? That sort of thing.


Your best bet is to talk to a lawyer. Even if you do settle for a pay-off...that way you are protected.

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Well, I don't know what the eminent domain laws are in Michigan or if this will even apply to your situation. But what happened years ago in Mass. to my grandpa when they asked for his land to put an interstate through and he tried to hold out for more money, from what I understand the state said "deals off" and put the interstate through his land anyways. My uncle who now owns the land is having all sorts of issues many years later with right of way and what he can and cannot do on his own land. Be sure to know your rights and Eminent domain laws in Michigan.

Edited by lynn
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Also, talk to a lawyer before you purchase anymore property. They may fight you on that since you purchased after being informed of the up coming construction. They may try to say you are trying to profit from the knowledge.


Definitely do this! But maybe you can purchase the other property, and move your house onto it? (Seriously... people around here move houses all the time. My son, when he first saw that said, Look! A house with a truck under it!)




And here are some more pics.

Edited by Annie N
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I talked to the Department of Transportation guy at the state level today. The plan is to get final approval of the plan in July/August and then start buying up properties for the highway.


Our home has the northbound lane going right along the property line and the drainage ditch through my living room. Needless to say, we are going to have to move.


Problem is, our home is paid for, we like our neighbors, our area, etc. They said they will give us 125% of the value of our home but now in Michigan's severely depressed economy our home value has dropped a lot in the past few years.


Right now we have 2 acres but are hoping to pick up 2-4 more acres from our neighbor behind us in the next few weeks. That will give us a 4-6 acre parcel to bargain with--as we will need a place for our horses when we move as well.


I was just wondering if anyone else has had their home bought out by the state for a right of way. They did say if we couldn't find a home to purchase similar to ours we could buy property and build new while we stayed in this house until it was finished.


An hints/ideas for me?



Have you considered moving the house to other property? It's several thousand to move a house, but it gets done all the time quite successfully. Old farm houses get moved all the time around here.


I think it's a shame to tear down a perfectly good house, especially when it's paid for! Is there any wiggle room on that for you? Wouldn't hurt to ask, right?


ETA: Looks like several of us are thinking the same thing!

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We are fine with moving and knew this might be coming for a while. It is just so up in the air. If they move the highway over a bit it won't get us, if the funding is delayed it could be 10 more years, etc.


Moving the house might be an option but this is a bilevel so I don't know how those are to move. I actually have friends that worked as house movers for years so I am sure they could tell me. A different house would be nice though so I could make it wheelchair friendly so my mom could visit us again--same size house, just a ranch with basement instead of bilevel.


I will have to see about the land/building thing though as they have NOT declared a NO BUILD/NO BUY zone yet for this area---I think that means we are safe. If not, we will just lease the land behind us for the next few years as well.

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We are fine with moving and knew this might be coming for a while. It is just so up in the air. If they move the highway over a bit it won't get us, if the funding is delayed it could be 10 more years, etc.


Moving the house might be an option but this is a bilevel so I don't know how those are to move. I actually have friends that worked as house movers for years so I am sure they could tell me. A different house would be nice though so I could make it wheelchair friendly so my mom could visit us again--same size house, just a ranch with basement instead of bilevel.


I will have to see about the land/building thing though as they have NOT declared a NO BUILD/NO BUY zone yet for this area---I think that means we are safe. If not, we will just lease the land behind us for the next few years as well.



Multi-story houses may cost a bit more to move, but it is done all the time. Most houses around here are 2-story. The extra cost comes in having to take down power lines (not always applicable).


Heck, a couple of years ago a grain company moved 2 elevators here to our little town! Those suckers must be worth a good 5 stories each. :)

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We've not been through the process yet but our house is under threat of being taken by eminant domain. Problem is, the road widening project that will take the house keeps being pushed back due to lack of funds.

We've not gotten as far as personal talks with the city, just a general meeting showing a basic outline of the project and learning there were studies to be understaken showing impact on local wildlife, etc.


I'll be watching this thread with interest and hope to learn something that can help us when (IF?) our time comes.

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I heard of this before, but it just flabbergasts me. The idea that they can just TAKE a home from someone - I mean, if a business wanted your land & house and you don't want to sell, even for a pretty penny, you don't. But the state can????? They can force you to leave your home like that??? Unbeleivable. I don't get it. What happened to respecting a person's rights to their own property? I don't care how much they offer a person - a home is so much more than what it cost. So you could have a home that you put your heart and soul into for many years, and they can just say "tough, get out." ....and toss a family out???? (Yeah yeah, pay them, but that's not my point!)


I dunno. Just shocked this exists. That people would LET it exist.


Back where I used to live, there was a story I was told of this old fella who would NOT would NOT would NOT sell his little parcel of land to a big company who owned the land all 'round it and wanted his, wanted it bad. He refused for many many years, despite the increasing offers of money. Last I heard, he was still holding on to his home and his land. Unfortunately, I also heard that he's quite elderly and his son will, eventually, be the one to make decisions...and will likely sell. Blah.


Anyway. Why do you/people/we/etc allow a government (assuming it's gov) to do this sort of thing??

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I heard of this before, but it just flabbergasts me. The idea that they can just TAKE a home from someone - I mean, if a business wanted your land & house and you don't want to sell, even for a pretty penny, you don't. But the state can????? They can force you to leave your home like that??? Unbeleivable. I don't get it. What happened to respecting a person's rights to their own property? I don't care how much they offer a person - a home is so much more than what it cost. So you could have a home that you put your heart and soul into for many years, and they can just say "tough, get out." ....and toss a family out???? (Yeah yeah, pay them, but that's not my point!)


I dunno. Just shocked this exists. That people would LET it exist.


Back where I used to live, there was a story I was told of this old fella who would NOT would NOT would NOT sell his little parcel of land to a big company who owned the land all 'round it and wanted his, wanted it bad. He refused for many many years, despite the increasing offers of money. Last I heard, he was still holding on to his home and his land. Unfortunately, I also heard that he's quite elderly and his son will, eventually, be the one to make decisions...and will likely sell. Blah.


Anyway. Why do you/people/we/etc allow a government (assuming it's gov) to do this sort of thing??



It's actually worse now as local gov. can allocate your property to a private company, the Kelo decision by the Supreme Court.

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Are you sure you want to buy your neighbor's property? It will butt right up to a highway, and may not be as nice as you'd like for that reason.


Well, it will connect to ours. If they move the highway over and miss us, it would miss this piece and we would have 6 acres to call our own. If they highway stays on course, they would buy all 6 acres from us as the property we want to buy is directly behind our house.

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Well, it will connect to ours. If they move the highway over and miss us, it would miss this piece and we would have 6 acres to call our own. If they highway stays on course, they would buy all 6 acres from us as the property we want to buy is directly behind our house.


I see--that makes sense. Sounds like a tough decision.

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I heard of this before, but it just flabbergasts me. The idea that they can just TAKE a home from someone - I mean, if a business wanted your land & house and you don't want to sell, even for a pretty penny, you don't. But the state can????? They can force you to leave your home like that??? Unbeleivable. I don't get it. What happened to respecting a person's rights to their own property? I don't care how much they offer a person - a home is so much more than what it cost. So you could have a home that you put your heart and soul into for many years, and they can just say "tough, get out." ....and toss a family out???? (Yeah yeah, pay them, but that's not my point!)


I dunno. Just shocked this exists. That people would LET it exist.


Back where I used to live, there was a story I was told of this old fella who would NOT would NOT would NOT sell his little parcel of land to a big company who owned the land all 'round it and wanted his, wanted it bad. He refused for many many years, despite the increasing offers of money. Last I heard, he was still holding on to his home and his land. Unfortunately, I also heard that he's quite elderly and his son will, eventually, be the one to make decisions...and will likely sell. Blah.


Anyway. Why do you/people/we/etc allow a government (assuming it's gov) to do this sort of thing??


I know of a case where people were forced to sell their house b/c a Walmart wanted to move in. The county(?) gov't forced them to sell, and at a lower price than what they *thought* they should have gotten. Their argument was that the property was valuable to Walmart. They lost. What used to be their house is now a parking lot.


And, to the OP...we recently fought the hard fight in order to keep a landfill out of our rural area. It took almost everyone in the county signing a petition, going to numerous meetings, people who have never spoken up before speaking before the Board of Appeals, and a court fight funded on our side by donations. By "our" I mean, I was one of the county residents who would, if the landfill came, live 1.5 miles away from it. I joined the grassroots effort, but was not involved in the "top" so to speak. I did speak up at meetings, however, and wrote letters upon letters upon letters. Our saving grace was we started prior to approval being granted. It took 3 years until the company finally cried uncle. If the landfill went in, we would not have wanted to live in our house, but would not have been able to sell it. If the highway is within spitting distance of your house, will you really want to live there? The noise, trash & fumes will not be fun.

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I haven't heard anything about this but I wish you the best of luck! I wouldn't want to buy or build on land right next to where the highway will be. Of course being in Michigan myself I know that funding is a problem at the state level so who knows how long it might take?

The best to you.

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I-95 keeps getting closer and closer. DH simply won't move, so I imagine that we'll eventually be forced to move (easier to move people out of condemned homes than the railroad right of way on the other side of the interstate). We just went through years of widening and interchange work - and now the High Occupancy Toll lanes are going in. DH is oblivious to the noise level, the dirt and the lowering property values - because of his OCD he won't/can't consider moving.... believe me I've tried.


You have my sympathy, but I've nothing to offer in the way of advice. I wouldn't buy the other property though.

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I heard of this before, but it just flabbergasts me. The idea that they can just TAKE a home from someone - I mean, if a business wanted your land & house and you don't want to sell, even for a pretty penny, you don't. But the state can????? They can force you to leave your home like that??? Unbeleivable. I don't get it. What happened to respecting a person's rights to their own property? I don't care how much they offer a person - a home is so much more than what it cost. So you could have a home that you put your heart and soul into for many years, and they can just say "tough, get out." ....and toss a family out???? (Yeah yeah, pay them, but that's not my point!)


I dunno. Just shocked this exists. That people would LET it exist.


Back where I used to live, there was a story I was told of this old fella who would NOT would NOT would NOT sell his little parcel of land to a big company who owned the land all 'round it and wanted his, wanted it bad. He refused for many many years, despite the increasing offers of money. Last I heard, he was still holding on to his home and his land. Unfortunately, I also heard that he's quite elderly and his son will, eventually, be the one to make decisions...and will likely sell. Blah.


Anyway. Why do you/people/we/etc allow a government (assuming it's gov) to do this sort of thing??


If eminent domain for public infrastructure shocks you, you may drop dead upon reading court decisions over last decade or so that extend eminent domain to what is essentially private development.

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If eminent domain for public infrastructure shocks you, you may drop dead upon reading court decisions over last decade or so that extend eminent domain to what is essentially private development.


It doesn't shock me, but it makes me sick. Seriously, eminent domain makes me physically nauseous.


Good luck with this situation. I would be very cautious about buying that other property. Let's say you buy it now, and it turns out you don't have to move but the highway comes close enough to your house to be disruptive. You will have a hard time selling that property. Many people who are out for 6 acres don't want to live on a highway.

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Don't wait! Talk to a lawyer NOW. Now is going to be the only chance you have to change anything. By the time it is finalized, it may be too late. Now is when they MIGHT be willing to change the construction plans...before it has been approved and they have gotten bids from contractors. Also, keep in mind that during construction, they will end up using MORE space than they have allotted for the road, for their trucks and port-a-potties, etc. I really would make a consult with a lawyer or two soon.


Good luck!


PS: When I use to tell people that I worked for the Right of Way section, they would always ask me what that section did...and I would say..."We are the section that takes homes from nice old ladies to build roads." Of course one time someone I worked with heard me and tattled..so I got into trouble.


I was just Admin so I did not technically work for the section..just did the Admin work for them.

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