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Inauguration Day poll

What are your plans today?  

  1. 1. What are your plans today?

    • We are watching it and doing a lesson about it
    • We will watch it but no lesson about it
    • We will watch some of it
    • We are not watching it

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Yesterday we watched an online documentary on the history of the inauguration, and talked about the order of events for today. This morning my ds came to wake me up at 8:45am (had a very late night with baby) and say "mom, the inauguration is going to start at 9 you have to get up." Currently he and dd0 are watching the events on tv, while I talk on here while getting the littles up and dressed for the day. As Canadians I didn't think they would be so into it, but the reality is history is being made today and they are old enough to witness and remember it.

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We aren't watching it. School as usual here today. For me it is no big deal. A person is being sworn in as president as have so many others before him. I'm trying not to get into all the hype about the first black man. I'd rather see what he is going to do as president then get on the bandwagon and celebrate his skin color.

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We are watching every single moment, and using a great lap-book project that I found for FREE on CurrClick.


My older dd, who would have normally been at school today, is home for a snow day! Yay! We were so bummed that we wouldn't be able to watch together, it all worked out.


The only problem is that for my youngest, the inauguration is having a hard time competing with the snow, and our Maine coon cat who is being allowed the rare treat of going out and playing!

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We watched it. It's living history for us. We don't agree with certain things, but, so what? It's amazing to see the people. To watch the emotions. To watch the poise. We watched just 45 minutes of walking through to take seats and the swearing in. I missed most of the speech because of a phone conference simultaneously. To imagine being inside certain people. To wonder what is going through their mind.

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