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Just wondering... Have any of your dc ever been injured during family "tackle time"?

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Usually, every night after dinner, dh & the dc have wrestle-mania in the livingroom. I'm usually in the kitchen cleaning up, trying to stay as far from the laughing, shrieking, howling, rough-housing, etc... Frequently, someone will come crying to me because their nose got bonked or hair got stepped on or some other minor scrape, but I'm always wondering when/if someone is going to end up with a broken bone or something!

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My boys love to roughhouse. After dinner they often engage dh in a game of roughhousing, or, their favorite "the tripping game". It brings all 6 of them so much joy. I try to bring some sense into it "um, if you do that you're probably going to get hurt", but I think it's like talking to a pile of puppies.

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I only have two girls so it doesnt get too violent over here LOL. But I'VE been the one whose gotten hurt. I was wresting with DD (then three years old) and her teeth got me in the nose.....HARD. I heard the crunch of the skin as the teeth broke the skin. EWWWW!!!!! I seriously thought it was broken or something like that. It was sore....with two perfectly carved teeth marks on the top.

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That reminds me of one evening when I was 10 and my dad threw my mom over the side of the couch. She knocked her top tooth out - clean out!! She was a waitress and always smiling and she had to wait several days for her tooth to be made and put in. She felt humiliated. Poor ol' dear momma.


One of my sons got tossed off his dad's back wrestling around in the living room and split the back of his head open on the window sill. It was about a 1 inch split. Yuck. I hate rough housing and don't allow it at all inside. The kids have to take it to the grassy front yard and even then I am a fussy mom over every bit of it.

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I have had to lay down the law on this one big time.


My dh and the kids absolutely LOVE wrestling. They do so on the bed or on an old mattress in the attic playroom. They all want it to be wild, crazy, with no holds barred. However, the kids were getting hurt sometimes (nothing ER worthy but still). For this I suggested restraint a few times before I pitched a screaming fit and ORDERED them to live by some common sense rules. Then the next concern was for dh--the kids were getting older and heavier, and I feared they would crack a rib sometime divebombing him. There again I set the rules firmly, but their father didn't want to have to live by those rules, so again I pitched a screaming fit and ORDERED them to live by some common sense rules.


I don't go postal on many things, and I do love to hear them enjoying each other so much, but it is important to me that they enjoy the wrestling without ending up in the ER.

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My dh isn't the tackling type....he has a bad back, and just isn't into roughhousing. HOWEVER, I have very good friends, who, when their oldest ds was about 6 had a wrestling match that ended up bad. Dad was wrestling with ds, had ds's legs between his, flipped over somehow the wrong direction and broke ds's leg.........ds yelling "you broke my leg!!! you broke my leg!!! wouldn't stand on it etc. but wasn't screaming in pain or anything, so they parked him on the couch to sort of wait and see, since there was no swelling or anything. THE NEXT DAY, he still wasn't volunteering to use it at all, but still no swelling, so df finally decided to take ds in. It ended up being a really bad spiral fracture of the shin bone, similar to what soccer players sometimes end up with. How to make parents feel like dirt, huh? But this kid has a really high pain tolerance. All that to say....yeah, you can get hurt wrestling around. Not too common, though. Cheers!


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No serious injuries here - just the usual bumps, bruises and (for me) ringing ears! :)


My boys adore their romp with Daddy and my husband is very good at gauging how far to go. If someone gets a serious injury then they may be on the sidelines for a few weeks but the romp will go on.


I think it is a very valuable formation as it teaches kids (especially boys) how to get all excited and het up but to still retain control. If my eldest goes too far the romp stops. I have really seen him grow in his self-control, especially when angry or upset. It also teaches them how to turn off that excitement and settle down.

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yup, ds5 has a head like a bowling ball, and often he gets laughing so hard he flings it backa dn I get hit in the face. The other times is usually because one of them caught my nail or something and got a scratch.


Of course we see as many injuries when we dance too, like when I was being a doofus last night "disco: dancing with dd and knocked the baby right over with my hip.

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This is such a sore point with me (rough-housing).


In GENERAL, when rough-housing with Daddy, injuries are minor. . .(*see note below)


However, boys can't seem to understand that rough-housing it ONLY to occur with Daddy, and when they rough house with each other the injuries are more serious. (Thankfully, though no ER trips due to them.)


Note: However, when my oldest was just 2 he and Daddy were rough-housing and resulted in my oldest losing a bottom tooth, and an emergency run to the dentist. If anything, it taught DH to be more careful while rough-housing. . .but I'm not so sure he actually learned that. No, on retrospect I think it was DS1 that learned not to get Daddy too riled. (And I believe he has passed on his wisdom to his brothers.)

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Border Collie used to get herself very very worked up with DH would wrestle with the boys!


I don't allow any rough housing inside EXCEPT the wrestle time with Daddy, which my boys absolutely adored. Now that they are 11, they really are too big, and I think DH is worried about getting hurt himself. He goes for runs a couple of times a week with one DS and plays tennis with the other, and that has to do. I don't remember anyone ever really getting hurt, but I had a "take it to Daddy" policy when someone thought he was hurt.

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My dad did this with me. Now My husband and my dad do it with my children. I'll even join in, if it's a tickle war or pillow fight :). My dad was a wrestler in high school and college he taught me a lot of things, that helped me to not be afraid to defend myself. Yeah, sometimes a child gets slightly injured, but nothing serious. I think if you ask your dc they would say it's worth the fun time they have with dad.

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