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If you really wanted Sonlight


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but absolutely could not afford it, what would you do as an alternative? We are secular, so I actually would prefer something nonChristian anyway, but I just absolutely drool over Sonlight's literature/history programs and read alouds. Is there a less expensive alternative? There is no way I can afford Sonlight, no matter what I try to juggle in our budget.

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I have used my own version of Sonlight on the cheap for years. I purchase a used IG (they hardly change from year to year) and buy the books almost exclusively used from the WTM board, ebay, Salvation Army, etc. Occasionally I can't find a book and I either skip it or substitute something else. The Sonlight reading schedule is quite heavy, especially if your kids are not huge readers, so I don't think it would be devistating if you skipped a book here and there.


I should mention that I only use the history portion of Sonlight, I have tried the scinec and LA, but have found there are much better products on the market for those subjects.



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Here are a few thoughts I have.


Could you use it as a book list for getting books out of the library and spend the money on the Instructors Manual?


Have you checked with Sonlight to see if you could arrange a payment plan spacing it out over the year?


What grade or core are you looking at? I may have some second hand that I found at the used bookstore.

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And about 80% of the books are borrowed from the library, inter-library loan, and friends. The books I did buy were almost all bought used, and over time. You don't need all of them at once, so it's possible to buy a few here and there. I keep a list of books I'm looking for in my wallet for when I'm near a used bookstore or curriculum sale (sometimes homeschool events have these). I got some from http://www.paperbackswap.com, although the Sonlight books are very popular there. I also use Border's coupons and buy some used books on Amazon and eBay, although I found that the best deals are found in person.


So I figure an average of $100 per core total with an IG, and we're on our sixth one now. If you use one of the two-year ones (i.e. Core 1 and then Core 2, or Core 3 and then Core 4), the second year is less expensive because you already have the spine.

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Here are a few thoughts I have.


Could you use it as a book list for getting books out of the library and spend the money on the Instructors Manual?




I am doing this and purchasing some used books also, this next times around. The first time I purchased everything directly from SL, very pricey. We will be doing SL Core and Science. Math and LA we follow WTM suggestions.

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In addition to the ideas of:

- using the library

- buying used


What about also:

- borrowing a Sonlight core (or even the manual) from a homeschooling friend

- buying/using together with another homeschool family/friends

- borrow from a homeschool group's library or resources

- asking for it (or money for it) as birthday or Christmas present from your parents, in-laws, siblings, friends with whom you trade gifts



We don't tend to use the manuals (I tend to like to pull together my own curriculum), but we *do* enjoy lots of Sonlight books, many of which are available from our local library, or are available used through local Good Will/used bookstores; garage sales; Amazon or other used book vendors; WTM and other homeschool swap boards. Twice in the past, with a fair amount of time and effort, I did pull together nearly complete Sonlight cores buying all used materials for about $200-250. I've also borrowed lots of homeschool materials (including Sonlight), and loaned Sonlight cores to other homeschooling friends.


BEST of luck in finding a workable solution! Warmly, Lori D.




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And about 80% of the books are borrowed from the library, inter-library loan, and friends. The books I did buy were almost all bought used, and over time. You don't need all of them at once, so it's possible to buy a few here and there. I keep a list of books I'm looking for in my wallet for when I'm near a used bookstore or curriculum sale (sometimes homeschool events have these). I got some from www.paperbackswap.com, although the Sonlight books are very popular there. I also use Border's coupons and buy some used books on Amazon and eBay, although I found that the best deals are found in person.


So I figure an average of $100 per core total with an IG, and we're on our sixth one now. If you use one of the two-year ones (i.e. Core 1 and then Core 2, or Core 3 and then Core 4), the second year is less expensive because you already have the spine.



Is the IG worth the $$? I wouldn't be doing the Bible portions, so I would be buying the Core IG just for History and Read Alouds.

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The Bible section of the IG is really only a small portion. I personally found it helpful because it was all laid out in the IG for me and in the later cores, it coordinates what they are reading with the history etc. That was too much to wrap my mind around on my own. I also did not use the Bible portion but just ignored those two lines. There are some great suggestions here. We did what everyone else has suggested and bought the IG from Sonlight (although used would have certainly been fine) and then put the rest together. The only snag with the library was that the book was not always available exactly when I wanted to I tried to purchase as much as I could used.

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It would depend on the SL IG if it's worth it to get the IG or not.


I spent $60 on SL IG 6 just to follow the history schedule and have the G. Foster notes - NOTHING else - we're not following the Bible, poetry, memorization, readers or read-alouds schedule or any other notes or maps (using SOTW AG for questions/maps & tests). I needed a schedule because I've learned that I get sidetracked with history. I like the G. Foster notes & read them aloud. It was worth it to me. We're are reading a few of the SL 6 literature.


You could get an IG for 2/3 the price of a new one or less. With the purchase of SL IG and the core history books you can get by with borrowing the rest at the library.

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I may buy the IG new, but you can often find it used. It just depends on how patient I am. :)


I buy most of my books at used bookstores. I also use Paperback Swap. I have to get on the waiting list for some books, but if they are not used until later in the year, I often get them in time.


If I can't find it used, I will either buy it new or just skip it.

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but absolutely could not afford it, what would you do as an alternative? We are secular, so I actually would prefer something nonChristian anyway, but I just absolutely drool over Sonlight's literature/history programs and read alouds. Is there a less expensive alternative? There is no way I can afford Sonlight, no matter what I try to juggle in our budget.


Well, I bought new cores this year for my girls. I do like the IG. I also think that going forward I could probably buy used cores fairly cheap. For Core 6, we already own the GF books and others so I don't know that it would be worth it for me to buy the core new. We'll see. Plus, I want to add in Human Odyssey and perhaps not do SOTW as my child will be in 7th grade. I think you could get a used IG anywhere from $25-35 and then get the books from interlibrary loan or paperback swap or used on WTM, etc. So, if I were in your shoes, first thing I'd do is find a used IG now and start gathering my books. I really think it's doable.


Good luck!



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Is the IG worth the $$? I wouldn't be doing the Bible portions, so I would be buying the Core IG just for History and Read Alouds.


To put it politely, the Sonlight folk's taste in Bible curriculum doesn't match mine, and we do pretty extensive family devotions every day which I prefer in both content and format. So I've never used that part at all.


The schedule keeps me sane, and the notes help me emphasize things that I would miss otherwise. I'm not one that has time and energy for planning anymore (we're former TOG users).

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FYI: there is a used core 2 w/ Language arts & science for sale on ebay right now. I have no affiliation to it whatsoever just thought I would mention it!


I am also really drawn to sonlight, but I like to make up my own curriculum for now. So far (we started hs-ing in September) I've made my own curriculum and used sonlight for guidance in read aloud selections. so far so good!



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If I was you I would buy a cheap used IG and try it out.


Personally I love the "idea" of sonlight, but it was just not as much of a perfect or even close fit for my children.


Also if you do try the used route, make sure you really keep tabs on how much you spend. I did not due this and by the time I rounded up the whole core used I payed more than if I bought it new.

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