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Can I just say that I'm relieved that it's all over. I'm ready to get back into the

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swing of things. I love the holidays, Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Year's, but the pressure I feel makes me dizzy. No one puts the pressure on me; I do it to myself. I'm glad it's over for now.


Does this make sense? Am I a wet blanket?


No I'm right there with you. I'm currently enjoying *my* Christmas present...a 4 day vacation with my sweetie to recouperate from the past 6 weeks. We had the Best Christmas Ever, but I feel like a professional event planner.



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Here here! I'm looking forward to "the old grind" as my mom called it.


Just one more thing before we start up again, my dh will put up a BIG HUGE white board in our school room. Yay!


Oh, yah, one more thing, our wedding anniversary is January 8th. It always gets downplayed because of the holidays. :crying:

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We are just about to the end of a two week Winter/Holiday break, and I have to say I needed it! I am ready and eager to get back to work. I have some exciting things planned for my two older children this spring. I think the next few months of school are going to be fun and productive.


Of course, once vacation ends, I may need to dissappear from here for a while. :grouphug:

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I am sooooo ready to go back to our usual schedule. I enjoy the time off and the holidays, as well. But, the kids start to get bored without our weekly swim/aikido/music classes. To much indoor time.


Now, I completely understand where my mother was coming from when she would get all cheerful when our Christmas vacation was over and it was time for us to return to school.

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I feel like I have been running nonstop since the birth of my baby Aug. 3!


Ds19 left for college and we had our anniversary Aug. 20.

Dd10's birthday is Aug. 23.

Ds5's birthday is Sept. 17.

Dh's birthday is Sept. 29.

The twins' birthday is Oct. 2.

Baby's baptism Oct. 11.

Ds19's birthday is Nov. 6.



New Year's.


Add to this caring for 4 dc 5 and under, one of them a newborn, and homeschooling 2 older dc. Oh, and NaNoWriMo in Nov. Yeah, I need a holiday break LOL! Thankfully, we have no more birthdays in our immediate family until mine in May. But 7 family birthdays in 3 months is a bit crazy!

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I love putting out all the decorations--and I mean *all* the decorations: stuff draped all over the bannisters and the fireplace mantle, Christmas books on all the tabletops (as if I'm going to have hoards of people browsing through my books--I'm the empty-nester, remember??), Dept. 56 Dickens Village figures in the china cabinet and on the buffet (necessitating storing the stuff usually in the china cabinet and on top of the buffet), Christmas-y liquid soaps and lotions in bathroom and kitchen (replacing the regular stuff), Christmas dishtowels, Christmas doormat and wreath, and of course, the Tree. Not to mention all my Christmas movies, which I watch repeatedly through the month.


And we put it all up Thanksgiving weekend.


Along about, oh, June or July I'll start thinking about Christmas, and by October I'll be chomping at the bit. But today, I'm all Christmased out. Last night Mr. Ellie and I watched the most un-Christmas movie we could think of: Galaxy Quest.:D

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I felt the same way when I had my babies home full-time. I was eager to get back to my life's work!


Now that they're in ps, I absolutely dread the return to the same old crap, day in and day out, where I'm helpless to focus my attentions on my own dc and can only help the greater good by making copies in the workroom at their school. (Poor me, I know!) I hold my breath until the school district is gracious enough to bestow upon us the next 3-day weekend. Fortunately, those occur quite frequently throughout the year, but thanks to 5' of snow just before the "Winter" Break, we'll have to use the next couple days off for snow make-up days.


:rant: OK, I'm good for now. I apologize for the sarcasm. Thanks for listening!

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I feel the opposite of the op... the daily grind is merciless to me... 8 children, 7 in ps, 1 homeschooled... the homework is incredibly time consuming. My only hope is to bring home another child to homeschool, which I might start doing... maybe add one more at home per semester... But, maybe not.


I really loved the break and just playing with the children. I got caught up on some household tasks that I never get a chance to get to during the school weeks.


My favorite memory this year is being at church for the Christmas choir... so peaceful. Taking time out to sit in peace. That is my #1 goal for this year... I want to look for beauty around me in my life to sit and admire and be quiet and have peace...


Because now it's time to find back packs, get the laundry caught up and give hair cuts and start the next semester.


But, I do know and appreciate your perspective. That was mine years ago when I homeschooled all the children and we were at the end of our summer break... getting back to our school schedule was a relief and the children behaved much better when they had that structure than in the summer of run here, run there, do this, do that...

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I'm looking forward to getting back into the saddle again also. And I alwasy say January is the most dangerous month of my schooling. I am a bit tired of current curriculum and methods, I start sniffing around for new things, and I start planning the coming school year. In January, all things are possible! I usually start by planning a 30 hour school day and then have to talk myself down to something more reasonable.


Regardless, I am so glad to return to the old rut!

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I'm looking forward to getting back into the saddle again also. And I alwasy say January is the most dangerous month of my schooling. I am a bit tired of current curriculum and methods, I start sniffing around for new things, and I start planning the coming school year. In January, all things are possible! I usually start by planning a 30 hour school day and then have to talk myself down to something more reasonable.


Regardless, I am so glad to return to the old rut!


:iagree: Uh-huh. Let the Mid-Winter Curriculum Obsession commence! 'Tis the season to sit back, put our feet up, sip our tea and go completely mad with planning. But at least I don't have to leave the house!

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